The one thing I didn't need right now was a new project, right?
It will have picot stitches (or something like that) on both sides, and it will go on my next corset cover.
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(italiano nei commenti)
I did it! I have a p.o. box!
It *only* took me three attempts, and of course you pay for the full year even if you only manage to get it after almost a month, and no, I'm absolutely not grumpy towards our postal service, why do you ask?
Oh, and I even managed to pay by card, rather than cash as they were trying to make me pay (because of course paying by card required additional hassles, I mean, it's not like they are mainly a money managing place, these days).
No, not grumpy at all!
But I have a p.o. box!
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@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @Fabio vista la provenienza media degli impiegati agli sportelli sospetto di no :D
più facile che contino come lingua straniera il siciliano (sul quale la mia unica obiezione è chiamarlo straniera, eh!)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
(per fortuna me ne sono accorta prima di versare l'acqua :D )
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@LaVi 📚🐈🕊️ @Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @ModestinoSycamore
loro dicono maltempo, io dico “scorte di acqua per il prossimo periodo di siccità”!
(ma la neve è piacevole anche subito per correrci in mezzo e simili)
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Un paio di sere fa ho postato questo articolo sulla siccità in #California.
Anche se c'è tanta acqua in superficie le falde sotterranee (quelle che servono quando c'è siccità) non si sono ancora riempite.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Hi everyone! We've got another Hack & Craft today at 14:00-16:00 ET (19:00-21:00 UTC).
These social events are a mix between a craft circle and a user group, so grab your current project and join us to chat about Free Software and Free Culture!
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Aaaaand I've published another #FreeSoftWear pattern that has been in the almost-ready limbo for a few months.…
The finished object picture is from a different item (made in a lighter gray) than the one in the step-by-step pictures, but I've kept the latter a bit overexposed to see the details, so it doesn't really show (also, my camera did odd things with the colour balance, which varies a bit between shots) :D
One day I will learn how to draw proper pattern drawings, but today's not the day.
I still have things in the backlog, but they all require a bit more work than these two.
@FreeSoftWear group #sewing @sewing group
(edit: added the url I had forgotten in the original post)
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ehm... maybe I should have added the actual URL :D
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please stop reposting art without attribution. I get that many artists aren't on the fediverse yet but the least you can do is link to their site or socials.
they need all the help they can get now that the tech industry is investing billions in suppressing their wages.
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And after sitting on it for something like two months I've published the pattern for my modern (it uses fancy stitches that weren't easily available on victorian age sewing machines such as zig-zag :D ) / vintage (it's based on something from when I was a child :D) nightgown.
It's still missing a worn finished object picture, but it's too cold to take it right now, and if I wait for them I will forget about publishing the pattern, so I'll add it later, hopefully in the spring.…
(Thanks to my mother for crocheting the yoke, I only did the sewing part on this)
#FreeSoftWear @FreeSoftWear group @sewing group #sewing #crochet
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Not a lot of people know that.
I would show you how, but it's time for my nap.
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic
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Tonight I was in a comics and games shop with @Diego Roversi when he uncharacteristically got something from one of the gaming shelves (I think it was the RPG shelf, but I'm not even sure) and announced “we're going to play with the protestants”.
My answer was “ok. what are the protestants playing?”, trying to look at what he had just taken.
And then I woke up.
And now I will NEVER know what the protestants are playing, or even WHO these protestants are!!!
⛧Satanist⛧ likes this.
I'm participating in the @fedora #creativefreedomsummit tomorrow!
I'll be doing a bonus Hack & Craft at 10am EST (15:00 UTC) followed by a talk about Free Soft Wear at 11:30am EST (16:30 UTC)
Creative Freedom Summit - Hosted by the Fedora Design Team
The conference dedicated to the features and benefits of Open Source creative tools. Be inspired and learn how you can enjoy more creative freedom!Creative Freedom Summit
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I strongly believe that amazon and their expectations of next day delivery has ruined the world, that having to plan your purchases in advance helps being mindful of what you buy (even if it also encourages having a stash, whoops) and creates a better environment where shops of all sizes (and with better treatment of their workers) can prosper in.
But the label “fast delivery” on something whose delivery is planned for THREE WEEKS after it has been bought is a joke, right? (and no, it's not an international delivery, it's from a huge multinational chain with 3 shops less than 100 km from where I live and the main nationwide warehouse less than 150 km from here)
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uhm, no, I don't think this result is really relevant to my search for pad stitching :D
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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I love co-op board games!
Some favourites:
Sub-Terra: You are a team of explorers trying to escape a collapsing cave full of eldritch horrors and you get a better score the more of you who get out
Magic Maze: You are robbing a magic mall of valuable items. Get in and get out without getting caught before the time runs out!
Need to entertain a child (or yourself)?
All 22 of Beatrix Potter's animal tales are public domain and available in beautifully formatted ebooks on Standard Ebooks:…
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I really think we need to reject the term "content creator."
That phrase is used by people who aim to Monetize™ us without needing to care about what it is we create. A "content creator" is there to make the stuff that attracts people so they can be fed advertising.
Call us what we are. Artists. Essayists. Film makers. Authors. Photographers. And so many others. We are creators, yes, but what we create has so much value beyond filling otherwise empty space on a website.
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DIY Weaving Loom From IKEA BEKVÄM Spice Rack
DIY Weaving Loom From IKEA BEKVÄM Spice Rack: This project shows you how to build a small loom for band weaving. It can be used with a rigid heddle or with tablets.Instructables
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I've just received what are nominally 170 hooks and eyes (different sizes and colours)
The fact that I'm postponing counting them individually until the late afternoon (because I have other things to do with a higher priority) is a clear sign that I'm evidently not a #vampire, right?
Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] likes this.
180 hooks and 181 eyes.
(everybody was waiting for the result, right? :D )
also, now I should fix the closure on my linen jacket, but it's linen, I'm not going to need it for a while yet, right? :D )
Sooooooo, I may have
a new game of Ur set
and uooops, while taking the photo one of the green pieces was misplaced, but I've played the game afterwards and it was there :D
I'm experimenting a bit with alternate shapes for the dice, the coin-like ones work decently, but they get mistaken for the main game pieces when getting the game out of the box, and they also roll around quite a bit.
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e oggi la giornata è iniziata in #posta, dove devo essere felice che mi abbiano detto subito che non potevano fare la pratica perché mancava l'impiegato che se ne occupa, anziché tenermi allo sportello per mezz'ora per poi dirmi di tornare alla mattina quando c'è l'impiegato che se ne occupa, come era successo settimana scorsa.
vogliamo scommettere che settimana prossima, quando mi han garantito che rientra, in realtà non sarà rientrato perché durante le ferie si è ammalato?
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Avvilente. Meritano l'estinzione.😢
Alfin Poste chiude la posta.
Secondo voi una società che si chiama “Poste Italiane” e che ha avuto per più di un secolo il monopolio della posta in Italia non avrebbe come “missione aziendale” ne…Paolo Redaelli
@Paolo Redaelli eh, il problema è che se si estinguono poi il servizio postale non lo fa più nessuno, neanche male.
e i corrieri non sono la stessa cosa.
"I don't think this Mastodon thing is going to work."
What, you mean the multitudes of server owners currently running this shit for free are gonna get tired of it?
Or maybe the server owners currently supported are gonna get tired of supporting a community of people and stop doing it?
Or the people who found home here?
See, that's something you'd say about Twitter because who is gonna pay for it, am I right?
This ain't going down like that.
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It's not like if someone doesn't pay the big Mastodon server bill it all breaks.
That's *one* server's problem.
"But what about the advertisers, how you gonna attract all the brands?"
We cut them OUT, don't you get it yet?
They are unnecessary. We're addicted. We'd do this shit for free. Hell we *are* (many of us) doing this for free.
You think I care that slightly fewer people are active today than were right after Musk proved for the 33rd time he's a nazi?
He'll prove he's a nazi again, more will come back.
There's a viable alternative now, that doesn't just go away, especially since WE pay for it.
sooooo, some time ago my mother bought a cut of silk satin fabric for a shawl/scarf/foulard and afterwards discovered it had some elastane in it, which makes it pretty hell to work with.
Of course I had to cut it to size, because she sews but is afraid to cut things, and that's fine, I knew it was going to happen.
But why is that cut of fabric currently in my lap, being hemmed by hand?
And while I like it, it's not really my style, so I'm probably not even going to steal it after it's finished.
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dico solo: mezzo panino di grano duro appena uscito dal forno, cren, svizzera di vitello, pasta spalmabile belga di mele/pere/lamponi, l'altra metà del panino.
niente foto, perché si sarebbe raffreddato :D
(la verdura era sedanorapa tritato, quindi a parte perché nel panino sarebbe andato per ogni dove)
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@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua @LaVi 📚🐈 :peacelink:
hamburgheria MammaDiValhalla (che prende il pane al panificio Valhalla) :D
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Today I was browsing through #fashionPlates from the #1890s as one does, and I stumbled on this…
(the linked plate has a depiction of a 1890s style dress in pale red fabric with blue/green/yellow lines forming *big* squares (~20 cm?); the skirt is typical for the era, the jacket has the expected big sleeves, plus a very triangular capelet and a skirt that reaches just past the hips and ends in two sharp points in the front. There is also a blue belt, and blue cuffs and collars. The model is also carrying a parasol that looks more like a pointy stick)
And now I can't stop thinking of that dress in grey/silvery lurex fabric, on a #1960s sci-fi spaceship.
If i didn't have more projects than time (many of which are also going to be used way more) I would consider doing this :D
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Oh gosh, I'm thinking of a whole cast for a a show or a film - doing 1890s fashion, but it's all in metallic or neon fabrics, maybe even UV colour-shift fabrics too (I'm sure a major production could get hold of that stuff again).
If people from that time got access to those fabrics you just know they'd have done it. Maybe with a lot more questionable colour combinations than now, but they'd absolutely have gone for metallic everything, glitter Lurex everything...
(On the one hand, it's always disappointed me a little that the RDR2 devs seem to have avoided or understated the main elements of 1890s women's fashion, but on the other I can see how it could've been a struggle to keep the giant sleeves from looking too comical in-game.)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
It begins.
I'm actually not sure whether I'll go fully #1890s with this jacket (with moderation :D) or I'll keep the sleeves fitting: I'll decide after I've sewed a mock-up.
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@MagdoLena9 lol, no, that would be too easy :D
I'm drafting them from period instructions, or rather I drafted them from period instructions in summer 2021, made one mockup and then put them on hold because I wasn't sure about the fabric to use and I had more urgent projects.
@MagdoLena9 don't hold your breath, it may go back to the wait list.
but one day a pair of cycling knickers will happen, and I will post about it :)
MagdoLena9 likes this.
@Rivikah the first mockup I did, after following the drafting instructions was pretty fitting.
For the second attempt I enlarged them (and then I didn't do the second mockup).
Now, they are below-the-knee length, so each leg is just above 80 cm long and it would probably fit on the fabric (there is some leeway because it's the leftovers from the jacket, it's not a straight cut).
The two leg sides for the wider version are not going to fit on the fabric side by side, but the original one may, maybe, possibly with a tiny bit of piecing, or by using the wiggle room.
I would have to be creative with the waistband, but I think I can get the various facings etc. from the jacket scraps, probably, maybe.
First I'll finish the jacket, so if disasters happen I have a safety net to recut pieces, and if I find I need something more for the accessories I can get it.
But afterwards, if I still have this much fabric, I can probably try it.
Unless I get other ideas.
MagdoLena9 likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Almost all of the fabric (main, lining, interfacings) has been cut.
Now I should be basting all pieces together with their interfacing and linings, but that requires being at the table, and this evening I'm attending… and need something to do in front of the computer, so I've started working on one of the plastrons, the one with soutache decorations.
And now I'm asking myself: why can't I accept a soutache decoration where the braid is placed on top of previous parts of the braid? why do I have to insist on it being a proper knot? :D
(there are pictures in the good camera. one day they will be copied to the computer and posted in this thread. this is not that day :) )
soil gremlin likes this.
no, vabbé, ma è trollare.
mi dai un link all'orario in pdf, e poi sulla pagina metti un tab COSTI con cui prima farsi venire un colpo e poi aprire per scoprire che no, lo si scarica gratis.…
Orario tascabile personale | FFS
Viaggi regolarmente su una determinata tratta? Allora l’orario tascabile personale è il tuo miglior compagno di viaggio.Ferrovie federali svizzere FFS (
LaVi likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
I highly recommend supporting the Standard Ebooks project. 📚
«Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces new editions of public domain ebooks that are lovingly formatted, open source, free of copyright restrictions, and free of cost.»
#standardebook #ebook #publicdomain #book #reading
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I started 20 years ago and that means… On 1st January, Samuel Pepys' diary will start for the third time!
Read the website (or RSS feed) or get it:
* Daily by email
* Through the day with @samuelpepys
* or samuelpepys on Twitter
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Oggi è duodì 12 nivoso 231, giorno dell'argilla.
Auguri a… @0ciX_reloaded che con l'argilla fa cose stufepacenti che dovete assolutamente vedere (meglio ancora se le comprate)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
For Christmas (actually it arrived in my hands on the evening of the 30th) I've received a very beautiful handcrafted #dipPen and yesterday I tried it.
The first surprise is that the nib (which they declare is a vintage one from the early 1900s) seems to be glued inside the pen. waitwhat? Don't they know that nibs get ruined with use and have to be changed?
Oh, well, I've tried it with my fancy nib test setup¹ and it's a beautiful fine/extrafine flexible nib that writes smoothly. Sadly I can't know which nib it is, but I guess that when it will get worn down I can try to pry it out and find out.
And then in the package there was a small bottle of black ink. That I tried with my fancy ink test setup² and was really horrible and hard to use even with a rigid nib, never mind the flexible one on the pen.
And ok, I get it that most people who buy a souvenir pen at a tourist attraction (like this one was) do so to keep it unused, but really, it's a pen, it's a tool! why can't they make a tiny bit of effort of making it usable for the few people who would want to actually try to use them³? It wouldn't take much, just a cheap off-brand german fountain pen ink (maybe they require too high a quantity to allow for rebranding? but there must be a solution that is still cheap)
This way they are going to spread the myth that writing was really hard in the past and we have to be thankful for having ballpoint pens (UGH), and discouraging young people who may have shown interest in writing with the tools that are actually nice to use!
And now, off to check whether that ink is usable on fancy paper, because this specific kit. WILL. BE. USED!⁴ :D
¹ a random scrap of paper and cheap but trustworthy Pelikan 4001 black ink.
² a consistent piece of the same printer paper (not fancy, but known to work decently with average liquid inks) and a variety of nibs (rigid extrafine, lettering, flexible)
³ I mean, other than the enthusiasts who are already well equipped with their own favourite inks, fancy paper and everything :D
⁴ At least the pen. the ink is probably not worth too much effort, except as much as I'm having fun being stubborn over it :D
Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] likes this.
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It's sounding like it might not even be proper fountain/dip pen ink at all.
Out of curiosity, what's the consistency like? What's it doing when you try to use it?
@Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] yeah, that's also what I'm suspecting, that they've taken a random cheap liquid ink and bottled that.
and it's very liquid, spreading out (and down to the other side) as soon as it gets close to the paper.
I told a fountain pen user friend of mine about this and he told me of an even worse story: his first *fountain pen* came with a bottle of ink. luckily the shop he bought it from knew what he was selling, and also gave him a bottle of cheap pelikan 4001 and the recommendation to never use the ink from the box, because it wasn't fountain pen ink. it was for dip pens only. The kind that will clog and ruin a fountain pen.
At least, if you put something inadequate in a kit with a dip pen you have to make a really huge effort to ruin it.
Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] likes this.
10 Image #CaptionTips from a transcriptionist:
1. Any words are better than nothing.
2. You don't need to say it's "a picture of…" screen readers will already say it's an image.
3. Start with the framing or format (i.e. close up, landscape, meme, text).
4. Think about the reason you're posting the pic and describe that first, add background details if you have time.
5. Pretend you're talking to someone on the phone and want to tell them about this cool thing you're looking at.
6. Transcribe any and all text in the image, even if it's the only thing you do.
7. If you've described the image in your post, you don't need to copy and paste it again in the caption. But again, don't leave it blank, just put something like "as described."
8. You can add small subjective notes, but don't give too much interpretation of the image in your own opinion.
9. Caption jokes are fun, as long as they still describe the image objectively.
10. Use punctuation, and capitalize words properly. A lot of us have interacted with this tech when calling customer service or talking to Siri, so keep in mind that you're writing for a computer to read, and it needs all the help it can get.
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Whew! Thank you all so much for the boosts, what an awesome community!
I'll take this opportunity to add clarification on some of my #CaptionTips:
2. The reason not to start with the words "image" or "picture" specifically is because the screen reader will announce it with those words, so it will sound like "image image of a cat." Not a big deal, just sounds a little odd. Instead, I suggest starting with the format (photograph, portrait, chart, Facebook screenshot, text, all of these are good!)
10. When a screen reader comes across a comma or period, it takes a little pause, to mimic natural speech. So just put commas and periods where you would naturally pause when speaking. And if you, like, use too many, it's better than not using enough. Capitalize after a period, then use caps sparingly. Capitals are read out letter by letter, so ask yourself if that's how you want them read.
Today I unexpectedly received a box of #ArtSupplies. I had sent the order on boxing day, expecting it to arrive next year, and I hadn't received any notification of it being sent.
Anyway, one of the things in the box is a big (A2) picture frame. I distinctly remember putting it in the chart months ago after carefully measuring *something* (possibly it was two or more matching somethings), so I kept it in the chart when ordering thinking “oh, well, while I wait for it to arrive I will see the thing(s) around the house and remember why I bought it”.
so... any suggestion on what was supposed to go into it? it's probably not something I painted, since I mostly do A6 or smaller, and it's definitely something that I already have.
YES! I've found what it was!
It wasn't two big things, it was 12 small things! the pages of a desktop calendar with cat drawings!
now I can sleep and not lie in bed thinking about it :D (ok, I don't think I would have done it. maybe. not the whole night, at least)
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Now, the real question is: does the Descriptivism flag that I keep waving have a specific shape, or everybody uses a different one as long as it has a few features among:
* rectangular in shape;
* made of shapes in bold distinctive colours;
* with a more complex design in the middle;
* insert other typical flag features here :D
Ma la vera domanda è: la bandiera Descrittivista che continuo a sventolare ha un disegno specifico, oppure ciascuno ne usa una diversa purché riporti alcune caratteristiche a scelta tra:
* ha forma rettangolare;
* è fatta di forme in colori distintivi;
* con uno stemma più complesso al centro;
* aggiungere qui altre caratteristiche tipiche delle bandiere :D
Now, the question is: is this Mazzini or Vetinari?
Picture taken at the Museo del Risorgimento, Milan
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Thank you - I’ll have a hunt through the site you recommended.
#SillyCuratorPrompts #WoobleWednesday
I didn't read the description, of course
OTOH, a voice in my mind has been saying “you can't comb a hairy ball” for the whole time it took me to paint this :D
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#mastoTip On the fediverse, nothing punishes you for adding links to your toots.
And you don't even need to shorten them: mastodon counts all links as if they had the same (small) number of characters, no matter how long it is.
So, if you're talking about something, *do* post a link to it, don't force people to google for it and hope they're getting the right result!
Some caveats.
* Check the rules of your instance: some of them don't allow links to proprietary social networks, or to commercial services, or they may have other custom restrictions.
* Speaking of commercial services, even if it doesn't violate the rules of your instance, if everything you do on the fediverse is posting spammy links to your own commercial service people will block you, but the usual practice in most parts of the fediverse is that sporadic links to your own commercial things among other things are fine, or even welcome if you are a small artisan selling the things they make or something similar.
* Some platforms may show a preview of the link, so please add CWs as appropriate.
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#mastoTip (pss, don't tell people about this, but you can also post a link to the permalink of a toot, hint, hint :D )
(there isn't anything technically wrong with that, but remember that the mods are human, and in most cases they will know if you're doing it with the intent to harm, and act accordingly)
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TIL: to find out what is attached to a device in /dev/
you can use:
udevadm info -q all -n /dev/<device_name>
especially useful for things like /dev/ttyACMx
if you connect more than one of them :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua • •rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua • • •rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •and now that I've tried on a mockup of the corset cover I'm thinking that maybe I won't actually need the crochet band on the neckline.
but maybe I could need it on the corset cover after that. actually, yes, I probably do.