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rant on elastane

elastane. aka the Bane of Humanity.

Mind you, I admit that elastane in knits is pretty useful, and it helps them do what it's in the nature of knits to do.

But wovens. wovens are supposed to be dimensionally stable, not elastic!

And who in their right mind has *ever* thought “this silk satin would be better if it had a bit of elastane in it”???

(I only had to cut a square, and I had to measure it something like 12 times)

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

rant on elastane
In foundries they have rulers oversized to measure patterns and take in account the cast iron shrinkage.
Maybe you can make the same for elastane.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

rant on elastane

@Gustavino Bevilacqua

the problem isn't that it shrinks or expands in a consistent way. the problem is that, being silk satin, it shifted and moved as if possessed. and when I tried to pull on it gently to try and get a straigth line, the elastane would stretch, and then shift even more when I released it.

And it's not like it's doing anything useful.

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D

Prendete il pane raffermo di una settimana, fatto avanzare apposta. è misto, contiene pane bianco, semintegrale, ma anche pane con farina di mais, perché THIS IS INSUBRIA.

tagliatelo a pezzi, e seguite la vostra ricetta preferita della pappa al pomodoro, in quantità superiori al fabbisogno. Col pane con farina di mais dentro, perché THIS IS INSUBRIA.

Poi a cena prendete la pappa al pomodoro avanzata dal pranzo, metteteci dentro della trita di pollo, fatene delle polpette e cuocetele in padella, riciclando il piatto che è stato inventato per riciclare :D

E poi al pranzo dopo ci son le polpette avanzate dalla cena da scaldare al volo in forno :D

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D
me ne vergogno molto ma dovevo
in reply to las_lallero

cibo, contiene crimini contro la toscanità
@las_lallero eccomunque, a mettercene troppo poi sa di polenta (abbiam provato — non che sia un dramma, eh), ma un pochettino di pane con farina di mais nella pappa al pomodoro ci sta bene, ecco.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

cibo, contiene carne e crimini contro la toscanità, ma niente foto perché non è sopravvissuto abbastanza a lungo per essere fotografato :D
pan giald is life

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Heated mouse | mouse riscaldato

Components: 2 33Ohm resistors in serie, 1 thick washer, some silicone sealant, some wire.

Componenti: 2 resistenze da 33Ohm in serie, 1 rondella un po' spessa, un po' di silicone sigillante e qualche cavo.

A bit less of 0.5W, enough for reaching 35 C - 38 C.

Poco meno di mezzo Watt di potenza, abbastanza per raggiungere tra i 35 e i 38 gradi.

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sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

Problems, problems, self-induced #sewingPersonProblems.

I've done the last machine seam on the flannel shirt¹, but I want to use the same blue thread to sew a pair of linen trousers for my SO. He's not going to wear them for a few months, of course, but I want to see if the pattern is correct, so they are high priority.

However, my mother has just finished a filet crochet yoke for a nightgown that I'm going to make in linen for myself. Again, not something that is going to be worn any time soon², but it's a quick sew and it will allow me to know how much leftover linen I have for another project. But it needs a different colour of thread in the machine.

The sensible thing would be to sew the trousers during the next week, and then sew the nightgown. Luckily it's also the lazy thing, so that's probably what I'm going to do.

Can you guess how much I'd want to change plans and start with the nightgown? :D

(there will be pictures of everything mentioned. one day. :D )

@sewing group #sewing

¹ lots of handsewing remains, but that takes a different time slot.
² unless I decide to wear it as a chemise, but even then in winter I don't really need a linen one.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

The trousers have been finished, they fit! I have a pattern for jeans-like trousers for Diego, and I won't be afraid to use it! BUAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAH
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' FreeSoftWear group ha ricondiviso questo.

On a more serious note: I still have to edit a few step-by-step pictures and write an introduction, and then the pattern for those jeans will be ready for publishing.

And I've also started to cut the fabric for the nightgown, AND wrote the instructions I plan to follow while sewing it, so that I can take pictures and then publish also that pattern.

The yoke part will have a lot of “and then magic happens” however, as I have no idea how to write a crochet pattern.

@FreeSoftWear group #sewing #FreeSoftWear

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@freesoftwear I've been writing some crochet patterns lately (stuffed toys) and it was basically 'write down what I do in a way that I will understand later, and then hopefully one day sort it out into a form other people can make sense of too'.

My current project (a heron) lacks instructions for the hard bits though, where I magicked a lot...

in reply to wynke sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

@wynke my problem here is also that the one who did the magic is my mother, not me :D

Luckily it's filet crochet, which should be pretty easy to reverse engineer.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

And most of today's sewing time was spent on the phone with family :(

I hope I'll be able to finish the nightgown tomorrow.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

This morning I managed to do what I wanted to do yesterday morning (sewing the body and sleeve) *and* to do one hem.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

aaand it's done!

The nightgown is also finished, except for taking pictures of the last step and finished object, as the light had gone as I was sewing.

Which means that there will be no publishing of the pattern today, either.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Hey, anarchist instances?

You can close registrations for a day or so to go through new accounts and deal with suspicious ones. And you should.

That's not un-anarchist to take time to deal with your spaces before admitting new folks. It's actually helpful to keep people safe and your community healthy.

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Unknown parent

nerd teacher 🦇

@perigee @joenepraat It's kind of wild, but if you reframe it as "guidelines" (which, in my experience, seems to make people think about it as "I should do this, but there are moments where we need to do something else")?

It seems to make people recognise the function and purpose. Rules feel like things written down and given to us from people who think they're above us; guidelines seem to feel like flexible things that we should do but may have reasons not to. They also feel a little bit more collaborative in development and more negotiable. Perhaps that can help alleviate that pain!

sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

Now that the corset top is done, I've resumed working on the flannel shirt, as I'm probably going to need it quite soon, weatherwise.

Yesterday evening I had planned to flat fell the sleeve seams, instead I've finished hemstitching the collar to the wrong side, and attached the back to the yoke.

Today I want to do the side seams by machine, as that's the last machine seam, and everything else will be done by hand.

The pattern is… , with a flat front instead of the pleats.

@sewing group @FreeSoftWear group #sewing #HistoricalSewing

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

it’s already been said by other people more eloquent than myself but, while i do believe there’s merit in choosing a mastodon instance based on shared interests, it’s far more important to choose a mastodon instance based on shared *values*

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in reply to archmage ✨

re: meta suggestion (+): Plus signs are for good news!
Oh sorry. Guess I got carried away.
in reply to Cyber Yuki

re: meta suggestion (+): Plus signs are for good news!
@yuki2501 no worries! i understand you were trying to be helpful, and i appreciate that.

sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

eye contact, clothing/sewing finished object pictures

The stays-inspired corset top is done!

It's made from an old pair of jeans, spray painted with sparkling blue fabric paint and bound with black bias tape.

I've used some paracord for lacing, but I think it isn't sparkly enough, and will probably look for something else in the stash.

Worn over a skirt and petticoat the tabs do something funny, but that was just to be decent while taking the pictures, if worn *below* the skirt they should do their jobs.

Of course it is quite wrinkly, since it's unboned (there are just zip ties on both sides of the eyelets), but I'd say it works quite well a) as a costumey fun thing done with things I already had home b) as a general idea that I've cut the right size of the pattern and can proceed with cutting the real thing (and then properly fit them according to the instructions).

@sewing group #sewing #costuming #stays

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

Now I have a question for people who wears stays: how do you put them on? For these I've made them fully front lacing, and it's easy to just lace them after they are on the body, but the real thing is supposed to lace only on the back: should I train myself to pass a cord through the eyelets in my back?

The lace is supposed to be only as long as needed when the stays are fully closed, right? there is no additional length that can be used to put the stays on and then only need to tighten them, right?

Or am I doing it completely wrong?

#sewing #spiralLacing #historicalClothing @sewing group

Questa voce è stata modificata (2 anni fa)

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

I don't have a back lacing set (yet) but my cord is much longer than the required length when closed. I always lace them up loose and then tighten.

The extra length just gets tucked inside anyway.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' sewing group ha ricondiviso questo.

eye contact, clothing/sewing finished object pictures
that is really cool!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

If I suspect that there is a bug (that involves randomness) in an important package in Debian, the right thing to do is to keep testing and investigating until I can be sure that the bug exists, right?

Even if the investigation involves playing a number of widelands games until I'm really sure, right? :D

#debian #widelands

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

sadly, I did the sensible thing, started a few games in a row with no fog without playing them and found that no, there is no such bug.

I need another excuse, such as “I need to enlarge the borders of the Empire“ :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

A kernel hacker I used to share an office with liked to play Quake a lot at work "to test memory management".

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Now the way the Internet Archive is doing mastodon is how more organisations and celebs should be joining the fediverse!

They have a dedicated in house instance, which lets you identify official staff, and gives them control and security over their content, whilst also allowing people and instances to opt in or out of interacting with them

Kudos for doing it right @internetarchive!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

sogno, incendio, cronaca locale senza danni

Ok, stanotte mi son sognata di essere su una collina vicino al maggiore, veder cadere un meteorite in un paese di fronte, che ha causato un grosso incendio.

E stamattina leggo…

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

uhm.... Questa facoltà di predire va sfruttata.... Quale è l"ordine di arrivo della terza corsa al galoppo a San Siro sabato prossimo?
in reply to albertux

@albertux le visioni mica arrivano così a comando, van prese quando gli dei decidono di mandartele!

mug. check.
filter. check
tea leaves. check (these are very important!)
water, hot. check
timer. check.

what can go wrong now?

#tea #INeedATeaToBeAbleToBrewTea

Because *reasons*¹, I've been going through my contact list and revoking follow permissions to accounts that haven't posted in a while, or were even no longer existing, and will continue doing so and doing a bit of general pruning in the hope to lighten the server load a bit by avoiding traffic that no human is ever going to see.

If you receive such a notification, but are still using the account (maybe you're only posting for followers only, or you're reading more than you write) and still want to follow me, feel free to follow me again: it wasn't a personal thing.

¹ there may have been a couple of server crashes :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

asking for a friend. How many resources do a mastedon instance use?
in reply to cate

@cate I don't know, I'm on friendica :D

(and I don't really admin it, so I don't even know the answer for friendica; you'd need captain @Fabio for it)

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Con la #Twittermigration stanno nascendo al volo nuove istanze per giornalisti, medici, accademici ecc. così come nuove guide e strumenti vari per meglio comprendere il Fediverso e farne un'esperienza più piena. Qui alcune delle risorse circolate ultimamente:










Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Esistono altre istanze oltre a, alcune generaliste, altre strettamente legate a certe tematiche o luoghi.
Se ancora vi sentite un po' spaesati, forse potete guardarvi attorno cominciando da qui…

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in reply to Viviana B.:peacelink: Viviana B.:peacelink: ha ricondiviso questo.

@Viviana B. :peacelink: aggiungerei: e neanche quel link elenca *tutte* le istanze italiane, neanche tutte quelle attive: se siete alla ricerca di una nuova casa guardate anche gli altri elenchi linkati.

whysofurious reshared this.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Viviana B. :peacelink: e inoltre: una volta fatti i primi passi nel fediverso e visto che vi ci trovate bene, potete prendere in seria considerazione anche l'idea di mettervi d'accordo con un po' di amici e aprire la *vostra* istanza.

Se nel gruppo ci sono un paio di smanettoni basta un vps economico, altrimenti ci sono servizi che si occupano dell'aspetto tecnico e forniscono un mastodon installato; per pochi utenti i prezzi sono ampiamente a portata di colletta (per un target di residenti in italia in cui almeno metà ha stipendio regolare; circostanze diverse ovviamente cambiano le cose).

Unknown parent

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua


Sarebbe da fare un'istanza, con account DI AZIENDE COMMERCIALI che possono postare PUBBLICITÀ (così si coprono le spese), spunte blu a 5€, e poi lasciare che la gente si scanni com'è abituata a fare.

Senza federarsi con loro, che va al di là della loro comprensione.

Ma il fatto che debba essere un anarco-comunista a spiegare alle merdette cerebrolatitanti come far soldi la dice lunga sul collasso del sistema capitalista.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I want to echo what other Mastodon admins are saying: please report any harassment or violative messages you're seeing. Unlike the birdsite, your local admin will likely react quickly -- and you'll make the instance better for everyone, not just yourself.

So... please don't just ignore! Let us know if there's a problem.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Hee, I saw a post saying "questions about blocking" and I thought the person meant #knitting but actually it was blocking potential trolls...

but yeah, maybe trolls should be pinned out on a foam board and sprayed with water?

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

meta about organisations on the fedi

If you're an organisation that wants to participate on the fediverse, you really need to be running your own Mastodon instance.

Most of the Mastodon infrastructure right now is being run by individuals or small groups, for the community.

Trying to put your "official account" on community infrastructure is extremely rude.

#meta #mastoadmin

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in reply to Aurynn Shaw

meta about organisations on the fedi
@thraeryn and poor branding.
Imagine if instead of visiting, say,, you visited…

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

It’s funny, many of the “what you need to know about Mastodon” or “how to learn about the fediverse” pieces are focused on the technology and the implementation, when the hardest thing for people to understand about this context, if they’re used to traditional social media & tech, is that here we have an expectation of _consent_. Consent if you want to be included in a conversation, consent about being amplified, consent in the form of CWs on topics that you want to manage, etc. That’s it! 🎯

covid, cose stupide

il messaggio di benvenuto accogliente del comune di Beregazzo con Figliaro

e la seconda e quarta riga erano pure lampeggianti!

rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua ha ricondiviso questo.

architettura opinabile

E comunque, ditemi che non penso a voi, dal pomeriggio di oggi lungo la Lomazzo-Bizzarrone, chiesa dei santi Pietro e Paolo a Beregazzo (comune di Beregazzo con Figliaro).

Con anche il bonus dei paesi coi nomi lombardi intrinsecamente divertenti!

Ammirate le rampe per permettere agli angeli di fare cosi con gli skateboard!

Immagino che questa vada per le #chieseBrutte2023 ? comunque #chieseBrutte

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

architettura opinabile
Ma pensa a quanto hanno risparmiato di grondaie col tetto fatto a quel modo!

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

A #CW (Content Warning) does not mean your post will go unseen!

I look behind a lot of CWs--and I unfollow a lot folks who constantly post about news, politics, religion, or other triggering topics that don't use them.

CWs keep our feeds from becoming anxiety-inducing avalanches. They stop doom scrolling.

And they do this without "turning off" or "tuning out" the significant challenges we all face as a society, or the unique challenges marginalized people face.


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in reply to Mike McHargue Zan ha ricondiviso questo.

A CW in no way relegates your post as some kind of "second class" content. It lets people actively consent to reading whatever you are posting.

If every thing you post seems to need a CW, consider broadening the scope of what you post. Become a human person instead of content aggregator.

in reply to Mike McHargue

Thank you for saying this, Mike. As someone who lives with the minority stress of being trans, CWs are immensely helpful to me. People with multiple marginalizations are even more affected. When people CW their posts, I can brace before reading. When they don’t, I simply unfollow or mute them altogether to spare myself the stress.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Often times people ask me, "But how do I learn about how ActivityPub works? Where do I get started?"

Friends! The ActivityPub spec itself is here to help you! There's a really lovely story-driven tutorial about ActivityPub right at the top of the spec in the "Overview" section!…

Give it a read! I tried really hard to make it easy to follow, and it has beautiful illustrations from @mray!


las_lallero ha ricondiviso questo.

sfogo da traffico, riferimento obliquo ad earworm

Comunque, al prossimo che si lamenta del depopolamento delle città del sud troviamo casa a Usmate Carate¹, lavoro a Lugano² senza flessibilità di orario e una panda blu :D

¹ paese di fantasia da opera di cultura popolare televisiva
² città reale :D

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Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
post accidentalmente serio sul pendolarismo frontaliere

@CICCILLO eh, ma da Usmate Carate (e dalla zona dell'Olgiatese, che è in generale da dove arriva chi fa Bizzarrone) il treno non passa.

Se veramente trovi lavoro a Lugano a) assicurati che ci si possa arrivare con il treno b) cercati casa (suppongo in Italia?) vicino a una delle stazioni servite dai TiLo.

Ho dato alla causa “passare da Bizzarrone” per un po' di mesi (prima di avere modo di semitrasferirmi in un posto da cui potessi prendere dei mezzi) e nonostante avessi un lavoro da informatico con gli orari sfasati rispetto alla gente normale è stata una sofferenza. la coda è in salita. in entrambe le direzioni!

Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
riferimenti sempre meno obliqui ad earworm


tecnicamente i controlli di dogana ci sono¹ anche sui treni, e perfino sugli autobus urbani di Como :D

E se sul treno a fare i controlli sale il Verunell col Rex, sei spacciato! :D

¹ ok, diciamo “ci possono essere”. “mi è capitato saltuariamente di vederne”. ma pure in auto se non si è il Bussenghi mica si viene fermati regolarmente :D

Ondiz ha ricondiviso questo.

fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze

#mastoAiuto: che voi sappiate esiste un'istanza italiana dedicata alla scuola o temi correlati? idealmente una che abbia le iscrizioni aperte :)

se non ci fosse, Qualcuno(TM) dovrebbe crearla :)

boost benvenuti, ovviamente

Unknown parent

LucaM :raspberrypi: :linux:
fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze
@gecco mi aggrego anch'io!
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

fediverso italiano, ricerca istanze
con a tema la scuola non ne sono a conoscenza. Ci sono però due modi per seguire il tema: scrivere a oppure a

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Iscriversi nell'istanza PIU' GRANDE, oltre ad essere poco ecologico e profondamente sbagliato, puo' riprodurre le stesse dinamiche di potere dei social commerciali.

Questa è un'istanza locale bolognese legata all' @hacklabbo

Se non siete di Bologna o siete interessati a qualcosa di specifico vi consigliamo altre bellissime istanze legate ad hacklab, gruppi di attivist*, realtà antifasciste e vicine


Livello Segreto

Vi ricordiamo che Bida promuove e partecipa al progetto
e supporta @idefix (spostandovi avrete la stessa esperienza utente di bida)

Generate kaos! :antifa: :blobbounce: :blobtoofast: :bringgin:

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in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

Non siamo chiedendo di cancellare i contenuti, siamo anche archivist* come sai :0080:
Però vogliamo dare altri spunti su cui ragionare.
Concentrare utenti su un unica istanza ha degli impatti negativi, su molti aspetti.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Make the net weird again. Hand write sites like it’s the 90s. Pick interesting domain names and make fan sites or random knowledge known to everyone. Don’t monetize anything. Spearhead new protocols like Gemini. Make mods for games on your site. Make FAQs for obscure games no one knows about. Make public software services available to anyone. Make a news site about a really random subject. Create music in all kinds of different formats. Most of all, do it because you want to!
in reply to fuuma

hell yeah! then we need a search engine that finds this content and not just bombards us with ads and tracking. I’m really pleased over the last ~3 years I’ve been seeing an increase in people wanting to “go back”, and I think we might eventually be able to reclaim the web (at least some parts of it). I remember how much fun I had with the “red alert 2 fanpage kit” 😄 and there was a great tool by someone called “sadgrl” if I’m remembering right that randomly sent you to a site like you’ve just described

(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs) ha ricondiviso questo.

After a bit of a hiatus spent on calligraphy I'm back to the corset top based on the shape of 18th century #stays and I'm at the stage when I have to set in 14 metal eyelets per side on the back, plus a still indefinite amount on the front.

I'm really happy I bought the big box of 500 grommets a few years ago :D

(I'm trying not to think about the similar amount of hand sewed eyelets I will have to make for the real thing :D )

#sewing #costuming

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

ooh congrats on all those eyelets! I would love to see it when it’s done!
in reply to Emily

@Emily I will take pictures! I just need enough light (and mostly I've been working on this in the evening)

lewd/nsfw instances

Parola filtrata: nsfw

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

oh yes our new decentralized network protocol is actually just a bunch of dialup modems connected together

join the fidoverse everyone

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in reply to Now at !

yeah! Tom Jennings was an early punk rock, computer nerd, queer crush!…

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

What you get out of your experience at :mastoart: depends on what you put into it.

We don't do brands here - we do people. You may have become used to presenting yourself as a public figure, pushing content to the algorithm, but we're free from that machine here.

Peek at the local timeline and engage with posts.
Engage with the people who fave, boost, and comment on your work.
Make an effort to learn and use the established community practices like hashtags and alt text.


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in reply to Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

Hello Curator! Is Mastodon*Art a specific instance? If so, I guess I'm on a different instance (Mathstodon). Can I still post something to this instance? Do I have to quit and join this one?
in reply to Ventrella


Yes, all instances are entirely separate and need their own account creations :)

But no - you don't have to quit Mathstodon. If you want to post to the .art local feed you'll need to be logged in to, and if you want to post to the Mathstodon local feed you'll need to be logged in there -and apps like Tusky allow you to switch easily between different accounts - but a lot of people use Mastodon like that ^.^

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Can anyone help me identify what cursive script this is (since apparently there are multiple). This is what I was taught in first grade, and I'm probably the only person in our class who still uses this system (most people seem to use print letters).

I never actually learned to write any other way, and to this day I can't write in anything but this script without a lot of effort.

Boosts appreciated!

(Also, sorry for the weird Qs, I don't write in English often, and Hungarian doesn't use it.)

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Puns are like BDSM

You inflict them on others

For your own pleasure

And theirs

Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

We have a lot of really big, professional artists signing up on .art over the last few days, and it can be daunting posting your art here in the face of their work.

I want you to know that I'll still emphasise boosting art from small artists. This is a space for us to learn and grow and support each other, to motivate each other and to squash our impostor syndrome because it's a stinky lying liarpants.


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Unknown parent

Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator

There is no twitter there is only Zuul

Er, masto

I mean masto

Unknown parent

Abandoned America
yeah, I'm still on Twitter mostly to tell Musk he sucks as much as I can until I get kicked off and tell people to go here instead, but this is a lot more friendly and peaceful. Also: your website is awesome and ARE YOU KIDDING YOU'RE AN AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHER. Seriously, that's not going anywhere, even if you took a break!

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

*grumbles in admin* I dun wanna and never will read your damn dms.
in reply to Aus.Social Admin

also all 7000+ twitter employees can see dm’s there so this is objectively way better
in reply to dexiheart is anti-cop

@dexiheart is anti-cop @Aus.Social Admin I've been wondering about that. How can you possibly encrypt messages in such a way that admins with full access cannot access them? It would mean you can't store private keys on the server; every client you use to access it (mobile app, every browser) would need a copy of your private key. Or it's encrypted with your password, but then if you lose your password, you lose all your messages too.
in reply to Martijn Vos

But also - if the admin wants to be evil, why would they even deploy the version that hides your msssages
in reply to Martijn Vos

@Martijn Vos @Aus.Social Admin @dexiheart is anti-cop it could in theory be done with a client, as that could store your keys on your own device (and you could in theory check that the client isn't doing anything harmful with those keys), but then only people who use mastodon through a compatible client could read those.

Or more easily one can use the DM/PMs on mastodon to exchange contact IDs for some system that is designed for private communications rather than mostly public ones and already provides cryptography (and a client/app to do in on the user's side).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Yes, if people only used one browser/client, which is kinda not the social network model
in reply to Aus.Social Admin

Correct me if I'm wrong in my layperson's understanding, but isn't the issue with the privacy of ActivityPub messages fairly analogous to the privacy of unencrypted email? That is, in the process of routing a message to its intended destination, every server along its path will download a copy?

I'm not asking to imply "and therefore we shouldn't strive for more," I'm just wondering if the issues are analogous.

in reply to Spencer

Well, slightly different, only the instances storing the DMs can read them, but it's a storage issue
in reply to Spencer

@Spencer @Aus.Social Admin It's slightly better than the privacy of unencrypted email, because unencrypted email is sent over the internet unencrypted, whereas ActivityPub messages at least use https.

Personally I think email should be upgraded to a system where every message is encrypted by default. Of course that would require knowing the recipient's public key, which would require a system to distribute those to everybody who has you as a contact, and before you know it, it has turned into a social network. But I think this is the way email has to go.

in reply to Martijn Vos

If you are using a provider without TLS I don't know what to tell you

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

about admins and DMs

seeing this thing spread again

yes, server admins with database access, the technical knowledge, and inclination to do so can look at DMs sent to and from people on the instances they host. they don't appear in an interface anywhere unless reported.

the server admin is not always the same person as your instance admin. here on we self host the instance on a virtual server from linode, but there are plenty of instances out there hosted by,, or other hosting providers.

the cops can subpoena your server admin for access to your DMs as well, don't send anything that could be used as evidence against you in a court of law.

this is a stronger guarantee than you get from corporate social media, which readily and regularly talk to the cops and as far as i'm aware all expose DMs to moderators in their admin interface.

this is a weaker guarantee than end-to-end encrypted messaging (or at least, most of them).

know your threat model.

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

please boost to help me diagnose federation issues on my server

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Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

Tutta la discussione su Halloween mi ha fatto venire in mente che non c'è nulla di male a ibridare le tradizioni, quello che cambia però è il modo.
Gli egizi ibridarono le loro con o greci, i romani con i galli, i cristiani coi pagani, i giapponesi coi cinesi. Il problema è quando il processo è esclusivamente innescato dal mercato e dal capitalismo, per espandere ulteriormente un brand e di conseguenza il bacino di potenziali consumatori. Ecco perché non amo halloween


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in reply to 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖔

Si può festeggiare Halloween senza entrare nei circuiti consumistici, eh? Niente di male, solo divertimento :D (e comunque tradizioni della notte di Ognissanti le abbiamo anche in Italia in abbondanza)
in reply to Queen of Argyll

quello è il punto, ne abbiamo a iosa, e se halloween si ibridasse con le nostre tradizioni sarebbe ok (senza processi consumistici) Ma chi conosce davvero le radici di halloween? Per molti (quasi tutti) vuol dire vestirsi da mostro e andare a ballare se si è grandicelli o emulare con dolcetto o scherzetto quanto si è visto on TV.
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Zel 🐧 @Robo proprio la befana fascista dovevi citare? :D

però concordo pienamente con quello che dici.

Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha ricondiviso questo.

I'm seeing a lot of proclamations that there should be no exceptions to describing your images or that there's no reason to interact with any that aren't described.

I know these mean well, but they are themselves ableist.

Disabled people know that access needs can clash. I benefit from described images, but I know some people struggle to write them because of their own disabilities.

And that's okay! The culture of image descriptions is great here but it should never be absolutist.

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in reply to Toffee

You can't. You can delete and re-draft to add the description. (If you edit the toot, you have to delete and re-upload the media to get the chance to describe it.)
in reply to Erik

@brave paws, in cuddle format 🩼 @Toffee Update: As of a few months back, this is no longer true for recent Mastodon versions. Editing the post and editing the alt text is possible and effective.

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