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when you've been using a #vim -like editor all day and you open #nano

#cli #cliproblems #musclememory

New little toy project in #vala #gtk4 / #libadwaita : Oliver, a simple GUI for PHPStan.

Select a folder, it runs phpstan found in vendor/bin subfolder, shows (searchable) results, monitors reported file for modification to automatically analyze project while coding.

It's called Oliver because, you know... Stan... Oliver...

Code here:

Got an icon. Yes, it looks like Tracker's icon, but look: the magnifying glass looks like a Q, with a text cursor. Because you can edit Queries... got it? Queries!


No, still no repo. But now it uses GtkSourceView! How cool! 😎

I'm doing some experiments with #tracker3 and #gtk4 model/view machinery.

So, for ease the test of #sparql queries against tracker, here it is Traqlr:

Cory Henry #live @ Fabrique, Milan

E niente, ieri sera stavo facendo bollire delle patate e mi son detto: "mah, la temperatura è quella giusta, quello che serve ce l'ho..."

Hei @PHP @PHP Foundation #php , what's up here?

How firefox is doing "unusual traffic from [my] computer network" (requiring a captcha to continue) , while GNOME Web isn't ?

#dEUS @ Magazzini Generali, Milano

#trenord in ritardo mi fa fare tardi anche in bici...

A quick'n'dirty in-browser experiment to incorporate a profile header image in #friendica user profile and status pages

The Kooks, Milano

Task: Turn off laptop integrated display with external monitor connected and laptop lid up.



New "Add event from URL" dialog and "Edit event" dialog, with window in "edit mode"

It's aliiiiveeee! (almost) #WiP #confy #gtk4 #libadwaita

Screenshots on last post where blueprint ui files made in Workbench, this is from the wip branch. 🚧👍

Trying some restyling of #confy in #gtk4 #adwaita .

Ok, I think it's already gone too far...

#mastocartolai Quanto per delle fotocopie leggermente diverse?

Messa a terra / Ground wire

ho dovuto farlo.


#KingKhan & The Shrines at Daste Bergamo

opening act by xiwt

Forse ho esagerato con le quantità...

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