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Annuncio: "Sales Pitch" Linguaggi di programmazione #2

Domani sera, giovedì 9 luglio alle ore 21, tornano le “sales pitch” dei linguaggi di programmazione: presentazioni brevi nelle quali si cerca di invogliare ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione.

Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi principianti né sviluppatori esperti.

Questa puntata tratteremo di haskell e rust.

Per partecipare, collegatevi alla pagina di streaming del GL-Como, dalla quale si può interagire con la serata tramite la chat integrata.……

Apparently, this is one of the exercises you're supposed to do when learning #watercolour

My current (and first and only :D ) set: a student-grade pre-assembled one that a) suits me just fine, since I'm still at the stage of “first attempts” b) costed about 1 eur less than a similar empty box from the same store, and appears to be practical and of good quality.

(The pink looking thing in the upper right corner is copper, and while it's technically watercolour I've bought it for calligraphy.)

When precision is everything...
in reply to Fabio

I didn't buy it. I needed one of 0.55000000000000005 cm
in reply to Fabio


(and then there is the fact that it's something soft with rounded borders which is sold by weight, not size. And the other fact that I'm quite sure that the size is wrong, or it would be a tiny package, not the usual ones.)

I've been looking for an #origami document folder (two sides with flaps, and the covers have an internal space for more sheets) that I found a few ages ago, but seems to have disappeared from the internet :(

instead, I found this #envelope for #snailMail, which looks extremely cute :)

I wonder how practical it would be for a real letter :)

Happy 10th Birthday Friendica!

Ten years ago the 1st commit to the git repository of Mistpark was made by Mike Macgirvin, a project that since has become Friendica accumulating some 27.000 commits contributing the work of more then 250 people from all around the world.
Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020Mistpark and Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020
Together we have build a social media platform that had many faces over the years. It has grown from a decentralized communication platform into an integral part of the Fediverse and Federation. Allowing its users to interact with their friends and family across the borders of nodes, projects and physical distance outside the world of data-harvesting corporations.

Thank you Mike and everybody else who has contributed their time to the project over the years! And while we are preparing the 2020.06 release of Friendica, lets have a big party to celebrate ten years of this wonderful part of the free social web.

Every thing stands still for money, while we want money to pay for some of the most necessary things that we promised ready money for in the height of our wants, as grapnells, &c.

I can see this as pretty relevant today, a few century later

Happy 10th Birthday Friendica!

Ten years ago the 1st commit to the git repository of Mistpark was made by Mike Macgirvin, a project that since has become Friendica accumulating some 27.000 commits contributing the work of more then 250 people from all around the world.
Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020Mistpark and Friendica themes from 2010 to 2020
Together we have build a social media platform that had many faces over the years. It has grown from a decentralized communication platform into an integral part of the Fediverse and Federation. Allowing its users to interact with their friends and family across the borders of nodes, projects and physical distance outside the world of data-harvesting corporations.

Thank you Mike and everybody else who has contributed their time to the project over the years! And while we are preparing the 2020.06 release of Friendica, lets have a big party to celebrate ten years of this wonderful part of the free social web.

Blagh is the Umbrian reflex of the Greek βλωγοσ, both ultimately from Indo-European *bʰleh₁-, “to blow, be vapid; to be wrong on the internet.”…


please read the whole post (if interested in #linguistics, of course), it's worth doing so (and pretty short anyway)

OpenCast Live #1
Inizia: Martedì Giugno 30, 2020 @ 9:00 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Finisce: Martedì Giugno 30, 2020 @ 9:30 PM GMT+02:00 (Europe/Rome)
Immagine/foto</p><p>Seguite in diretta e partecipate via chat!</p><p>Si parla di Linux, open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale, sempre senza prendersi troppo sul serio.

Lug 2
Gelato col GL-Como
Gio 21:00
Gruppo Linux Como

Primo ritrovo di persona dopo il lockdown, sempre rispettando il distanziamento sociale!

Nel corso della serata, mentre ci pappiamo il cono, si vagherà per il centro a caccia di cassette della posta con lo scopo di mapparne posizione e dettagli su OpenStreetmap.

Diego Roversi attends.

Giu 30
OpenCast Live #1
Mar 21:00 - 21:30
Gruppo Linux Como


Seguite in diretta e partecipate via chat!

Si parla di Linux, open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale, sempre senza prendersi troppo sul serio.

OpenCast Live puntata numero 1!

Cartello OpenCast Live

Dopo la puntata pilota del mese scorso, OpenCast Live parte a regime, cercando di mantenere una cadenza mensile, l'ultimo martedì del mese.

Grazie alla moderna tecnologia, martedì 30 giugno a partire dalle 21:00si potrà seguire in diretta e partecipare via chat!

Si parla di Linux, open source, software libero e tecnologia in generale, sempre senza prendersi troppo sul serio.

Venite a trovarci!……

New Pepper&Carrot episode! ★ Episode 33: Spell of War ★

#linux #webcomic #krita #creative-commons #peppercarrot

couverture de Episode 33: Spell of War

First bread made at home with sourdough (thanks @Elena ``of Valhalla'' )

durum wheat flour:

durum wheat flour / "00" flour mix:

"Sales Pitch" Linguaggi di programmazione #1

Sono online i video della prima serata a tema "Sales Pitch" linguaggi di programmazione

Si tratta di una serie di presentazioni brevi nelle quali si cerca di invogliare ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione. Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi principianti né sviluppatori esperti. Non ci sono particolari vincoli sui linguaggi presentati, basta che possano chiamarsi “linguaggio di programmazione”

Le prime tre presentazioni trattano awk, python e corewars

Vai alla playlist…

Questa sera durante la settimanale riunione virtuale del GL-Como si terrà la serata “sales pitch” per linguaggi di programmazione: una serie di presentazioni
brevi nel quale cercare di convincere ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione.

Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi
principianti né sviluppatori esperti.

Si parlerà di awk e di python.

Le presentazioni saranno in diretta all'indirizzo , con la possibilità di interagire via chat.

Appuntamento a partire dalle ore 21:00

Questa sera durante la settimanale riunione virtuale del GL-Como si terrà la serata “sales pitch” per linguaggi di programmazione: una serie di presentazioni
brevi nel quale cercare di convincere ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione.

Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi
principianti né sviluppatori esperti.

Si parlerà di awk e di python.

Le presentazioni saranno in diretta all'indirizzo , con la possibilità di interagire via chat.

Appuntamento a partire dalle ore 21:00

Questa sera durante la settimanale riunione virtuale del GL-Como si terrà la serata “sales pitch” per linguaggi di programmazione: una serie di presentazioni
brevi nel quale cercare di convincere ad imparare un linguaggio di programmazione.

Il target sono persone con nozioni di programmazione: né completi
principianti né sviluppatori esperti.

Si parlerà di awk e di python.

Le presentazioni saranno in diretta all'indirizzo… , con la possibilità di interagire via chat.

Appuntamento a partire dalle ore 21:00

Profanity 0.9.0

Profanity 0.9.0 wurde released!

Four months and 350 commits after 0.8.1 we are happy to release 0.9.0.

profanity ist ein XMPP Client für die console mit sehr vielen coole Funktionen.

#XMPP #profanity #Messenger #IM #Linux #console

A small update on #confy

A wip branch with updates to support future libhandy 1.0 (0.80.0 right now) has been created:…

So far:
- It is possible to add a custom pentabarf url to the conferences list
- The map page now show the map, scrollable and zoomable. It's ugly but i works
- Map image and conference image are loaded asynchronously
- pages stack has been replaced with Handy.Deck, with support for swipe gesture to get back

in reply to Fabio

So, now I'm trying to add some settings to the app.
I've populated the .gschema.xml file, but I can't manage to have the app found it, running on the host (I get a Gio.Settings without keys) or running it as a flatpak ("Settings schema is not installed").
Why it must be so difficult?
I think I'll go with a couple of python lines to replace this..
in reply to Fabio

So after some hours spent on this, I noticed an error in compile logs:
the schema was invalid, but meson doesn't stop on test() errors... useful...

Collapse OS is an attempt to implement a simple OS that can run on anything computer-ish in case civilisation collapses

Originally in assembler, the people around it discovered and then adopted Forth

The discussion around this topic is interesting…

@Gruppo Linux Como

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

How pandemics past and present fuel the rise of mega-corporations…

Also of related interest to you:
"The Wealthy in Florence Today Are the Same Families as 600 Years Ago"…
More detailed sources are all pay-walled, so that's what I'm linking you instead.

Family project for this weekend: a light box.

The box is made of corrugated cardboard, covered in a nice packing paper from the last time I ordered stuff from the internet (and one sheet of white paper for the inside); the “glass” is a leftover from a door. The light part comes from my SO's Secret Stash Of Things That Produce Light.

It… works

(while looking at it from the top the individual LEDs aren't as visible as in the picture, so I don't think they are going to be an issue)

Next step: trace all the things!

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Back before computers took over everything, I used to use my DIY light box as part of my ink art process. I'd do pencil sketches to figure out the composition, then use the light box to help me transfer it to a new pristine piece of paper where I could then ink. Of course, the light box didn't help with inking errors. Definitely no undo. 😆

New leaflets available to explain how Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) works.

They are available in in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish:…

You can print them out, to distribute them where ever you believe fits.

Thanks to @dileodile for making it, and thanks to @[url=]anhdres[/url] for the illustrations.

(Tails protects you against surveillance, censorship, advertising, and viruses with a full digital security toolbox to allow secret communication)

@Gruppo Linux Como

content warnings aren't just for white people, though. they're for preparing folks for the content they're viewing before they view it. it's informed consent.

(note: using second person for the sake of rhetoric, but I'm not specifically talking about you)

assuming that folks want content warnings because they want to shut out all content perpetuates the harmful idea that content warnings are purely for blocking content. they're not.

the reason why I want content warnings is because I want to engage with content without having it shoved into my face. simply telling me to block everyone who posts about it without a content warning is counter to that idea, because you're basically telling people to stop engaging with the information out there.

social media is fueled by outrage, and the idea that people can't stop the firehose of information headed their way. forcing people to leave platforms because they're fed up with you throwing heavy shit in their faces is directly counter to the fact that people are sharing this shit to inform and to show solidarity.

like, vent all you want without CWs to your followers, but if you plan for your post to be shareable, you owe it to your audience to preface it with a very small summary of what you're talking about, to give your audience the ability to engage in context.

you're not going to engage with the folks who don't want to see your content anyway. want to change a racist's mind? your untagged meme won't change that. all you're doing is forcing mentally ill folks to ignore everything about the situation instead of taking in stuff at their own pace.

and, there are loads of black folks who are hit harder by this deluge of content because they have to deal with loads of anti-black shit every day. experience dealing with stuff, and maybe even the numbness that follows, doesn't mean it's okay to shove something in someone's face.

«L'Osservatorio sulla censura dell'AIB ritiene estremamente grave e preoccupante che la Guardia di Finanza abbia bloccato l’accesso dall'Italia al Project Gutenberg, che dal 1971 raccoglie riproduzioni di libri di pubblico dominio».…

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