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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈I think I know somebody else who could use that excuse :D

that's the new excuse for Deutsche Bahn: Service is interrupted due to a giant cat sleeping on the tracks.


I was luceting and suddenly my mother put To Tame a Land (Iron Maiden) on her phone, and my hands tried (and failed) to get into the rhythm of the song, and the rhythmic movement attracted a worm… er… and my hands stumbled because I'm not that good at luceting and I was trying to go too fast, and then my hands tried to pick up the rhythm again and… it was intense.

I need to train and try it again. But not this close to bedtime.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Stavo usando il lucet e senza preavviso mia madre ha messo To Tame a Land (degli Iron Maiden) sul telefono, e le mie mani hanno cercato (invano) di prendere il ritmo della canzone, e il movimento ritmico ha attirato un verme… volevo dire… e le mani hanno inciampato perché non sono *così* brava con il lucet, e stavo cercando di andare troppo veloce, e poi le mie mani hanno cercato di riprendere il ritmo e… è stato intenso.

Devo allenarmi e riprovarci. Ma non quando è ora di andare a dormire.

Oblomov reshared this.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

/me, walking in town> the only thing that annoys me about the rain is the way the traffic gets louder
@Diego Roversi > the only thing? what about wet and cold feet?
/me, wearing woolen socks and hiking boots> what wet feet?
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

/me, camminando verso il centro> l'unica cosa che da fastidio della pioggia è quanto il traffico diventi ancora più rumoroso
@Diego Roversi > l'unica? e i piedi che si bagnano e prendono freddo no?
/me, con addosso scarponcini da trekking e scarpe di lana> quali piedi che si bagnano?

Oblomov reshared this.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

The #sillyDream of tonight was finding and buying a #metal LP¹ from the band Iridium, titled of course Iridium, with a big *shiny* #FountainPen nib on the cover.

And now I have a voice in my mind that sings

♫ Iridium point / on a nib of steel / workers in a German plant / laying down iridium points ♫

to the tune of Medieval Steel (by Medieval Steel, from the EP Medieval Steel, of course)

¹ or maybe it was an EP? something round, 12 inches in diameter, and in a square cardboard sleeve anyway :)

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Gattone comasco se ne va a zonzo, piantando i propri bipedi umani nella disperazione. E io mi gioco ancora la carta del #PersoETrovato che più volte ha funzionato.
Confido in voi e nel vostro prezioso passaparola. Grazie!

#CercoTrovo #mastodonperilsociale #mastodoncats #gattidimastodon

in reply to LaVi

Ho come l'idea che cercare di "bloccare" quel gattone possa essere controproducente.
Unknown parent rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua magari invece se vede un umano che gli parla in gatto si avvicina spontaneamente e si fa anche prendere in braccio

meglio ancora se l'umano parla in gatto *e* offre un tributo in croccantini, ovviamente

#sewing update

the drawers have been finished. I haven't worn them yet.

the binding on the bottom of the #AugustaStays is done, that on the top is almost all attached, and then I need to sew it to the back. I'm procrastinating the cutting of the lining.

I've cut and started hemming the shoulder sack / marked bag. Wait, have I just started a new #handsewing project before finishing the ones in progress? Who does that kind of things (me. the answer is me. :D )

this morning I finished the last machine seams on the denim vest and attached the buttons, I need to to the buttonholes and then it's wearable.

the pieces for the shift have been cut, except for the fact that the side gores are still attached to the main body. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to sew everything together (and that may change the exact size of the gores).

And I've realized that I've probably done one of the seams of the drawers wrong¹: I can fix the instructions I'm writing, but then they won't have a picture of that step until I do another pair of drawers. it will have to be.

¹ as in: perfectly serviceable, but not the way the book I was following probably intended.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Today we could see the yellow ball in the sky!

So in the afternoon I went on a frenzy of doing part of a seam, taking pictures, then doing another bit of a seam elsewhere, more pictures, rinse, repeat on the shift.

I hope I have enough half-done seams (and repeats of the same seam in a symmetric position) for the next few days of rain :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Oggi si vedeva la palla gialla nel cielo!

Quindi nel pomeriggio ci ho dato dentro nel cucire una parte di una cucitura, fare foto, fare un altro pezzo di cucitura da un'altra parte, ulteriore foto, eccetera eccetera sulla sottoveste.

Spero di aver abbastanza cuciture a metà (e ripetizioni della stessa cucitura in una posizione simmetrica) per i prossimi giorni di pioggia :)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

time required to carefully measure and pleat two sleeves: X¹

time required to:

a) pin an approximation of the pleating pattern on half of one sleeve, to see whether it fits
b) make a custom pleating board with a precise version of said pleating pattern
c) pleat two sleeves using said pleating board

probably at least 4 × X, if not more.

Can you guess which option I've just chosen?

Can you guess that I'm a programmer? :D

¹ I don't know exactly know how much it would be, but I'd estimate a few tens of minutes

#sewing #prematureOptimization

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

tempo necessario per misurare con precisione ed effettuare delle pieghe su due maniche: X¹

tempo necessario per:

a) appuntire in modo approssimativo le pieghe su metà di una manica per verificare che la misura sia corretta
b) realizzare un ausilio per pieghe su misura con la versione precisa di quello schema di piegatura
c) piegare le due maniche usando il suddetto ausilio

probabilmente almeno 4 × X, se non di più.

Si indovina facilmente cosa ho scelto di fare?

Si capisce che sono un programmatore, vero?

¹ non so con precisione quanto sia, ma stimerei qualche decina di minuti

#cucito #ottimizzazionePrematura

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

And I've just realized that if I had done one of the seams in a slightly different way it would have been more accurate to the description in the book.

I've changed the instructions I'm writing.

Do I want to unpick the seam and do it again to take pictures?

#sewing #historicalSewing

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

E mi sono appena resa conto che facendo una delle cuciture in un modo leggermente differente sarebbe stato più accurato rispetto alla descrizione data nel libro.

Ho corretto le istruzioni che sto scrivendo.

Ho voglia di disfare la cucitura e rifarla per fare foto?

#cucito #cucitoStorico

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

the custom pleating board was in the wrong size. It results in pleats that aren't deep enough to manage all of the fullness.

I could measure directly on the fabric, or I could use the second half of the poster paper sheet and make another one.

On a more positive note: the vest is wearable (not done. I have ideas.), and one half of the top binding of the #AugustaStays is done, and I'm on the way to finish the other half!


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

l'ausilio di piegatura era della misura sbagliata. Fa delle pieghe che non sono abbastanza profonde per gestire tutta l'abbondanza di stoffa.

Potrei misurare le pieghe direttamente sulla stoffa, oppure potrei usare la seconda metà del foglio di carta da poster per farne un'altro.

Passando alle buone notizie: il gilet è indossabile (non finito. ho idee.) e metà dei margini delle Augusta Stays sono finiti, e sono ad un buon punto con l'altra metà!


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Se hai bisogno di carta 70×100 fai un giro per le varie sedi di partito: saranno felicissimi di regalarti rotoli di manifesti obsoleti.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua eh, ma per stirarci sopra stoffa bianca (e anche abbastanza trasparente) è meglio se non è ancora stampata, prima che con il caldo e il vapore si trasferisca qualche pezzo della stessa.

e poi dovrei andare tipo nella sede della lega? quelli che mettono in giro manifesti (e che spediscono volantini cartacei) qui da noi sono loro…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

binding done!

I should really cut the lining pieces now

(instead I'm currently hemming the market bag)

#sewing #AugustaStays

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

margini rifiniti!

adesso è decisamente ora di tagliare la fodera

(invece sto facendo l'orlo della market bag)


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The second attempt at a custom pleating board worked just fine, I'm currently working on the sleeves of the shift.

I still haven't cut the lining pieces for the #AugustaStays

And I've made myself a new sashiko thimble, and patched the old one which was failing, because I'm using it on the market bag (and will need to use it for the next task in the “40s underwear” project)

Not historically accurate, I know. But much faster, and gives exactly the same result.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Il secondo tentativo di ausilio di piegatura ha funzionato perfettamente, sto lavorando alle maniche della sottoveste.

E ancora non ho tagliato la fodera delle Augusta Stays.

Però mi son fatta un nuovo ditale per sashiko, e riparato quello vecchio che si stava bucando, perché lo sto usando per la market bag (e lo userò nel prossimo pezzo per il progetto “biancheria anni 40”)

La tecnica non è storicamente accurata. Ma si cuce molto più rapidamente, e il risultato è esattamente lo stesso.

Unknown parent rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Carlo Ricchiardi @rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua la lettiera non è compostabile?

il manifesto di salvini credo che vada nell'indifferenziato, e poi ti fa alzare il prezzo della tassa dei rifiuti

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

yesterday evening there was a salamino on the dinner table.

apparently, one grain of pepper from it ended up on the bread.

the same bread I had this morning for breakfast.

in the last bit of bread I was having.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Io stamattina ho versato dell'acqua a @CodroipoBehemoth in un bicchiere che pensavo fosse pulito, invece aveva residui di vermut bianco sul fondo.
La(L)colazione dei campioni

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Hey #knitting folks: what books/resources do you recommend for making clothing items based on your measurements, and then using gauge in your chosen yarn/stitch from there? Any type of garment or accessory is fine, but bonus points if you know of something that guides you on making tights/stockings (leggings with feet?)

Thanks in advance, everyone!

in reply to Ashley Reynolds

@Ashley Reynolds This is the first sock pattern I've ever used and has been my sock pattern since then, some times extended up the leg by taking measurements and winging it :)

however it's just a socks pattern, afaik most other things on the site are regular knitting patterns with precalculated numbers

in reply to Ashley Reynolds

I know that Cat Bordhi published something that describes sizing socks in great detail, particularly to different size/shape feet. Almost too much detail because socks will shape themselves to your feet if they're roughly the right sort of size. She talks about measuring all sorts of parts of a foot, sole, insole etc, so very detailed.
Unfortunately I don't remember which book. She also invented the sweet tomato heel, my favourite. Very smooth, easy to do.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

no, un momento. siamo al 24 febbraio.

perché sta facendo un temporale *estivo* con grandine?


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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Jeans, step one

Posted on February 19, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear
CW for body size change mentions

A woman wearing a pair of tight jeans.

Just like the corset, I also needed a new pair of jeans.

Back when my body size changed drastically of course my jeans no longer fit. While I was waiting for my size to stabilize I kept wearing them with a somewhat tight belt, but it was ugly and somewhat uncomfortable.

When I had stopped changing a lot I tried to buy new ones in the same model, and found out that I was too thin for the menswear jeans of that shop. I could have gone back to wearing women’s jeans, but I didn’t want to have to deal with the crappy fabric and short pockets, so I basically spent a few years wearing mostly skirts, and oversized jeans when I really needed trousers.

Meanwhile, I had drafted a jeans pattern for my SO, which we had planned to make in technical fabric, but ended up being made in a cotton-wool mystery mix for winter and in linen-cotton for summer, and the technical fabric version was no longer needed (yay for natural fibres!)

It was clear what the solution to my jeans problems would have been, I just had to stop getting distracted by other projects and draft a new pattern using a womanswear block instead of a menswear one.

Which, in January 2024 I finally did, and I believe it took a bit less time than the previous one, even if it had all of the same fiddly pieces.

I already had a cut of the same cotton-linen I had used for my SO, except in black, and used it to make the pair this post is about.

The parametric pattern is of course online, as #FreeSoftWear, at the usual place. This time it was faster, since I didn’t have to write step-by-step instructions, as they are exactly the same as the other pattern.

Same as above, from the back, with the crotch seam pulling a bit. A faint decoration can be seen on the pockets, with the line art version of the logo seen on this blog.

Making also went smoothly, and the result was fitting. Very fitting. A big too fitting, and the standard bum adjustment of the back was just enough for what apparently still qualifies as a big bum, so I adjusted the pattern to be able to add a custom amount of ease in a few places.

But at least I had a pair of jeans-shaped trousers that fit!

Except, at 200 g/m² I can’t say that fabric is the proper weight for a pair of trousers, and I may have looked around online1 for some denim, and, well, it’s 2024, so my no-fabric-buy 2023 has not been broken, right?

Let us just say that there may be other jeans-related posts in the near future.

  1. I had already asked years ago for denim at my local fabric shops, but they don’t have the proper, sturdy, type I was looking for.↩︎

Oblomov reshared this.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Since this month, we have the piracy museum/collection in-house. Around 2000 illegal disks and cassette tapes with movies, software, and music. The stories behind brands like Twilight, Crazy Bytes, WinWarez, Braun MTV Charts, and Moviebox are now shared in the music, as well as the hunt from the copyright authority to stop this. It's a piece of culture and fits right in the museum! #HomeComputerMuseum #retro #museum

kamikat ha ricondiviso questo.

I haven't finished my Augusta stays yet.

The Cassandra Stays pattern has been released.

what is going to happen?

#sewing #HistoricalSewing

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Non ho ancora finito le mie Augusta stays

È uscito il cartamodello delle Cassandra stays

che cosa succederà adesso?

#cucito #cucitoStorico

TFW it's the last day of carnival, and as you get dressed with your perfectly normal dress to go outside for mundane reasons you worry that people may ask you what you're dressed as

(which is not a big problem, as long as they don't decide that I'm dressed as something and so I'm fair game for being covered in nasty plastic foam from a can)


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Years and years ago I was as myself, in my normal everyday clothes, minding my own business, on a railway station and one stranger came and asked me what anime character I was dressed as.
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Uriel Fanelli @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 più che altro il burlesque tende ad essere una versione eroticizzata degli anni 50, che non necessariamente coincide con lo stile con chi indossa abbigliamento vintage nella vita di tutti i giorni

Avviso contenuto: dream, earworm

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avviso contenuto: dream, earworm

Unknown parent rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Fabio non so, puoi provare bevendo un crodino :D

And with the jeans almost¹ done, I've cut a vest out of the leftovers, using a block² from a victorian manual (that I want to check for fit), but to be made with no regard for historical accuracy.

I've also cut three (3) small pockets, to test their positions and size, but I'm not going to do welt pockets on jeans, I'm also going for a simpler method for those.

¹ one pair fully done and worn yesterday for the whole day with success, the other pair is still missing some handsewing and the belt loops


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Avendo quasi¹ finito i jeans, ho tagliato un gilet dalla stoffa rimanente, usando un modello base² da un manuale dell'ottocento (del quale voglio controllare le misure), ma realizzato senza la minima attenzione all'accuratezza storica.

Ho anche tagliato tre (3) taschini, per provare le posizioni e dimensioni, ma mi rifiuto di fare una tasca profilata sul jeans, userò un metodo più semplice.

¹ un paio completato ed indossato ieri tutto il giorno con successo, all'altro paio mancano ancora delle rifiniture a mano e i passanti.


Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode velcro. is. evil.

I don't think that there is really a way to make sewing it non-painful (but maybe somebody else knows one?)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

To celebrate Conversations being back on the Play Store and to deny Google their 15% cut I made the app free for the next ~48 hours. 😜

If you are new here: Check out #XMPP. It's federated, provider and vendor independent instant messaging. It’s great!

Or get it from #fdroid - That version even has address book integration and public channel discovery! 😂

Unknown parent

Tomato :BlobhajHugFullBody:
that worked, thanks
in reply to Daniel Gultsch

Or get it from #fdroid - That version even has address book integration and public channel discovery! 😂


Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Titoli delle voci su #Wikipedia >> Google Translate

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I just got an amber alert with a link that redirected to twitter and I would just really love it for governments to not base public information systems on the flimsiest chain of adversarial platforms imaginable

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I think people who write concise posts they want to go viral never actually want replies.

So why not create a social media that doesn't have a reply feature, just people posting and sharing is they want to?

It could be a platform full of viral-wannabe bores, all lumped together.

Me, I want replies.

Unless they go on too long and I can't be bothered to read them.

in reply to Lydia Conwell

@Lydia Conwell :mastodon: @Diego Roversi lately a lot of the blog I'm reading are using static site generators and skipping the comment section (and a few other ones are in the same situation, but using a fediverse thread as their comment section)

After years of sewing together this morning my sewing machine told me her name!

It happened while she was going through too-many-to-count layers of denim while hemming over a flat felled seam.

I supposed I should respect her privacy and avoid telling which name it is to everybody on the internet.

#sewing #sewingPeopleThings

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

sei sicura che fosse il suo nome e un neanche troppo velato insulto? 😁
in reply to Vi 💙

@Vi 💙 no, no, era un nome, non funziona come insulto

di solito quando mi vuole insultare si rompono gli aghi, e questa volta non è successo (per ora, non ho ancora finito i jeans :D )

A bit of a #sewing update.

Last weekend I was sewing the Augusta Stays, but I knew that while watching fosdem videos I could get to a point where I needed to do a fit test, which is not really compatible with fosdem, so I got ready for it by cutting a new top for myself in cotton voile, like the one at but with a bit more fullness and an attempt to give a ruffle look to the neckline and cuffs.

I started sewing on Sunday afternoon, and during the week it has progressed nicely, I've now reached the approximately 10 km seams around the neck (then there will be 5 km of seams around the cuffs, and it's done, I have already hemmed the bottom.

However, this meant that I procrastinated starting the binding on the stays. I hope that next week I'll find the courage to do them.

On the machine-sewing side, instead, I've been working on the jeans, but there were a couple of days when they just weren't working, so I stopped and did something else, and they are still stuck with the front and back assembled, and they need to be sewn together, and then finished with the waistband and hems. Next week, too.

OTOH, on the living room table there is now the last bit of elastic denim leftover with a pattern for a vest on top: it's a block from a victorian book, but I'm going to make it very simple, as a sort of wearable mockup for the pattern block.
I'm not going to actually cut it until I've finished the jeans, so that I'm 100% sure I don't need any more pieces for them, because the vest will use most of the usable leftovers.

Oh, and the distractions when stuff wasn't working involved reading the Workwoman's Guide and taking notes for more handsewing stuff for the near future. A hint on what may be had by looking at my openclipart account :)

Basically, I didn't do what I had planned to do, but it still wasn't that bad of a week.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Un aggiornamento sul #cucito.

Lo scorso weekend stavo cucendo le Augusta Stays, ma sospettavo che guardando i video del fosdem sarei arrivata ad un punto in cui serviva una prova, che non è molto compatibile col weekend del fosdem, per cui mi sono portata avanti tagliando una nuova camicetta in voile di cotone, tipo ma con volant su collo e polsi.

Ho iniziato a cucirlo domenica pomeriggio e nel corso della settimana è andato avanti, adesso sono al punto in cui devo fare circa 10 km di cuciture sul collo e poi circa 5 km sui polsini, e a quel punto è finito (ho già fatto l'orlo sul fondo).

La cosa però ha comportato il procrastinare il rifinire gli orli delle stays, spero settimana prossima di trovare il coraggio.

Quanto al cucito a macchina, stavo lavorando sui jeans, ma ci sono stati un paio di giorni in cui le cose non funzionavano, per cui mi son fermata e ho fatto altro, e sono ancora fermi al punto in cui i davanti e i dietro sono assemblati, ma vanno cuciti assieme, e poi mancano cinturini e rifiniture tipo orli. Settimana prossima.

D'altra parte, sul tavolo della sala c'è l'ultimo pezzo di jeans elasticizzato con sopra un cartamodello per un gilet: è un modello preso da un libro vittoriano, ma ho intenzione di realizzarlo in modo molto semplice, come mockup indossabilke per il cartamodello.
Prima di tagliarlo però voglio aver finito i jeans ed essere 100% sicura di non aver bisogno di altri pezzi, perché con il gilé userei la maggior parte dei ritagli di dimensioni significative.

Oh, e tra le distrazioni di quando le cose non funzionavano c'è stato leggere la Workwoman's Guide e prendere appunti per altre cose da cucire a mano nel prossimo futuro. Un indizio su cosa potrebbe essere sul mio account openclipart :)

Fondamentalmente, non ho fatto quello che mi ero ripromessa di fare, ma tutto sommato non è stata una cattiva settimana.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

The top is finished!

(don't mind the fichu-like scarf which may or may not be there to cover the thermal underwear I was wearing under the top)

And I've also had @Diego Roversi take pictures of most of the jeans, so that in the next couple of weeks or so I can hopefully finish and publish the blog posts for them.

As for binding the stays. we don't talk about binding the stays :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

La camicetta è finita.

(ignorate la sciarpa che potrebbe essere stata infilata a coprire la maglietta termica che stavo indossando sotto alla camicetta)

@Diego Roversi si è anche prestato per fare foto alla maggior parte dei jeans, per cui nelle prossime settimane spero di riuscire a finire e pubblicare i post relativi sul blog.

Quanto agli orli delle stays, quali orli delle stays?

giarminio reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

two tabs of the stays have been half bound (i.e. I've sewn the tape from the front, not yet from the back).

tooManyToCount remaining

#sewing #AugustaStays

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

due cosi¹ delle stays sono stati mezzi-ricoperti (ovvero ho cucito la fettuccia sul davanti, non ancora sul retro).

ne mancano… TroppiPerEssereContati

¹ termine preciso di sartoria storica, eh :D

#cucito #cucitoAMano

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

all of the bottom edge of the stays have been half bound.

I hope that sewing the tape from the back will be less fiddly than doing the first seam on the front (I hope), and then there is the top edge, which is significantly longer, but also much easier (I hope)

#sewing #AugustaStays

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Tutto l'orlo inferiore delle stays è stato rinifito a metà.

Spero che cucire la fettuccia sul retro sia meno incasinato della prima cucitura sul davanti (spero), e poi c'è l'orlo superiore, che è decisamente più lungo, ma dovrebbe essere anche più facile (spero).


Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

One interesting feature of RSS that people don't talk about is accessibility.
If your site has RSS, people can view and interact with your site via an RSS reader, which may include accessibility features that your site does not.
For instance, maybe the RSS reader has a dark mode that your website lacks.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

I've just realized it is indeed the passengers' fault if the trains are late.

You see, a few days ago @Diego Roversi forgot his book home, and the train was quite late. Evidently the train is late when at least one of the passengers does so.

So, if every passenger took care to bring their own book to read while on the train, the trains wouldn't be late anymore!


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Mi sono appena resa conto che è effettivamente colpa dei passeggeri se i treni sono in ritardo.

Qualche giorno fa @Diego Roversi si è dimenticato il libro a casa, e il treno era in discreto ritardo. Evidentemente il treno è in ritardo quando almeno uno dei passeggeri lo fa.

Quindi, se tutti i passeggeri facessero attenzione e si portassero un libro da leggere quando sono sul treno, i treni non sarebbero più in ritardo!

#erroriDiLogicaMaSonPiùDivertentiDellaLogica #trenò

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

semi-serious web proposal: any essential web service must support the Lynx web browser with equivalent functionality

edit: for those who don't know, Lynx is a text-only web browser with no Javascript support

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The #jeans saga continues.

Yesterday I started to cut the other denim I have bought, the one that is a bit heavier (385 g/m² instead of 355 g/m²) but also has some elastane in it (everything else is cotton, that part was not negotiable), and I decided to cut pieces for two pair of jeans rather than just one, with the two waistband variants (straight, where I add elastic to the sides and back, and shaped).

And now I can work almost assembly-line style on them, and see how long it takes me to finish two pairs.

And then my jeans situation should be fine, and I shouldn't need to make jeans for myself for some time.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode (and since I'm running magic lantern on the camera I've just checked, but I don't think that it has a module to add syncthing support, even if I had a camera with wifi hardware)

(I could play arkanoid on it, however :D )

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode yeah, my smartphone is a pinephone, it's camera situation is, let's say, suboptimal :D

OTOH, it can run git annex (which is what I use on the pc and elsewhere to sync pictures and other files)

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I really don't get why people spend literal thousands on a single item of clothing (sometimes it's even made of polyester). I mean I get that it's a status symbol but how about instead of spending £000s on something off the shelf you pay less than that to get the exact same thing custom made by a local sewist. It would be cheaper, fit you better and you know the conditions it was made in. Also custom made is a status symbol too.

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in reply to BridgeMakes⚪

I suspect you're not looking for an answer, however, since I don't know any local dressmakers, but I run into stuff being advertised to me, I suspect one is easier than the other.
in reply to Kibrika

@kibrika ok but counterpoint. If you have a couple grand to spend on Balenciaga then you have the money to go to a city like New York or Paris and get something made.

One silver lining of remoting #fosdem is that it's much easier to deal with an unwieldy productive fidget device (such as, I don't know, sewing a pair of stays that already has bones in it) when changing rooms only involves an mpv command instead of running between buildings in the rain, wind, snow, sun (all at the same time) :D
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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

una cosa che consola del fatto che si sta partecipando a fosdem da remoto è che è molto più facile gestire un coso fidgettoso per concentrarsi produttivo scomodo da gestire (chessò, a puro esempio cucire un corsetto del 1700 in cui sono già state infilate le stecche) quando cambiare stanza vuol dire un comando di mpv anziché correre tra gli edifici sotto la pioggia, vento, neve, sole (tutti assieme) :D

Oblomov reshared this.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Saw a meme and decided it needed a 4x4 taking it to the furthest extreme

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in reply to Erty

Looks to me like Murphy understands the other ones pretty damn well...
in reply to Erty

ok, ok, but in the spirit of the original law, shouldn't murphy's razor be "anything that can be complicated, will be complicated"?

@Diego Roversi has just said that he prefers my diet-mode festive bread (a baguette dough with no fats) with raisins and candied citrus peels to the panettone with sugar glaze he was gifted at $DAY_JOB.

And I mean, it is good enough, but wow

#baking #bread

Food & Drink Feed reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Diego Roversi also, I'm absolutely not singing “Lucifer's Raisins” on the tune of the obvious Candlemass song every time I steal one of the burnt raisins from the top of the bread.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@Diego Roversi ah, e comunque non sto assolutamente canticchiando “Lucifer's Raisins” sull'ovvia canzone dei Candlemass tutte le volte che rubo un'uvetta bruciata da sopra il pane.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

btw, the reason why I'm making this is that tomorrow it's Saint Blaise's day, and there is a tradition in this area to eat panettone that has been kept over from Christmas on that day.

My bread has been made fresh (it wouldn't have kept for over a month), but the candied citruses are leftovers from the same bread I made at Christmas, so that counts, right?

(oh, and we didn't start eating the one for tomorrow, there was a bit of extra dough and I accidentally made another smaller loaf :D)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

il motivo per cui sto facendo questa cosa è che domani è san Biagio, e da queste parti c'è una tradizione di mangiare quel giorno una parte del panettone di natale che è stata messa da parte.

Il pane è stato fatto fresco (non si sarebbe conservato per più di un mese), ma i canditi sono avanzi dallo stesso pane che ho fatto a Natale, quindi conta, giusto?

(ah, e non abbiamo aperto quello di domani, è che c'era un po di impasto in più e mi è capitato accidentalmente di farne uno aggiuntivo :D)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode @Diego Roversi right, I was thinking Candlemass the band, not Candlemass the day, which I should have done, yesterday :D

the song is called Lucifer Rising, but with raisins it's funnier

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

When you're announcing a new version of some software, please, pretty please, always include a sentence describing what it's for. No need to go into all the details, but even a few words would help.

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in reply to Lars Wirzenius Lars Wirzenius ha ricondiviso questo.

If you have a webpage for your product, and the first thing anyone sees on the main page isn't a short description of what the thing is/does, that's wrong too. And if that's buried deep within some non-obvious "mystery meat" menu system, that's triply wrong.

FLOX Advocate reshared this.

Macrame Bookbag

Posted on January 31, 2024
Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:macrame
a macrame bag in ~3 mm ecru yarn, with very irregular knots of different types, holding a book with a blue cover. The bottom part has a rigid single layer triangle and a fringe.

In late 2022 I prepared a batch of drawstring backpacks in cotton as reusable wrappers for Christmas gifts; however I didn’t know what cord to use, didn’t want to use paracord, and couldn’t find anything that looked right in the local shops.

With Christmas getting dangerously closer, I visited a craft materials website for unrelated reasons, found out that they sold macrame cords, and panic-bought a few types in the hope that at least one would work for the backpacks.

I got lucky, and my first choice fitted just fine, and I was able to finish the backpacks in time for the holidays.

And then I had a box full of macrame cords in various sizes and types that weren’t the best match for the drawstring in a backpack, and no real use for them.

I don’t think I had ever done macrame, but I have made friendship bracelets in primary school, and a few Friendship Bracelets, But For Real Men So We Call Them Survival Bracelets(TM) more recently, so I didn’t bother reading instructions or tutorials online, I just grabbed the Ashley Book of Knots to refresh myself on the knots used, and decided to make myself a small bag for an A6 book.

I choose one of the thin, ~3 mm cords, Tre Sfere Macramé Barbante, of which there was plenty, so that I could stumble around with no real plan.

A loop of four cords, with a handle made of square knots that keeps it together.

I started by looping 5 m of cord, making iirc 2 rounds of a loop about the right size to go around the book with a bit of ease, then used the ends as filler cords for a handle, wrapped them around the loop and worked square knots all over them to make a handle.

Then I cut the rest of the cord into 40 pieces, each 4 m long, because I had no idea how much I was going to need (spoiler: I successfully got it wrong :D )

I joined the cords to the handle with lark head knots, 20 per side, and then I started knotting without a plan or anything, alternating between hitches and square knots, sometimes close together and sometimes leaving some free cord between them.

And apparently I also completely forgot to take in-progress pictures.

I kept working on this for a few months, knotting a row or two now and then, until the bag was long enough for the book, then I closed the bottom by taking one cord from the front and the corresponding on the back, knotting them together (I don’t remember how) and finally I made a rigid triangle of tight square knots with all of the cords, progressively leaving out a cord from each side, and cutting it in a fringe.

I then measured the remaining cords, and saw that the shortest ones were about a meter long, but the longest ones were up to 3 meters, I could have cut them much shorter at the beginning (and maybe added a couple more cords). The leftovers will be used, in some way.

And then I postponed taking pictures of the finished object for a few months.

The same bag, empty and showing how the sides aren't straight.

Now the result is functional, but I have to admit it is somewhat ugly: not as much for the lack of a pattern (that I think came out quite fine) but because of how irregular the knots are; I’m not confident that the next time I will be happy with their regularity, either, but I hope I will improve, and that’s one important thing.

And the other important thing is: I enjoyed making this, even if I kept interrupting the work, and I think that there may be some other macrame in my future.

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode The trick is that I'm often doing repetitive things with my hand while I'm doing something else that requires concentration :) productive fidgeting :)

(also, I'm blogging stuff that I've done months ago and had not blogged yet)

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Kermode right now he's the guy very close to me under the flannel sheets :D (I know, I know, we don't have real cold around here, but it still feels cold to us :) ).

he's also quite handy, but tends a bit more towards repairing things rather than making new ones (not exclusively, however), but our house *is* full of things that we have done something to.

Right now, I'm really glad that I have a set of leather thimbles in various sizes that I've made to give away to people who want to start sewing by hand because

a) my middle finger is hurting too much to wear my metal one
b) the sewing on my leather thimble has just self-destroyed
c) I need a thimble to be able to re-sew a leather thimble

#sewing #sewingPersonProblems

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

In questo momento sono *molto* felice di avere dei ditali di pelle in varie misure che ho fatto da regalare a chi vuole iniziare a cucire a mano, perché

a) il mio medio fa male e non riesco ad usare il mio solito ditale di metallo
b) le cuciture del mio ditale di pelle si sono appena autodistrutte
c) ho bisogno di un ditale per riuscire a ricucire un ditale di pelle

#cucito #problemiDiChiCuce

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Se devi cucire cose molto spesse e consistenti potrebbe essere utile un ditale palmare, come quelli usati per le vele e le espadrillas.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

@Gustavino Bevilacqua UTC+01:00 no, per quanto sia robusto anche il corsetto del 1700 rientra più nel lavoro di precisione che non nel “cose spesse e consistenti”, serve controllare l'ago con le dita
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Kermode yeah, you don't *really* need a thimble to handsew, but it makes a *huge* difference in how confortable it is!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

I was measuring ingredients for a dough in a bowl, using the tare button of the scale after each ingredient. Then I removed the bowl, and the number on the scale was 404.

which is extremely appropriate for a bowl that is missing.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

Stavo misurando gli ingredienti di un impasto in una ciotola, usando il bottone per la tara dopo ciascun ingrediente. Poi ho tolto la ciotola dalla bilancia, e segnava esattamente 404.

che mi pare *estremamente* appropriato per una ciotola che non c'è.

Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] ha ricondiviso questo.

a post about algorithms and their lack of on ao3 (but I think that some points also apply to the fediverse)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Let it be a warning story for you, regarding smart home solutions.

Two years ago we have bough a house. Together with the house came a thermostat for controlling the gas boiler. The one from the smart kind.

Since the very beginning it was clear to me, this particular solution is a crap. The only way to control it was by login to the external web page and set the schedule and temperatures there, and the device at home periodically has checked if there is a change to fetch. Also, this particular device has only volatile memory. So, when power is turned off, the device needs to fetch the settings from the server.

I've tried to replace it with another smart solution, but failed at it (and I have wrote a little bit about that as well).

So, I am still using the one which came with the house.

And the servers went down somewhen during last two weeks. So far the device is still working, with recent settings. So, I am not in dire needs. However, the first power failure means I am being left without heating.

And what is the lesson for you? If you want to buy any kind of smart home solution, please make sure it will work decently without internet connection.

The very basic check you can do is to open, find if there is available support for the device you want to buy, and check its IoT class. If this is local push or local polling, it would rather be OK. If this is a cloud push/cloud pulling, then further research is needed, as without the internet (or servers) available, the device's functionality will be degraded. Sometimes slightly, sometimes severely. And it is up to you to decide, if it is OK to be stuck with device having degraded functionality.

PS. To make this clear - I have a backup plan, so no advice is needed. Unless you have a recommendation of a smart thermostat with temperature zone control, which works fully locally. Then I'd be glad to hear.

#smart #smarthome #smarthomes #heating #thermostat #thermostats

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