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Why do I love #TerryPrachett
Here's why
Ever since I first picked up one of his books in the very early 90's as a young man. I thought I was going to be reading a funny fantasy novel.
Every time I was wrong.
What I read was a lesson in morality and ethics, a novel about giving a voice to the voiceless. Novels that tackled racism, gender politics, fascism and everything else that's used as a weapon to treat people poorly for being different to what they think is 'normal'.
He taught me well.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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"The actual words don't matter," the witch said, "only the cadence, and the strength of feeling."
"That was a healing spell?"
"Keeps me focused."
"You swore, with the worst profanities I have ever heard, for two minutes."
"Your leg's not broken anymore, is it?"
"Fucking hell!"
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monologo mentale di valhalla, mentre pulisce un rullo dalla vernice> ora lo passo un attimo contropelo
addetto mentale al canticchiare canzoni dei Nanowar> senza fretta
AMaCCdN> lo sai cosa fa rima con “contropelo, senza fretta”, vero?
(immaginatevi MMdV come il giovane Frankenstein nella scena del destino)
(se non sapete cosa fa rima, fidatevi, non lo volete sapere. se invece lo sapete, bene, ora la state canticchiando anche voi :D )
@Fabio ah, e c'era un CW su questo post, ma tu *non l'hai visto*
(vedi che servono :D )
♫ contropelo, senza fretta ♫
Published some personal notes and bold opinions about distributions and trends in computing.
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to quote an old tweet of mine:
Put the date in your paper. Put the date in your pastebin. Put the date in your blogpost. Please, the date, put it.
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so, I was quietly leading my armies against the undead hordes when I realized it was time to dress myself for dinner, raised my arms to shoulder length to put a dress on, and
the pain! everything is pain! I can't remember ever not being pain! maybe I should too forsake the light and sacrifice myself to the powers of death to return as an unfeeling lich, just to stop the pain!
(before playing wesnoth today and yesterday I have been painting the ceiling of one (1) room, my arms are slightly sore :D )
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stavo tranquillamente guidando il mio esercito contro le orde non morte quando mi son resa conto che era ora di vestirmi per cena, ho alzato le braccia per infilarmi un vestito e
dolore! tutto è dolore! non ho più memoria di un giorno in cui non ci fosse dolore! forse dovrei anche io abbandonare la Luce e sacrificare me stessa ai poteri della Morte per tornare come Lich insensibile, solo per fermare il dolore!
(oggi prima di giocare a wesnoth e ieri ho imbiancato il soffitto di una (1) stanza, e ho le braccia lievemente indolenzite)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
capisco benissimo la sofferenza, e +1 perché giochi a #wesnoth
Il gioco più bello di sempre
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Pare che il Fefediverso, quello con i 'grandi', inizi a collassare. Mai come in questo momento è importante pensare in PICCOLO.
Vorrei vedere nascere una miriade di piccole istanze nuove nel #Fediverso, tutte collegate fra loro che dialogano con chiunque, senza influenze da grandi social commerciali.
Tecnicamente è facile per tutti (se in hosting) e anche molto economico, unica necessità è DEDICARSI, specialmente se volete ospitare qualcuno.
Questo è il Fediverso com’era stato progettato… decentralizzato e frammentato.
Ecco un buon compromesso per il Self-Host, che non richiede di essere dei 'guru', solo pazienza e voglia di fare.
Quali piattaforme si possono installare (un minimo di competenza ci vuole) facilmente a casa? Ecco un esempio…
Un consiglio ... se volete crearvi un'istanza SELF-HOST personale (o quasi), va bene; se volete invece, ospitare anche altra gente, consiglierei di andare in #HOSTING, delegando a chi è più attrezzato logisticamente e/o tecnicamente la gestione affidabilità/sicurezza/continuità.
Ecco un esempio.
Pensateci bene, basterebbe una banale mancanza rete o un guasto alla linea ADSL (o simili), per togliere il servizio per tutti.
Altro consiglio ... se non avete fini ESPANSIONISTICI e non vi interessa il numero degli iscritti che cresce, controllate le nuove iscrizioni, è il modo più semplice per evitare account dubbi.
Provate il gusto della VERA #decentralizzazione, tantissimi, federati, indipendenti; cade uno? Tanti altri continuano a funzionare, su cui ci si può spostare, portandosi dietro quasi tutto.
Tantissimi piccoli o pochi grandi? A voi la scelta.🙏 - Fully Managed Mastodon Hosting was built from the ground up to make running a Mastodon instance
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@Kermode my own :D
it's just that I'm pretty much #teamWinter
Kermode likes this.
A meta-observation: why CWs are preferable to expecting everyone to individually set up filters for your posts… Beyond the implication I how I phrased it:
these have always been designed as an opt-in mechanism. they allow the reader to know that a post exists without reading it.
Your followers may actually want to see your opinions on current events!! But they may not want to see the opinions of people everyone their followers boost. Or not see them today. 🧵
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Contrary to my habits of somebody who works from home, I've just spent last week eating lunch every day from a bento box.
And this vindicates the fact that I bought an additional bento box from ikea even if I had another identical one, only because I liked the new colour more, because it has made my life much easier this week, right?
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Contrariamente al mio solito, dato che lavoro da casa, settimana scorsa ho pranzato tutti i giorni con una schiscetta.
E questo da una ragione al fatto di aver comprato una schiscetta extra dall'ikea anche se ne avevo già una identica, solo perché mi piaceva di più il nuovo colore, perché ha reso la mia vita quella settimana molto più facile, giusto?
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Last year I wrote up a mega thread with lots of links about mending textiles. I’ve compressed and reorganized it as a very old school webpage on neocities in hopes of making it a bit easier to use:
When Textiles Go Bad:…
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Saying this as someone who is trying to choke down a panic attack at the moment:
It should be as reflexive as hashtags, fam.
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Vendo a offerta libera divano ad angolo, 3/4 posti
Ritiro nel varesotto (zona nord est), direi che serve decisamente almeno un furgoncino, anche se è diviso in tre parti ragionevolmente maneggevoli da trasportare in due.
La copertura ha delle parti scolorite e qualche macchia, ma è generalmente in buone condizioni e la struttura è solida e la seduta comoda sia in posizione composta che in posizione svaccata.
Vendo per eccesso di divani :)
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Regalo riloghe per tende a pannello (urgente)
Da ritirare sul posto nel varesotto (zona nord est) perché questi sicuramente non mi stanno in macchina.
Sono tre pezzi di binari per tende a pannello , due sono lunghi 4.35 m e hanno due e quattro binari rispettivamente, l'altro è lungo due metri e ha tre binari; ci sono in tutto 8 carrelli funzionanti a cui appendere le tende (tramite velcro) più uno in cui si è rotto un pezzo di plastica.
Sono compresi (ma non fotografati) anche i pesi di metallo da inserire alla base delle tende.
Se qualcuno è anche vagamente interessato fatemi sapere in fretta, perché a metà settimana forse avrò un'opportunità per fare un viaggio con furgone in discarica, e nel caso nessuno si sia fatto avanti ne aprofitto (se siete interessati la salvo, e ci si mette d'accordo con più calma per il ritiro).
@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #mastoMercatino #mastoRegalo
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Regalo accessori per montare piastrelle
Regalo un sacchetto e mezzo di separatori a x da 1 mm avanzati dalla posa di piastrelle. Ritiro in zona Varese - Como
Dovrebbero essere:…
l'altro sacchetto in foto non c'entra, perché dopo ho controllato meglio e sono pezzi che sono stati usati e non sono più usabili.
@Il Mercatino del Fediverso 💵♻️ #mastoMercatino #mastoRegalo
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Regalo riloga di legno da circa 1.90 m (urgente)
Non recente, ma funzionante, da ritirare preferibilmente nel varesotto (zona nord est) perché sulla mia macchina entra al pelo.
Se qualcuno è anche vagamente interessato fatemi sapere in fretta, perché a metà settimana forse avrò un'opportunità per fare un viaggio con furgone in discarica, e nel caso nessuno si sia fatto avanti ne aprofitto (se siete interessati la salvo, e ci si mette d'accordo con più calma per il ritiro).
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LaVi likes this.
a well balanced bento is one where half of the box is filled with fruit, right?
(technically, half of the box is well packed rice salad, half is rigid dividers with some fruit in, but still)
Dr Ms Kat likes this.
una schiscetta ben bilanciata è una in cui metà del contenitore è pieno di frutta, vero?
(ok, tecnicamente metà è riso in insalata ben compatto, l'altra metà sono divisori rigidi con dentro un po' di frutta, ma...)
zarel likes this.
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Hey fellow #Linux users, despite the #CrowdStrike problem only affecting #Windows, this is not a windows problem.
This is an "automatic update that got forced onto everyone with insufficient testing while also having way too many permissions" problem.
If you think big corps wouldn't run something similar on Linux, I have a an NFT of a bridge to sell you.
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In all seriousness tho -
#hugops to the poor bastards who have to clean this up and especially to the poor bastard who now has the epic 'time I brought down prod' story - no matter who contributed the bug, it was a systemic failure of crowdstrike's QA process that allowed this to escape into the wider internet; the aim is not to rely on people not to make mistakes, but to build systems in such a fashion that mistakes can be caught and corrected before they become an issue for others.
Individual heroism never makes up for systemic failures, y'know?
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Today's big IT security catastrophe seems to be all about one proprietary security product for Windows, by one big vendor. I don't think it's appropriate for software freedom folks to crow too hard about this: open source software sometimes also has catastrophic security problems. I would draw the line between a diverse and a homogeneous ecosystem. When almost everyone in the world uses the same software, a problem in that will affect almost everyone.
But open source is still the moral choice.
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@josh @martinvermeer The funniest time was when my distro's updated kernel oopsed at boot.
I ran an old kernel for a couple of months (it was a personal machine behind a firewall), then debugged it and submitted a patch, but a fix was already in the pipeline. It was the distro's vendor's own changes which crashed on certain chipsets.
I think they could've used some testing.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
so, apparently it was a thing already in the 9th century?
“Aside from Christian literature and Biblical commentary, Sedulius held a passion for alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Sedulius liked the drink so much that he even wrote a lament to a small drought titled Nunc Viridant Segetes, or Drought in Spring. The poem ends with the line "Muse, ask our good father bishop: when do we drink again?"”…
(why did I end up on the wikipedia page of a monk from the 9th century?)
OTOH, from the same wikipedia trip, and possibly by the same author:…
a poem about the author's cat.
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I have an illustrated version of this poem, which always moves me when I read it to my daughter:…
The White Cat and the Monk: A Lovely 9th-Century Ode to the Joy of Uncompetitive Purposefulness, Newly Illustrated
A wonderful counterpoint to our culture of competitive self-comparison, reminding us that we can choose to amplify each other’s accomplishments because there is, after all, enough to go aroun…The Marginalian
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A few days ago we helped a friend disassemble an old thinkpad to refresh the thermal paste and clean around a bit: everything went fine, but removing the screws from the vga port was quite an hassle.
So yesterday we just received (among other things) an hex socket bit in the right size to disassemble the vga port of old thinkpads, suitable for my handbag screwdriver set.
Anybody else around here needs help to disassemble an old thinkpad? :D
Lauma Pret 🕸️ likes this.
Qualche giorno fa abbiamo aiutato un amico a smontare un vecchio thinkpad per cambiare la pasta termica e dare una pulita in giro: è andato tutto bene, ma togliere le viti dalla porta vga è stata una sofferenza.
Quindi ieri ci è arrivata una punta esagonale a tubo della misura giusta per smontare le porte vga dei vecchi thinkpad, adatta per il mio cacciavite da borsetta.
Qualcun'altro da queste parti ha bisogno di una mano a smontare un vecchio thinkpad?
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
"Please sign here."
"Okay. Where's the agreement it refers to?"
"Oh, we don't have that part. Just sign it."
How many times have you gone through this scenario? It's a structural trick to make you into the Bad Guy for rudely insisting on seeing, let alone having a copy, of legally-binding documents you are being asked to sign.
Today, I was that Bad Guy. I still feel rattled. And it's still not resolved. Supposedly, they will email me something.
I am really, really tired of this BS.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
@Space Catitude 🚀 here usually you do get access to the document, *after* you ask.
Except that now they have started to use so-called “digital” signatures, where they give you a tablet and a pen to sign with, on a screen that only shows the signature space of the document you're signing, so you don't have any way to see that it's the same document that they gave you to read.
Space Catitude 🚀 likes this.
Want to send a quick video message, postcard, image or announcement for the DebConf video loop? Just follow the instructions in #debconf24 #debian
Want to send a quick video message, postcard, image or announcement for the DebConf video loop? Just follow the instruction #debconf24
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1/ The original post replies to a rant I had about artist pricing earlier aren't the place to discuss this, but I have one bit of advice for anyone working with an org who suddenly ask you to do it cheaper:
(Nuance in the next post)
If an org comes to you and asks for a piece of work to be done cheaper, AND YOU THINK THEY'RE STILL WORTH YOUR TIME AND NOT TAKING THE PISS try this:
"Hi there, for £X, I can't deliver our original agreement, but I can do this..."
Reasons why in the next post.
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3/ And going, "this is what you can have for X" helps the person you're dealing with because they can then go back to Finance and say the same thing.
It's important, because then nobody can say it was achievable at the other budget and the person simply didn't try hard enough.
Likewise, for anyone else in the same sort of job as me, for the love of fuck, do the same thing.
4/ Don't say, "I'm so sorry, our budget has changed, could you do it for X?"
Ask, "I'm so sorry, our budget has changed, WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR X?"
It's the same respect you'd give to a restaurant, or the supermarket.
If you had less money, you'd take things out of your basket.
Do the same for your freelancers.
@Matteo Zenatti @Orcspiration dipende da quanto è stato bravo l'artigiano che l'ha montato come tazza, no? :)
probabilmente serve un artigiano longobardo che è più abituato a questo genere di lavori :)
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nel caso in cui @LaVi oggi veda soppressioni verso varese / cadorna, il motivo è questo…
(per Como vedo che è la linea che passa dalla svizzera)
Il maltempo danneggia la rete ferroviaria, danni e diverse linee ferme
I problemi principali si segnalano su Laveno - Milano, Luino - Gallarate e Malpensa - Como. A Varese la copertura di un edificio sui binari in via TonaleAndrea Camurani (Vareseweb Srl)
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lil tidbit about Solar
Not a funni comic and a bit nerdy, but i wanted to write about something that i find cool lol.
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So my local library's makerspace offered a free event where they brought in a bunch of old tower computers, printers, game consoles, etc., - laid out a bunch of iFixit toolkits - and let everyone (kids and adults alike) take everything apart!!!
One kid was hesitant because they didn't want to break anything and the library staff were like, none of it works. We're recycling and throwing everything out afterwards! Go hog wild, you won't get in trouble! You're meant to break it and take it apart!
The kid was absolutely enthusiastic and went to town!
I got to be a kid again and go into detail about all the computer parts and what each of the hardware did. It was awesome watching my children and other kids and adults interact, share tools, show off what they found.
I spoke with the organizer afterwards and asked if this was a regular thing and he said that he didn't have enough old equipment to make it regular. I laughed and said all of my friends have CLOSETS FULL OF THIS STUFF and the idea of giving it to a bunch of kids and adults to play with would bring joy and meaning to their life, lol!
I gave him the time to meet up with @fxbghackers and told him to make a community announcement about needing old electronics for donation to take apart and he'd get truck loads.
Just another way community helps each other out. This is post scarcity education.
#solarPunk #mutualAid #community #library #makerSpace
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Bolognesə, a me!
Avete negozi di belle arti da consigliarmi? Prossimo mese vorrei acquistare colori per dipingere tessuti, magari anche qualche tinta per alcuni progetti che ho in testa~
Edit: cerco anche negozi dedicati ai writer se ci sono!
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Una volta in via Belle Arti ce n'erano ma anche io non passo da millenni
If Etsy acquires, gets acquired by, or merges with eBay or Amazon or Alibaba or Temu in the next six months, I called it yesterday, based on my theory that when a platform rolls out new pornocalypse policies, it usually indicates a financial inflection point like a merger or acquisition.
Here's yesterday's ErosBlog post on the upcoming Etsy pornocalypse:…
#Pornocalypse #Etsy #ErosBlog #Finance #News #Merger #Prediction #eBay #Amazon #Temu #Porn #Ban #PornBan
Pornocalypse Comes For Etsy - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog
I have argued that the pornocalypse began with Meg Whitman's eBay, back in the last century: Then Meg Whitman happened. It’s too many years ago now for me... Tagged: sex blogging,Bacchus (ErosBlog: The Sex Blog)
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@violetmadder @bookandswordblog @LexPendragon
Decades ago, long before the blockchain-based "crypto" bubble, I was avidly following 'net discussions of virtual currencies. I felt then, as I still feel, that we need a stateless electronic money that is secured by cryptographic tools and immune to regulation by anyone of the uses to which it is put. Bitcoin proved it's possible, but failed (for my purposes) for various reasons. I'm still waiting. The day will come.
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TIL: if you press the “on” button on the kettle you get hotter water than if you didn't.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@Lars Wirzenius I mean, water heated by concentrated sunlight is still better than cold water at making (hot brew) tea, so I don't see where the problem in your contraption is :D
today here it wouldn't be working, however (it's raining a bit :) )
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TIL: premendo il pulsante di accensione del bollitore si ottiene dell'acqua più calda che non a non premerlo
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🎉 The "De-google-ify Internet" campaign celebrates its 10th anniversary 🎂
Petitions, Whiteboard, Tricount-like, etc…
New Framasoft services are in the pipeline, and existing services are being renovated. The following page will tell you all about it, including why we need your help:
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We have mandatory* voting here. I can recommend it, other countries. It changes the kind of candidate you get because they have to cater to all voters, just not to the ones who bother showing up.
[Single transferrable vote and proportional representation are also good and you should (re)try them. I mention this because if I don’t, many of you will.]
* There are edge cases which I will omit for brevity.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
TIL that if you take a pair of old-ish¹ sneakers, put them in a box and forget about them for more than 10 years², and then take them out of the box and try to wear them, their plastic soles will have degraded to the point of unwearability.
OTOH, after the soles detached from the rest of the shoe I was left with relatively comfortable footwear for walking on floor protection felt, so they are still working at their job of protecting my feet from wall paint and it's a win, I guess?
¹ maybe 2-4 years?
² they were stained with wall paint, which I don't think influenced too much the degradation, but is the reason why I kept them and tried to use them now.
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Andro Abhi
in reply to ChanceyFleet • • •