Zack Whittaker mastodon (AP)

There 👏 is 👏 no 👏 such 👏 thing 👏 as 👏 a 👏 secure 👏 backdoor.…


Vala mastodon (AP)
This #Mastodon account just surpassed our old #Twitter / #X account!! Thank you, to all our 718 followers, and more to come! :D
As an #OpenSource Software project, our community is what defines us, and that is you!
So far we have never experienced any negativity here, unlike stories from other social media platforms... Let's keep it that way, be happy and constructive with each other and make cool things with #Vala !!!
(Btw if you post about your cool project, there is a chance it gets boosted)
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1 1
Farooq Karimi Zadeh mastodon (AP)
Congratulations! My cool project is on the way. I will let you know when it's ready. And it's in #Rust

Deb Chachra hometown (AP)


"Buttons are back, baby!! This piece has been 15 years in the making, more or less."

@mimsical in the WSJ on the resurgance of physical buttons for interfaces.

"Fundamentally, the problem with touch-based interfaces is that they aren’t touch-based at all, because they need us to look when using them."

Materiality and embodiment ftw.

[gift link, courtesy of the author]…

Trammell Hudson mastodon (AP)
I'm glad you brought up the problems with induction cooktop touch interfaces. it was so hard to find one with physical knobs a few years ago. hopefully more choices are coming!
Questa voce è stata modificata (4 mesi fa)

LaVi pixelfed (AP)

Allora, che dite, ci vediamo oggi?

#aspassonellastoria #storia #mappe #catastoteresiano #archivioiniziative #gep

1 3
Matteo Zenatti pleroma (AP)
se non vengono da te (verrei anch'io) dì loro che li aspetto a Valvasone

Fra'.jpg mastodon (AP)
Io penso che alcune cose succedono perché devono succedere, nel momento in cui evidentemente devono succedere.
Erano settimane che ci pensavo, e vi giuro che quando finalmente mi sono decisa e siamo andati a prenderlo se ne stava seduto e ci guardava e ha iniziato a fare le fusa come se ci stesse aspettando.
Ho impressione che non sia stata una scelta mia.
Va bene così.
1 3
Panormus sharkey (AP)
hai già dato un nome? 😊
Fra'.jpg mastodon (AP)
@Carboanion È il cagnone in foto? Che meraviglia!! ❤️

Intriguingly 2025 mastodon (AP)
A Logarithmic Map of the Entire Observable Universe

lproven mastodon (AP)

It is a truth universally acknowledged that for greater social media engagement, one should share pictures of cats.…


Quote For The Day mastodon (AP)

“I’m going to buy him a copy of the Mythical Man Month. Actually I’m going to buy him two copies so he can read it twice as fast.”

— Unknown

#Q4TD #Quote #Quotes…


Jan's insights mastodon (AP)

Yesterday was an important anniversary that supporters of #Russia (Soviet Union) do not like to remember:

September 17, 1939 was the day when the Soviets enthusiastically joined the Second World War, on the side of their ally - Nazi Germany.

That's why in Russia they don't like to talk about the Second World War, which they helped start.They prefer to talk about the Patriotic War, that is, the events after they were betrayed and attacked by their former ally.

#USSR #Germany #WW2 #WWII #Poland


Enia Titova mastodon (AP)

So Cards Against Humanity just sued M*sk for ruining a piece of land they bought in Texas for their customers...



INGVambiente mastodon (AP)
In caso di allerta meteo, oltre a rimanere attenti e aspettarsi alcuni disagi sia ferroviari che stradali, è importante rimanere informati presso i siti ufficiali che riportano i dati relativi alle condizioni dei fiumi.
I dati idrometrici di portata e livello osservati nelle ultime 48 ore e acquisiti in telemisura dalla rete idrometeorologica regionale Emilia Romagna si possono trovare qui allertameteo.regione.emilia-ro…


lproven mastodon (AP)

Ancient Babylonian map of the world: A 2,900-year-old clay tablet revealed…

Conor Murphy mastodon (AP)
Irving Finkel, the physical manifestation of what you imagine a British museum scholar to be. Sharp + intelligent eyes, massive bushy beard, with just the right balance of quirky

Lysander il breve iceshrimp (AP)

"Prima di poter vedere questa ricetta, accetta i cookie nostri e di SETTECENTOSESSANTACINQUE nostri collaboratori."

Uhm no, forse settecento sono un po' troppi, e comunque volevo vedere come fare gli spatzle, non i biscotti.

Grazie lo stesso giallozafferano, ma cortesemente vaffanculo

Giù mastodon (AP)
uBlock non funziona? 🤔

Kevin Marks mastodon (AP)
Maybe Google shouldn't strip non-ascii characters when training AI
1 4
I asked Google for some prime numbers and it gave me 4 prime numbers and the letter "Q"...
I wonder if that's because it ingested a lot of text with phrases like "let ... where q is a prime number" and because LLMs don't understand anything at all, of course they don't know what variables are.

@petealexharris that's what i'm thinking too yeah. Also gave prime numbers outside the range I asked for.

Llms are garbage in 99% of applications today 😂

D.Hamlin.Music mastodon (AP)
@Crazypedia I mean, 17 is a prime number, but converting it to the 17th letter seems wrong

J_dubs mastodon (AP)
Happy #Caturday

Luke Kanies mastodon (AP)

This article fundamentally changed how I look at weird inauthentic smiles, especially on people not steeped in American culture.

AI and the American Smile…


1 5

I just boosted this but a bunch of my followers don't see boosts and this post from the esteemed @robpike is *important*.…

This is how it's done.

slash mastodon (AP)
Boosted. Great piece. Paul Graham had thoughts that might mesh with this. He observed that if you have a group (say, females) whose performance is far above their male counterparts, it's a sign that females *have* to be that good before they can progress in the organization. He said this was a method for detecting bias in employment practices and correcting it. Can't seem to find that essay right off, but that was the drift of it.
slash mastodon (AP)

Also, I've been reading up on the history of the first digital computers (ENIAC, etc.). It sure seems like females had a big impact, although little credit. And yet there's Adm Hopper, who was a leader from nearly the beginning, and had great influence on the field. In her NSA lecture, she mentioned that she hired young people and told them to "try it!" instead of waiting for approval.

Why she's not more central to the history is a mystery. But a great role model.

Esther Schindler mastodon (AP)
"...Trivium estimates the roll totaled 756,000. The truck was undamaged, having made its saving throw." (2019)…

Matteo Collina mastodon (AP)
Finally it happened to me as well: developers complaining that the behavior of my OSS libraries does not match what ChatGPT explains to them. 🤦‍♂️

jwz mastodon (AP)

Recent movies and TV.

The Final Programme (1973): By the director of Dr. Phibes based on a Michael Moorcock book that I never read. WTF did I just watch? It's like Captain Kronos meets Zardoz. I am baffled that this came to be. Zeta One (1969): Again,...

Trammell Hudson mastodon (AP)
if you haven't watched KAOS yet, it might be very in your wheel house or up your alley or relevant to your interests, or whatever the kids say these days.

Firefish firefish (AP)

Announcement: Firefish will enter maintenance mode
For those who have been supporting Firefish and me, I can’t thank you enough. But today, I have to make an announcement of my very difficult decision: As of today’s release, Firefish will enter maintenance mode and reach end-of-support at the end of the year. The main reasons for this are as follows.

In February, Kainoa suddenly transferred the ownership of Firefish to me. This transition came without prior notice, which took me aback. I still wish Kainoa had consulted with me in advance. At that time, some people were already saying that “Firefish is coming back”, making it challenging to address the situation. Also, since there were several hundred active Firefish servers at that point, I could not suddenly discontinue the project, so I took over the project unwillingly.

Over the past seven months, I have been maintaining Firefish alone. All other former maintainers have left, leaving me solely responsible for managing issues, reviewing merge requests, testing, and releasing new versions. This situation has had a significant impact on my personal life.

Frankly speaking, there are numerous bugs and questionable logic in the current Firefish codebase. While I attempted to fix them, balancing this work with my personal life made it clear that it would take ages, and I’ve started thinking that I can’t manage this project in the long run. Additionally, vulnerabilities have been reported approximately once a month. Addressing vulnerabilities, communicating privately with reporters, and testing fixes have proven overwhelming and unsustainable. Moreover, a certain percentage of users have made insulting comments, which have severely affected my mental well-being and made me fearful of opening social media apps.

I will do my best to refund the donations made to Firefish via OpenCollective, but that’s not guaranteed. and will remain operational until the end of February 2025, after which they will return a 410 Gone status.

Server admins may downgrade Firefish to version 20240206/1.0.5-rc and migrate to another *key variant, or may fork Firefish to maintain.

Downgrade instructions:…


Ken Shirriff mastodon (AP)
Probably the strangest chip that you'll see today: the Intel 2920, a digital signal processor (DSP) from 1979. It was the "first microprocessor capable of translating analog signals into digital data in real time." Chips are usually 16-bit or 32-bit, but this was a 25-bit processor. It didn't have any jump instructions, instead running code in a loop from the 192-word EPROM. Each instruction combined an ALU operation, a shift, and an analog I/O operation. 1/7
J. "Henry" Waugh mastodon (AP)

reminds me of a MAXQ DSP I read about described as "opcode-less"

Every part of the chip would do something every clock cycle, so the "instructions" were nothing but a set of operands for all the units

Seems like quite a rare design now -- probably because scheduling, pipelining, and speculative execution have beaten it in total throughput

Amazing how silicon design has changed

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 mesi fa)
Eric Brombaugh mastodon (AP)
I remember these! When I was getting my EE degree at Arizona State University back in the mid-80s we had a few development systems for these chips in the lab and I remember reading up on them at the time. They were already obsolete and unused AFAIK but it definitely piqued my curiosity. Sad that they didn't fix the bugs and expand on the concept as it definitely would have been useful. Microchip's dsPIC products came along years later and were very successful in the same space.


Where to even *begin* with this...


Jonathan Lamothe friendica (via ActivityPub)

@tiddy roosevelt I think I just worked out what you were typing.

Well played...

stux⚡ mastodon (AP)

These days the internet is filled with so called "money gurus" showing off their wealth on social media and trying to teach you how to become rich

But one major issue with that is..

WHY would they wanna do that. IF they are rich from forex trading or whatever, why in the world would they wanna spread the word

They are making money on people who buy their "courses" to become rich, not from trading

Please, don't fall for this bs!

You are worth so much more :cat_hug_triangle:

Questa voce è stata modificata (5 mesi fa)
they are all victims of the luxury item rental lobby
rainynight65 mastodon (AP)
but of course. When everyone is digging for gold, the best way to get rich is to sell shovels and pickaxes. When everyone is wanting to get rich doing nothing, the best way to get rich is selling them courses on how to get rich doing nothing...

hackaday mastodon (AP)

One of the most exciting aspects of the new Bus Pirate is how easy it is to create add-on modules -- which the community have started calling "planks" to go along with the Pirate theme.

Which planks would you like to see developed?

#buspirate #hardware #hacking…

Ben Combee mastodon (AP)
I love, love, love that these are called planks!

lproven mastodon (AP)

The Monospace Web: A minimalist design exploration…

<- I rather like this. I bet that behind the scenes it's nowhere near as simple as it looks, though.


The mysteries of life, a story in two parts
Vagrant Cascadian mastodon (AP)

Seems I can fit almost as much on my #DIY #Bike cart, an aluminum folding ladder with wheels attached and lots of bike tubes.

Totally made it all of the way out of the parking lot... and even several miles home!

These were twelve foot and eight foot two-by-fours...

#diy #bike
Questa voce è stata modificata (5 mesi fa)
Jeff mastodon (AP)
@vagrantc Nice! But, what's the frame for? Couldn't there just be the rear part that you lash to the lumber, and the hitch that you lash to the other end of the lumber?
Vagrant Cascadian mastodon (AP)

Leveraging the #Hypotenuse keeps it shorter ... and the wheels and lumber ... started at separate locations!

A frame also allows for hauling things that would not have any hope of being self-supporting ...

Though I have strapped wheels to a canoe before as a self-supporting bike trailer...

Freexian :debian: mastodon (AP)

Hello Fediverse!!

We are Freexian, a company specialized in providing security support and other services for Debian GNU/Linux. You might know about us as the company funding work of the Debian LTS team (

We also offer support for multiple PHP releases across multiple Debian/Ubuntu releases with the help of @ondrej

You can find more about our mission statement and our history at

#Introduction #Debian #PHP #FreeSoftware #Ubuntu #Freexian


4 8 15 16 23 42 mastodon (AP)


Sunday, Sept 1, 2024, 8PM CT (1AM Monday UTC)


we will be watching

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

"This remake of the classic horror film is set in San Francisco. Matthew Bennell (Donald Sutherland) assumes that when a friend (Brooke Adams) complains of her husband's strange mood, it's a marital issue. However, he begins to worry as more people report similar observations. His concern is confirmed when writer Jack Bellicec (Jeff Goldblum) and his wife (Veronica Cartwright) discover a mutated corpse. Besieged by an invisible enemy, Bennell must work quickly before the city is consumed."

its streaming free on tubi and pluto

please watch and live post it with us


1 5

Gabardino 🍀 mastodon (AP)
- «Dimmi una cosa che ti ha segnato la vita.»
- «L'elastico delle mutande.»

Stefano Tartarotti mastodon (AP)
Perché casa mia è piena di oggetti mucca? Perché sono così pazzo? Perché tutte queste domande? (continua nel commento)
Le risposte, amico mio, stanno soffiando in questa storia.
#mucche #amiche #regalistrani #chiarlaura


lproven mastodon (AP)

trainwreck design ( 2024-08-14):

the year is 2024, and i want to know my disk space

benz mastodon (AP)

@opny721 Why do there have to be dozens and dozens of mounts of some random kernel-provided file system, shown at the same importance as actual disks?

In this example, df could provide some sort of information architecture to separate out the cruft from the "important" mounts.


nt mastodon (AP)
My latest model! This is an IBM Series\1 with a 5251 terminal. This is a 1:12 scale model! Any of you worked with or on one if these back in the days? What was it used for where you worked?

Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
I don't know the original source (it came to me via email) but it's good!
Questa voce è stata modificata (6 mesi fa)
Margret Kuarell mastodon (AP)
googled names, found creator, please give credit(s)
nuovi vecchi

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