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My #jolla1 died yesterday 😢️.
My involvement in #SailfishOS apps development is quite stopped now...
Unknown parent

I'm currently using the old Wiko Jerry that was using my wife. Going back to Android from #SailfishOS is soooo difficult...
I put my hopes in the pinephone, that one day not too far will be usable as a daily phone :)
in reply to Fabio

Oh no. You might be able to get a JollaC for ~40€ on the SailfishOS forum. I saw many threads...

TIL* about Project Gemini
"Gemini is a new, collaboratively designed internet protocol, which explores the space inbetween gopher and the web, striving to address (perceived) limitations of one while avoiding the (undeniable) pitfalls of the other."

Found about it via Castor ( ), a graphical gemini (+ gopher and finger) browser, written in #rust / #gtk , which I found thanks to the "Featured projects" list of Sourcehut Hub ( read more here… )

So, obviously, I neeeeded a #gemini browser on my #sailfishos phone.

It's not yet here, but while experimenting I ended up writing a desktop browser for #gemini with #Qt and #QML which I called Alrisha :

At this point I neeeeeeeeed a presence on the 'gemini space'. But I'm not inclined to maintain it by hand. It will become stale quickly, I'm sure.

So I'm on the road to write an "ActivityPub C2S client via gemini". A web.. no, a gemini app that will render gemini pages from ActivityStream objects.

Just to publish this #microblog on gemini automatically. Because why not.

It's been written in #python using Jetforce…

Here a screenshot of what I have now: on the left firefox shows my profile page via http/html, on the right the terminal running the gemini appserver, in the middle Alrisha rendering the result of the work...

*Thursday I Learned

For sailors coming to #FOSDEM : FOSDEM QML app, porting to #SailfishOS of Ubuntu Touch app, is avaible on #Jolla's Store

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