A few updates on #screenPrint progress.
I've tried making a screen with the photoemulsion: even printing the design on tracing paper instead of transparent and using the sun for exposure (instead of a lamp) it worked nicely and printed sharp and precise.
except, I missed the fact that inkscape had not actually inverted all of the design, and thus the QRcode I tried to print was unreadable :(
(picture of a screen for screen printing with green, cured, photoemulsion)
(picture of something that resemble, but isn't, a pair of QRcodes)
At least, I know what went wrong and I can fix it on the next attempt.
I've also found that the kit I've bought doesn't have enough screen cleaning fluid for the number of screens I can do with the available photoemulsion, so I'm waiting a bit until I can get some screens I don't have to reuse (for a few designs that I plan to print multiple times) and more screen cleaning fluid.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
The way hollywood depicts pre-modern battles follows a perfectly legitimate literary tradition, already seen in the Iliad, of showing two armies getting ready for battle, not having a frigging clue on how war worked centuries earlier and going on with depicting duels between named (and in the case of hollywood unhelmeted) heroes strictly based on the Rules of Cool.
On the other hand, as far as we know Homer didn't have wikipedia.
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TIL: The Mondeluz #watercolours from Koh-I-Noor seem to be the same watercolours as the White Night from St. Petersburg ones.
At least, the one random pan I bought (raw umber) has the same number and pigments as the corresponding White Night, it is made “in cooperation with” the producer of the White Night and it has their logo at the bottom of the pan.
I've never tried the White Night ones for a comparison, however.
And it is a full pan, something I couldn't find on the web site before buying.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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What's that? Nostalgia for old times? Some sort of PTS? Pure masochism? Or an example of what in Rome define as #sticazzi ?
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
Uops, I forgot to post a picture of the @Gruppo Linux Como lake penguin
no, it's not perfect, and I should practice a bit more, but the LUG t-shirts are close to becoming a *thing*.
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Today I drove my mother and a neighbor to a fabric shop.
And I bought the bit of cotton canvas suitable to make a couple of bags / backpacks to be screenprinted, exactly as I had planned to do.
And I absolutely have not bought a full dress and a couple of waists. Not even if the goods were really good quality at an exceedingly affordable price.
I did resist buying broadcloth for the skirt that will go with those waists, because black broadcloth is something I'm always going to find, and first I need to make the whole set of underthings for it.
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And I've taken a picture; the brown one is for my mother.
(3 small bolts of fabric in light brown, red and almost electric blue, seen from the side)
And I forgot to mention that there may also have been a cut of black lace, probably enough for an overskirt and to decorate a shirtwaist, and I didn't take a picture either (uops).
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TIL: a collection of icons for #games, under the CC-BY license
(found on ludism.org/ppwiki/SteampunkPie… , which. which. I. need. that.)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Hidden in their mountains, the Swiss have power plants that run on Balrog's fire.
Prove me wrong.
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:gnu:+bonifartius 𒂼𒄄 likes this.
Too Italian; Didn't Read: offer of a postcard with COMMIE stamp to Italian addresses
L'altro giorno son stata dal tabaccaio a prendere qualche francobollo, e mi han dato quelli commemorativi del congresso di Livorno del 1921.
Ora, visto che è febbraio¹, qualcuno del fediverso italiano² è interessato a ricevere una cartolina scritta a mano con un francobollo COMUNISCHTA?
Offerta limitata al numero di francobolli che ho preso meno il numero di lettere che già devo spedire in Italia :D
¹ #InCoWriMo
² secondo la definizione di Italia delle poste, ovvero con indirizzo di consegna in Italia, San Marino e Vaticano³.
³ e se qualcuno ha l'indirizzo di consegna in Vaticano, bonus point per il LOL.
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Rapita dagli alieni reshared this.
The pad is A3 size, but it is kept together with rings and there is a line of microperforations to remove a sheet from the pad outside the ring area.
And this means that after being cut, each sheet is slightely shorter than A3, and can't be cut in e.g. 8 A6 sheets.
Deborah Pickett (inactive) likes this.
TFW you write something with visudo so that you know that it will work, then you copy it in ansible, run the ansible playbook, and it breaks.
And then you open the file that ansible has written with visudo, save it with no changes, and it works.
And you spend hours trying to understand what happened.
And then it was a missing newline at the end of the file.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Experimental #screenPrint, day I've lost count :D
Art print on quality paper in a suitable mediu… no, really, more like in-joke from an IRC channel, printed on red MÅLA paper in negative with a grainy white area of paint all around it.
Anybody wants the original? only one copy, it's going to sell for a lot of money when I'll become famous :D
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For the experimental bit: I've forgot to take a picture of the screen, it's the same one made with curtain fabric from social.gl-como.it/display/3e3c… , painted with PVA glue and a bit of craft acrylic paint.
While washing the screen, I've tried at first to scrub it from the back, and I believe that the paint was going away while keeping the glue in place to reuse it for another edition. I would have to test whether that's true, however. Then I've moved on to scrubbing from the front, and that easily removed the glue, so that the fabric can be used for different prints.
Today's #screenPrint results were… let's just say it's important to talk about them to prevent publication bias :D
I've spent yesterday evening painstakingly painting a QR-code on curtain fabric with PVA glye (and a bit of acrylic paint added to know what I was doing).
and then today I tried to use it, but it's definitely not clear enough to work
with the white bit way too grainy for any phone / computer to recognize the pattern.
On the plus side, the paint I'm using (marabu textil print) washes easily (with some rubbing) when it's still fresh, so I haven't wasted the scrap of fabric I was using. It may be a sign that it's not going to be as resistant to future washing (after heat setting) as other fabric paint I've used, which is less good, but while doing random experiments it's fine.
Also, while washing the screen the glue went away, which it didn't on the homesewing screen: I'm not sure whether it's the acrylic paint, the fact that it was relatively fresher (less than 24 hours) or the fact that when I washed it I scrubbed it as if I didn't care whether the glue survived or not, while I was more careful with the homesewing screen.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I knew that there was this risk, and that the right way to print a qr-code is to get some proper screen fabric etc., so I'm not too sad about the result.
But I had to try, and it had to be with a qr-code (I could have started with a smaller one, however :D )
And I know that the right way to print things like these is to buy proper screen fabric etc., but I'm not going to do that for some time yet (right? :D )
Tonight I dreamt I was in the town centre with a friend; in a shop we saw an expensive bracelet made of a strip of fake leather with a button and an ugly print, and she asked me if I could #screenPrint something else over it. Of course I could.
And by that, what she actually meant was to make a similar bracelet in snappap (latex paper), with a screen printed design for a fraction of the cost.
And then I woke up. and I may accidentally found a leftover strip of snappap that is just the right width for a bracelet.
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Step 1: cutting the bracelet and printing it: done
(picture of a long and thin rectangle of light brown latex paper with rounded corners and a square logo printed in black at about a third of the lenght)
Step 2: patiently wait until it's completely dry (probably overnight) before ironing
are we there yet? and yet? and yet? and…
Now something to make it round.
The Rollenator! (Ring Roller Build)
Building a small bench top ring roller. This video follows through on Bushing & Gears (https://youtu.be/PFqjQ3l1MRA) and Acme Tap (https://youtu.be/L3rINJWcmbA). Check those out if you find yourself wondering where some of these parts came from.Invidious
Matheus :verified_flashing: reshared this.
Dear lazyweb,
is it me not being able to do an internet search, or is there no logo for #RightToRepair?
Russ O ❤ 🇺🇦 likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
#screenPrint! All! The! Things!, weekend 2
The attempt at a two-colours print, using a stencil cut in plastic rather than paper (to make it reusable) will have to wait until tomorrow, when I'll do the second colour.
Today there was also another thing, however:
This is a screen made with old curtain fabric painted with white (PVA) glue and a round embroidery hook, and…
it worked!
It isn't the neatest print, it's grainy and there are a few spots outside of the image where the glue didn't fill all of the fabric holes, so I'm not going to stop using the real screen any time soon, but it is A Look, and it's a look that I like, for some specific things.
And this “home sewing is killing fashion” graphic with a sewing machine with teeth and crossed bones that I've found ages ago on the internet(TM) is exactly the kind of things for which this look is fitting. I had to cut the rest of the text, however (it was “and it's -il-legal”, with the il crossed) because it was too small for the resolution of the screen.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
And I've found where the logo came from! commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fil… and boplogg.blogspot.com/2006/12/h…
I had taken notes on the source, I had just misplaced them :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
#screenPrint ALL THE THINGS!!!!
(pictures of two black furoshiki with screen prints on the corners: one is a debian swirl made of cat paw prints, in magenta, and the other one is my seal in light blue; on the furoshiki with my seal there is also a cut from an old pair of jeans, with the same design screen printed on the back pocket)
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Un furoshiki è un telo giapponese per avvolgere $COSE, tipo regali, schiscette, la spesa o — in Giappone — anche gli abiti mentre si è nei bagni termali.
E in caso di bisogno, vien comodo anche come foulard, o un sacco di altre cose.
(fondamentalmente è un quadrato di stoffa orlato di dimensioni varie, questo è circa 70 cm di lato, ovvero metà dell'altezza della stoffa che ho usato)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Yesterday evening I watched this: youtube.com/watch?v=WZskjLq040… (Irving Finkel and Tom Scott playing the royal game of Ur)
On my desktop, I may have accidentally had this:
(picture of two rubber stamps inspired by the rosette on the famous royal game of Ur board)
And so, today, this may have happened:
(picture of a minimalistic board for said game, with squares printed on a sheet of paper, the important squares marked with a rosette from the above stamps, 7 + 7 piecepack coins from white (black) and red suites (from a french suits variant, so that there are 7 coins in the same colour) and four standard d4).
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And I've lost the first match against @Diego Roversi , but I still recommend this game, because it's really fun!
Irving Finkel may have been right about Mesopotamian deities and calling your numbers, btw. Don't. not even once. Trust me :D
TooItalian;DR: Tonight I had a funny dream with references to the Italian fediverse
Stanotte mi son sognata di essere in stazione centrale a Milano, poco prima dell'orario di punta, quando già iniziava a riempirsi, e vicino ad uno dei binari laterali c'era un *grosso* cinghiale, lungo un paio di metri, accompagnato da un ratto albino.
La persona che c'era con me gli ha fatto una foto usando l'app della polizia locale per segnalare cinghiali e l'ho accusato di essere un delatore e amico degli sbirri.
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PEP 487 -- Simpler customisation of class creation
The official home of the Python Programming LanguagePython.org
More work in progress on "Collector"
Collector is a python/Gtk3/libhandy app to manage collection inventories, using lesana for the hard part.
Collector 0.2.0 (shortly followed by 0.2.1) has been tagged some days ago, the first "release" after a year of intermittent development.
The 0.2 release follow the release of lesana 0.9, which adds some nice features. Features that are making their way into Collector too. See lesana 0.9.0 and [Collector 0.2.0] changelogs for more details.
Some highlights:
Precision property for decimal fields (in screenshot, a decimal with precision 1), and allowed values for fields: lesana cli checks that field value is one of the allowed, Collector shows to the user a select box to choose the value from.
Initial support for search aliases. Right now are used as "saved queries". No UI for add/edit/remove yet.
Coming up
Some features for the next release
Create a new collection in app. And some work as been already done to be able to clone a collection from a git repository.
Some new actions in menu to open collection folder in terminal or in file manager, and if is installed, to open the collection git repository in gitg.
Search completion of fields names and allowed values. Much wip but a nice add.
Vaccino, non tampone, e no, la statua è dentro all'ospedale (una volta era di fianco al padiglione che era stato donato all'ospedale in sua memoria).
Già che ero lì in giro ho fatto un po' di foto nel caso in cui quest'anno sia la volta buona che mi metto a lavorare su un vestito così.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
c'era posto oggi, oppure tra più di una settimana. chissà come mai :D
comunque, domani è giornata in cui tradizionalmente si dorme, no? :D se anche c'è un motivo in più per farlo, poco male :D
(per il vestito, ho una coda di un bel po' di altre cose prima, ma intanto mi son portata avanti con le foto)
My mother, today, just before lunch: “please, set the table. everything is already there”
Me, mock scandalized: “but these are meat knives and forks! we're having fish!”
I mean. The bare minimum decency!
(No, we didn't have guests or anything, she just had decided to use the fancy cutlery because a) Christmas time b) it goes in the dishwasher anyway)
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You wanted to work on deciphering linear A? here there are a couple of books (and a few others on related subjects) :D
CREWS Publications
Early Greek Alphabetic Writing: A Linguistic Approach Natalia Elvira Astoreca 2021. Oxbow. ISBN: 9781789257434. Open access version (CC BY) The Early Greek Alphabets Edited by Robert Parker and Phi…crewsproject.wordpress.com
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
I just did a new #lesana release, Christmas edition! (not really, just "some spare time before Christmas, and a release was way overdue")
and by overdue, I really mean it, the changelog is the longest one
Updated packages are coming soon-ish to a debian distribution near you
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Test Your Product on a Crappy Laptop
There is a huge and ever-widening gap between the devices we use to make the web and the devices most people use to consume it. It’s also no secret that the average size of a website is huge, …CSS-Tricks
Diego Roversi likes this.
New experiment!
First experience with #gtk4, #libadwaita and #vala :
Appaya, to monitor and control Syncthing daemon (very much inspired by Syncthing Indicator Gnome Extension), obviously #WiP
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Profile13115 reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •I've also received some wood frames and tried to make another screen with curtain fabric and white glue: this was a success.
(picture of a wooden frame with fabric nailed on it and a right to repair logo painted in glue)
(picture of some black jeans fabric with the right to repair logo printed in white in a fuzzy and irregular way)
I've washed the screen from the back and I can confirm that the glue part survived: I think I will check it for holes and retouch it a bit the next time I'll use it, but it shouldn't need a lot.
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Ondiz, Nelson, rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua e losbases like this.
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua e losbases reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •And then there was this, which isn't experimental or anything.
(picture of a pair of pockets in blue with yellow binding and a #screenPrint of white cat silhouettes: on the left two cats are carefully ignoring each other, while on the right a cat is ready to pounce on another one which is stretching, and a third one looks at them from a safe place.)
Done with plastic stencils (made with product packaging) based on clipart found on freesvg.org.
The Lazy Fox likes this.