Status update on the flannel shirt: all of the main pieces have been assembled, two buttonholes out of five have been done. I still have to fell the seams on the sleeves and the sides, and hemstitch the hems. And then I must not forget the reinforcement patches at the sides and sleeves. The one I've almost forgotten about about every time I think on what's still to do on the shirt :D
Being able to wear it this weekend is starting to sound feasible, unless something unexpected happens.
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I have a problem: the tutorial¹ I'm following says to leave the thing in a warm place until it's dry enough that the cat will sleep on it, but I currently don't have a cat.
pliz help: what should I do? wrong answers only :D
(no pictures, because it's white linen fabric wet with xantan gum on white poster paper in low light, and I didn't even try. just imagine you're on a low bandwidth connection and you're reading the image description here.)
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Serata del 1 dicembre: il Fediverso
Visti gli argomenti di cronaca tecnologica delle ultime settimane :D per
la prossima serata del giovedì 1 dicembre pensavamo di proporre il tema
“il Fediverso” (ovvero i social network federati, ovvero ciò di cui fa
parte Mastodon).
Il piano è:
- 20:30 ritrovo alle 20:30 su per
convenevoli e consueto cazzeggio
- 21:00 breve presentazione di cos'è il Fediverso
- 21:15 circa, scambio di esperienze, domande, risposte, consigli eccetera
Come l'altra volta, partecipando si autorizza la registrazione della
call, a partire dalle 21:00 e la sua eventuale pubblicazione.
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#til that there is yet another #fabric-based thing that is called buckram and it has some similarities, but is definitely a different thing from the other two I knew.
A mesh material used to make fursuit eye pieces.
(The other two are the buckram used in hats and the one used to stiffen stays)
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I was outside for a walk with @Diego Roversi , and asked him to come with me to a #fabric shop, so that I could buy exactly what I needed (to wrap christmas packages), with no time to look around at what they had and get ideas.
We did. I got what I needed. We payed.
And then just before leaving I noticed some nice woolens. And I may have taken a picture and sent it to my mother.
To be continued... :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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A proposito di caffé d'orzo, l'ho detto che i coperchi dei barattoli del caffé d'orzo funzionano come tavolozze su cui il colore si pela via per gli acrilici?
(this post in italian because I'm talking about food packaging found in the italian supermarkets)
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Il caffè d'orzo mi fa abbastanza angoscia¹: vedrò cosa trovo di equivalente.
Che tipo di plastica dice il simbolo del riciclaggio al di sotto?
Molto facilmente potrebbe essere HDPE.…
¹ termine usato gergalmente da queste parti al posto di "schifo".
Ma no, mi basta sapere che tipo di plastica è.
Se è HDPE fondo un po' di tappi dell'acqua minerale e via: li ho tenuti da parte per vedere se trovo il tempo di aggregarmi a Precious Plastic.
Say hi to the Precious Plastic Universe
The alternative plastic recycling system run by
ma te ne devo tenere un po' da parte e prima o poi portartene qualcuno?
io di solito faccio fuori una confezione di caffé d'orzo ogni 10 giorni :)
Il polietilene bassa densità è quello delle bottiglie dell'acqua minerale, si trova a vagoni.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
I still have to finish other handsewn things, but I have the cutting mat on the table, and I decided I might as well start cutting the #AugustaStays, and then maybe later in the weekend I can make the buckram.
Natural linen would have probably been better than white¹, but oh well, in 200 years they are going to be yellow too :D and they will be trimmed with powder blue cotton
¹ yes, it's white³, the blue tint is courtesy of the vintage effect² in the pinephone camera :D
² no, it can't be turned off :D
³ and now I must look for a UV light to find out whether it's merely bleached or it also has optical whiteners, but I don't know where it is
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there is only one place our UV light usually ends up. Children room 2 😜
(also I miss sewing but what can one do. Too many hobbies 🤷 )
@Beko Pharm we don't have children, but the engineer knew where it was.
that counts as almost a children, right? :D
(and btw, the answer is yes, it has optical whiteners)
Beko Pharm (deprecated) likes this.
Third layer cut!
I was tempted to only use two layers for the straps, since this time they wouldn't fit under piece A, but then I tried to squeeze it somewhere else and… WIN.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
@Fabio it does have nanowar blasting¹ out of the stereo quite often :D
(and so does my mind, now. :D)
¹ FSVO blasting :D
Today in Fediculture History, I want to talk about the WHEEL OF GENDER. 🧵
There's a joke that goes around the Fediverse that Mastodon turns trans about 10% of the people who use it. Of course, that's nonsense; it's more like 20%.
Ok, that's nonsense too, but what Mastodon _does_ do is it provides a space where openly trans people are able to flourish and be noticed.
That leads to the situation that users who arrive here, who have never questioned their gender before, get to examine what gender means to them personally for the first time. And, surprise!, some of them turn out to be trans.
Even those of us who arrive here previously transed, like me, have a chance to revisit the concept of gender and develop a more profound understanding of it.
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In person I can't really express myself due to where I live, family, etc. After a week of being on mastodon? I feel amazing and have already learned so much about myself.
I'm gay/pan but analyzing gender was something I felt I couldnt remotely approach until joining here. Now I'm pretty sure I'm gender fluid and i couldn't imagine coming to that conclusion without the people I've met here.
Beside the nightgown, the sewing plan for this week involved making a second bathrobe like the one I made a few weeks ago (in the picture, this one is a darker gray) so that a) I now have a SPARE! (rather than just one disintegrating bathrobe :D ) b) the bulky fabric isn't taking up space in the stash anymore c) I've taken improved step-by-step pictures to publish the pattern.
Today I've done all of the machine sewing, I only have to hemstitch all of the binding by hand (because I'm a masochist).
And this makes it three garments for which I have written instructions, taken pictures, and “only” need to edit those pictures and add them to instructions to be able to publish the pattern.
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Hey all, with the continued influx of Twitter people, I'm once again seeing a drop in the number of people who add alt text/image descriptions to what they post, denying access to many disabled users here.
Exactly how you do this varies by Mastodon client app, but it is usually just below the image once you upload & before posting.
Even a short-but-useful description is better than nothing—focus on what you're trying to get others to get from the image rather than describing every detail.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
@Teffer and people who has made 18th century #stays : I'm reading the instructions for the #AugustaStays and they say to layer the fabric, starting from the outside, as outer layer, heavyweight linen interlining, buckram, so that buckram is towards the body, with just the optional lining separating it from the shift.
Do you have any idea why it isn't layered as outer layer, buckram, heavyweight lining?
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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Germany has defeated (will defeat?) England 4-2 at the final, but one of the players (sorry, I didn't catch the name) has been hurt because of a foul committed by England.
I've seen it in a dream.
There, now you know how it will end, so there is no need to watch any of the matches, and you can all boycott this world cup :)
Emma Kelley likes this.
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@Julian Andres Klode 🏳️🌈 I think I've seen some posts on the topic even here on the fediverse, yes.
I'm not sure whether it was people watching it, people wishing to watch it, but who were doing an effort to boycott it or what.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Nella categoria THIS IS INSUBRIA, nel forno al momento c'è un pane fatto con 100 g di farina di mais (fumetto), 50 g di farina di grano saraceno, 650 g farina bianca forte, 480 g di acqua (e 3 g di lievito secco, e 13 g di sale).
non ci saranno foto.
però vi farò sapere se è un abominio, o se viene degno del Nord (detto con la voce di Rob Stark, ovviamente) :D
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las_lallero likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Se siete un'azienda e non volete fare la figura degli straccioni (tipo quelli che si mettono sul furgone l'indirizzo mail @virgilio it: è come scrivere il numero di telefono sul sacchetto del pane!) DOVETE farvi una vostra istanza, perché:
1) siete VALIDATI (se ci tenete) perché es. admin@standa è di sicuro vostro, standa@bida non si sa
2) potete scrivere quel che volete, e anche farvi l'account BlackFriday@standa che nessuno dice nulla
Varie ed eventuali.
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Ciao tuttə!
Sono un informatico di professione (specialmente python, dati, AI ma sono curioso anche di altro). Ci sono arrivato perchè dopo aver letto Neuromante volevo fare le IA 😂
Cerco qualcosa di interessante da fare che non serva solo a vendere paccottiglia o arricchire qualcuno, quindi se avete proposte mandatemi un messaggio. Credo di essere piú o meno bravo a trovare, analizzare e presentare i dati e ad automatizzare queste cose e quello che non so lo cerco di impararlo.
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Ti annoi e non sai che fare? Sei un programmatore esperto? Allora ho quel che fa per te!
Vai a pulire quel putridume che è il codice di GIMP. O i bug. O la lista di pull, merge etc
Scegli, sta pieno così di lavoro quel software maledetto.
Scherzo obvsly :V
Benve su mastodon e LS!
E ricorda sempre di aggiungere la descrizione ai media caricati e di scrivere sempre in maiuscolo l'iniziale di ogni parola negli hashtag con più termini per rendere tutto il più accessibile!
Ho creato un'istanza per soli gatti, non accetto iscrizioni e foto di esseri umani, SOLO GATTI.
L'istanza è una perenne beta fatta per divertimento, potrebbe essere cancellata da un giorno all'altro senza nessun preavviso (o con uno molto minimo), se volete fare un po i cretini con i vostri gatti:
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Daniele Tricoli moved to likes this.
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TFW you realize you've been cleaning and oiling a domestic power tool while it was on, because the sun was shining on the lamp and you couldn't see it was on.
luckily, my foot was quite far from the pedal, so the actual risk was minimal.
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@Gustavino Bevilacqua with the woodworking power tools? of course I would always do that!
the sewing machine? it has a plug? I thought it was directly connected to the mains :D
(I know)
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
As a blind individual, I have to say that #Caturday on #Mastodon is far far more enjoyable then at #Twitter, where the vast majority of cat photos are not described.
It is also been fascinating for me to hear descriptions written by those who sent the image, immediately followed by Apple image recognition’s attempts to describe the same image. Only rarely does that add anything to the ALT, & often directly contradicts it.
There is no auto magical solution to image description. It is something best done by a human, for only that human can explain the “why” of the image: the reason that image was chosen to speak so eloquently without words for those who can see it. ALT allows you to provide those words.
Camarilha Rachada likes this.
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From Mistpark to Streams: An attempt at a chronology
Allow me to digress from the usual topic on this channel once more.
I'm pretty sure that no human being on this planet has created nearly as many federated social platforms as @mike. But all these (actually not always so) different platforms can be a bit confusing. Even I may be wrong here and there, but I'll try to make some sense of them by putting them into a kind of chronology.
So first, there was #Friendica. Only that it started out under the name of #Mistpark. I'll get to the name later.
Remember #Diaspora? Remember summer 2010 when the crowdfunding run was launched so that those four guys could spend all their time creating a free, #OpenSource, decentralised, federated social network (a.k.a. #Facebook killer) which they wanted to name Diaspora*?
Well, they unknowingly wanted to re-invent the wheel. #StatusNet was already there, #GNUsocial was already there, and especially, Mistpark was already there with a 1.x release and more powerful than both, actually, more powerful than Diaspora would ever become. I think Mistpark even already had Diaspora*'s aspects, only that they were called groups.
As for its concept, Mistpark went beyond that of Diaspora*. Mistpark didn't only want a bunch of instances ("nodes" in this case) of its own kind to connect with one another, it also wanted to federate with everything else that moved, be it e-mail, be it StatusNet, be it Twitter, be it whatever.
The first name change was from Mistpark to #Friendika. The reason was that the original name sounded repelling to German speakers. "Mist" means "fog" in English, but "dung" or "manure" in German, not to mention that it's a German curse word.
When Diaspora* was finally there, Friendika didn't see it as competition, it saw it as another federation target. To this day, Friendica is fully federated with Diaspora*, and that has exclusively been the work of the Friendika developers who studied Diaspora*'s source code and reverse-engineer it because it didn't have an API.
Probably the biggest coup was the bidirectional federation with Facebook. This was what everyone was waiting for. This, however, was also where the trouble started. Facebook didn't want to be federated with a non-commercial social network and started taking defensive measures. Also, Friendica users (the second name change was through meanwhile) who used the Facebook connector had their entire and often very busy Facebook timelines mirrored onto Friendica nodes, one of the reasons why even nodes on powerful root servers often had to close new registrations even though they only had a little over a hundred users. So there were several reasons why Facebook federation was axed again.
Internally, Friendica uses its own protocol named #DFRN. But I guess Mike had meanwhile seen it as a dead end, also because he had a new idea: #NomadicIdentity, not only the ability to easily take your account from one instance to another, but the possibility to have it on multiple instances at the same time, keeping the copies in sync.
That's why he laid the foundation for a new protocol that could do that: #Zot.
And with it came the next social platform. It was first just simply named Red from Spanish "red" = "net". Red was based on Zot from the beginning, and as an experimental platform, it only understood Zot. On Friendica which was now running at full steam on dozens upon dozens of nodes, and which Mike had passed on to the community, the development was followed with interest. And just like later platforms, I think Red actually got a few small public instances because someone really wanted to try it out. Red eventually changed its name to #RedMatrix.
Also, Red didn't just want to be a social network like Friendica. The idea was rather to have a "social content management system" that could do just about everything you could do with a website and/or a cloud server. Third-party federation was slightly reduced, connections to commercial platforms didn't come back. But as Red evolved, the Diaspora* connector was included which was also used to federate Red with Friendica.
From the Red Matrix emerged #Hubzilla, the Swiss Army knife of the #Fediverse. Still today, its possibilities have rarely ever been fleshed out: not only microblogging, but macroblogging, article publication, websites, wikis (no, I'm not kidding), #WebDAV, #CalDAV and #CardDAV server and so forth.
Next to the nomadic identity that came with Zot, Hubzilla introduced another killer feature: one account, many separate channels. Each one of these channels is basically like one Friendica account. You can have multiple fully separate identities on one account, and nobody (except the instance admin) can tell that they're all you. So this goes way beyond Friendica's multiple profiles. By the way, Hubzilla still has multiple profiles per channel.
Some say that the Red Matrix was renamed Hubzilla. This isn't true. Hubzilla is a fork of the Red Matrix, one could say it was a stable snapshot of the Red Matrix.
For the development of the Red Matrix continued. Planned advancements on Zot couldn't be tested on stable Hubzilla, they needed their own testbed. Eventually, the last Red Matrix instance was Mike's personal one with himself as the only user. It still federated with Friendica and, of course, Hubzilla.
In the meantime, #ActivityPub came along. It wasn't just another obscure networking protocol, though, because #Mastodon made it huge. So at least Friendica and Hubzilla had to adopt it. Friendica firmly integrated it. Hubzilla made it into an app just like all other protocols that aren't Zot because they stand in the way of fully nomadic identity. By the way, both profited from its introduction because the federation between each other no longer had to use the Diaspora* protocol.
For the next advancements of Zot, two new platforms were forked from the Red Matrix or Hubzilla. At this point, Mike wasn't involved with Hubzilla anymore either. First, there was #Osada, an early testbed for what would become #Zot6, but still with ActivityPub. For pure Zot6, #Zap followed suit. Most connectors that are neither Zot nor ActivityPub, including the one to Diaspora*, weren't taken over, as were many of Hubzilla's extra abilities (websites, articles, wiki, CardDAV, two parallel calendar systems etc.) to keep it slim. It did get to keep the various types of channels as well as one CalDAV server and the WebDAV connection, though.
Eventually, when Mike handed them over to the community, they used the exact same code base. The only differences between Osada and Zap was whether or not the admin had ActivityPub on (Osada) or off (Zap) and the name.
As having two different names for the same thing, depending on the instance configuration, Osada was discontinued in favour of Zap which now included ActivityPub itself. In the meantime, Zot6 became stable and was backported into Hubzilla which thereby became fully compatible to Zap, only that what Hubzilla can that Zap can't cannot be mirrored to Zap.
Then Osada re-emerged as Zap's unstable branch. Along with it came a new Red Matrix which, as far as I could see, was now an even more purist, even more unstable branch that only served for testing Zot8 and lacked all other protocols.
To top this off, in 2020, Zap itself got a stable branch even more intended for productive use. For this purpose, the name Mistpark was dusted off. The new stable branch was named #Mistpark2020 or simply #Misty. Misty was the first of its kind to not even get an announcement anymore, though. Its home page on Zotlabs disappeared along with Zotlabs before it could be filled with any useful information.
Two things were interesting: Red Matrix, Osada, Zap and Misty were based on various states of the same code base. It was possible to switch from one to another by rebasing the local code repository on your server. This became obvious through instances that carry the name of one project but run another one.
It must have been in 2021 when #Roadhouse showed up, again, unannounced. It seemed to be nothing more than a concept for the next generation of distributed social platforms. Roadhouse was the first of its kind to use the #Nomad protocol which, I guess, is forked from #Zot because it serves the same purpose. It got its own home page on Zotlabs which remained as uninformational as Misty's.
And then the most recent name popped up: #Streams. At first, it was even less clear what Streams was supposed to be and what set it apart from Roadhouse, not to mention Red Matrix, Osada, Zap and Misty, also because Zotlabs didn't say what Streams was either.
But I guess Streams' purpose has emerged in the meantime through word-of-mouth: It's the experimental successor of all five and the solution to this maze of names. Streams isn't even a product with a name, it's a concept that uses Nomad for nomadic identity and that is in constant flux, hence Streams. The idea was to do away with fixed names to get rid of the previous chaos. Everyone can name whatever they do with Streams however they want.
There is currently only one more or less public Streams instance, but it still carries "Stream" in its name. At least two more instances which may be private are named something with "Streams", too. So whether Mike wants or not, Streams has become a name of its own, and people use it.
How many Streams instances exactly exist right now is hard to tell, even from Communities pages on Streams instances or Sites pages on older platforms, because they don't necessarily identify themselves as Streams instances. So if you go through one of these pages, and there are names in the Projects column which you don't know as Fediverse platforms, check out what's behind them. It's often only one instance. Open the instance, click its burger menu, and if there's a Communities link, it's a Streams instance. I've discovered a lot of Streams instances not named anything with Streams this way. Private instances included, I guess Streams must have more than a dozen instances already.
There has even already been a request to launch a Streams support forum much like the one for Hubzilla; after all, Streams still supports forums. It's safe to say that Streams is doing quite well for something so obscure.
Feature-wise, Streams is the same as Zap and Misty.
But what became of the six platforms between Hubzilla and Streams?
- Red Matrix kept having only this one single-user instance because nobody else dared to touch it and set up another instance. It's a Zap instance now as far as I can see.
- Osada never really took off, Zap probably did only after Osada was merged into it, and some Osada instances became Zap instances. This explains why Zap has got comparably many instances. Most of them, however, are tiny, probably private and utterly undermaintained as they run rather old Zap versions. Zap only lives by numbers, and it's the only one of the five listed on Fediverse Observer. Also, while the FediDB lists all five, it only knows that one Dominican public Zap instance and none of the others (looking through its connected sites reveals many unlisted instances of Zot-based networks, by the way). Still, it seems to be on the deathbed, being superseded by Streams, experimental as the latter may be.
There still seem to be a very few running Osada instances, but Osada can be considered dead as the focus is on Streams now. - Misty didn't take off either, even though it was considered more stable and more production-grade than Zap. This time, the reason may simply be because Misty got zero advertising, so nobody heard about it, probably not even some of the Zap crowd. Misty never had many instances, they weren't properly advertised either (the same applies to most Zap instances, by the way), and Misty's death knell may have been the unannounced shutdown of its largest instance. Basically, there was little room for Misty next to less obscure Zap.
- Roadhouse didn't even manage to get much limelight before Streams appeared shortly afterwards. In both cases, the only way to find out what they were and what they did was by either studying the source code or installing a private instance. Streams, however, had the advantage of being even newer. knows exactly one German Roadhouse instance which was originally set up as Misty and has meanwhile been upgraded beyond Roadhouse to Streams, and there only seems to be one remaining unlisted Roadhouse instance.
- I've seen another result of an upgrade from Zap to Misty. So it's safe to assume that you can upgrade all five to Streams. If this is the case, then now that Streams is here, it probably isn't worth spreading the developer community across six almost identical platforms. Basically, Streams has become the latest version of Red Matrix, Osada, Zap, Misty and Roadhouse.
- At least Red Matrix, Osada, Zap and Misty are still being maintained in a sense, though. All four got the same small Git commit from Mike a good month ago. Roadhouse got one four months ago.
As of now, Friendica is still going strong, so is Hubzilla, and Streams seems to be cleaning up the mess that came after Hubzilla.
If you really want to try out something with Zot, my current recommendation is Hubzilla, even if it may seem bloated and cumbersome to you, even if you'll never harness its full power. Many of its extra functions are additional apps and switched off by default; this includes ActivityPub, by the way, this is important to know.
It's hard to find a public Streams instance with open registrations currently, much less multiple ones that'd be required for a nomadic identity. Neither nor the FediDB nor nor even knows Streams, and existing Streams instances usually don't identify to other Fediverse servers as Streams instances. It's still a rather underground and grass-roots project with no publicity at all. As Streams is rather experimental, however, you may want a nomadic home on at least two instances to have an instant backup, should one of them shut down.
Zap has got exactly one instance open to the public, and seeing as Zap may be shrinking rather than growing, I don't expect this to change. Again, due to Zap's still small size and unclear future, I wouldn't recommend using it without nomadic identity as a safety net.
As for Osada or Misty, good luck finding an instance to join, much less one that's here to stay and ideally be upgraded to Streams one day.
Hubzilla may not be as bleeding-edge as Streams, and it may be overkill for your purposes if Zap or Streams would be sufficient, but it's stable, it's big enough, it's established, and it's different enough from Streams to not be endangered by it. I mean, Hubzilla hasn't managed to kill off Friendica either, right?
Fediverse Observer checks all servers in the fediverse and gives you an easy way to find a home using a map or list.
Zap Servers Status. Find a Zap server to sign up for, find one close to you!
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Mario explained it to the @Hubzilla Boost Team lately. Nomad is the avant-garde and newest version of Mikes visions for dezentral networks with a new name. Up to now Zot is compatible towards Nomad but the other way around there are few new features in nomad which will be back ported to ZOT if it is possible to do, time by time.
Zot / Nomad works very similar to AP but offers features AP does not have. So what ever the future of AP looks like we can do thinks independently of AP
Finally Zot / Nomad functions could become part of AP or seen as an extension of AP.
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what's different isn't explained anywhere; you can only find it out by asking the developers or comparing source codes of implementations.
It's like a mystery mouse-cat game: find info about Zot+Streams if you can! Maybe there are Easter eggs hidden in the code...
Mario explained it to the @Hubzilla Boost Team lately
That forum and so thread are not public...
We should definitely have a clear website with a list of main forums to follow.
Finally Zot / Nomad functions could become part of AP or seen as an extension of AP.
That would be awesome!
P.S. Very weird, I never received any notification for replies from both of you, and this thread was no where to be found in my stream/feed -- and I did scroll a lot. I noticed your replies when I looked at my Friendica feed and since that account has my hubzilla account as a friend then that's how I saw them. What is strange, is that my Streams account also has my Hubzilla as a friend but again, it's nowhere in my feed.
We've got a Hack & Craft event tomorrow afternoon at 14:00-16:00 ET (19:00 UTC)
These virtual gatherings are a cross between a user group and a craft circle, bring whatever project you're working on and chat about FOSS with us!
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One thing that I've seen mentioned less than other #fediTips these days is that in the fediverse culture the number of followers isn't considered important, having *mutuals* is.
Some instances even hide the number of followers and people followed, and users can do so for their own account.
Even when it's visible, having a huge number of followers and following very few people is looked at as a oddity, and a sign of somebody who's probably not interested in interacting with people, and thus is not really part of the fediverse culture.
The converse is also true: users with almost no followers who follow a lot of people (unless they are really new) give a bad “bot” vibe, and people in the fediverse tend to be wary of them.
Having a reasonable number of both followers and people followed is seen as ideal.
This doesn't mean that you have to follow everybody who follows you! curating the list of people you follow is an important part of the fediverse experience, and you should only follow people whose posts are of interest to you and will make your life better. However I'd recommend giving at least a chance to everybody who follows you, looking at their profile and posts and consider whether you want to follow them.
And then, remember that unfollowing people is perfectly acceptable and requires no explanation: following somebody is not a long term commitment and consent can be given and taken away at any time.
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Another reminder that if you don't add image descriptions to your photos, lots of people won't boost them.
I keep seeing great pics but coz no image descriptions, I won't boost. I want everyone to have access to photos shared :)
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
I really like the favorite/boost/bookmark distinctions. I also like the fact that here you have to go back to the original post to talk--my brain says lovechild of Twitter and Pillowfort. Also, accountability, woohoo!
So. In my view.
Favorite: HEY YOU this was a COOL THING.
Boost: HEY EVERYONE this was a COOL THING.
Bookmark: HEY ME don't forget about this COOL THING.
Reply: OMG WHAT A COOL THING can we TALK about it?
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Just a little added nuance:
Boost + Favorite: Super cool, everyone should see this.
Boost sans Favorite: Everyone should see this, but not necessarily cool.
Avviso a chi si lamenta che mastodon va adagio: CACCIATE LA GRANA PER COMPRARE ALTRI SERVER.
Qui funziona così.
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Morrvair Breaks Down At The Worst Time!
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GitHub - sitaramc/gitolite: Hosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features.
Hosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features. - GitHub - sitaramc/gitolite...GitHub
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What's obvious to basically everyone in the industry but is probably surprising to everyone else is that twitter is a harder problem than getting a rocket to the moon. One of these problems only involves physics, the other involves humans.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
With the update of @dino to 0.3.1 in #debian, the functionality on small screens such as #pinephone running #mobian ... did not work so great.
The version uploaded to debian experimental, allowed resizing the different parts of the window a little bit, but still often hid useful information...
So I refreshed the libhandy patches!
Packages available from:…
The "UNRELEASED" repository is signed by my key in the debian-keyring.
Have not tested much, but works for me!
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Yes, that's where the patches originally came from.
I don't currently have a git repo with the patches applied, but should be able to "git am debian/patches/handy/*.patch" from the unpacked .dsc
Or... I'll just push a branch somewhere.
Pushed a couple branches to:…
The handy-v0.3.1 branch is based on the upstream v0.3.1 tag with the handy patches applied
There is also the debian/handy-0.3.x branch, based on of the debian/0.3.1 tag with the handy patches applied.
The patches are only slightly modified from the feature-handy branch in dino upstream, and not all are applied.
Really need to get small screen support working upstream sooner or later, as I do not like maintaining forks!
I was shocked and offended by the fact that neither units nor qalc (the command line programs) know about the talent unit of weight.
except I was wrong, units *does* know about the talent, but only the Attic and the Aeginetan ones.
It's still missing the Babylonian one, which is the one I was looking for, but nevermind.
(also: 90 kg for an axe? 60 kg for the blade of a dagger? 300 kg carried by one person? I can see how one needs to be two thirds god to use this kind of equipment :D )
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@bookandswordblog thanks, I didn't know (woooops, there goes my weekend :D )
I found something pretty similar on wikipedia, which is how I got the round numbers above.
bookandswordblog likes this.
Serata del 17 ottobre: self-hosting git
Come ogni giovedì di recente, anche il 17 novembre ci troveremo online
per la consueta chiaccherata serale: questa volta però abbiamo un tema:
il self-hosting git, ovvero come non dipendere da github, gitlab e altri
big per pubblicare il proprio codice.
Il piano della serata è ritrovo alle 20:30 su , convenevoli e breve cazzeggio e alle
21:00 precise precise si entra nel vivo e ci si scambiano esperienze e
consigli riguardo all'argomento della serata.
Non è detto che se ne faccia niente, ma partecipando si autorizza la
registrazione della call e la sua eventuale pubblicazione nel caso in
cui esca qualcosa di potenzialmente interessante anche per altri.
(ovviamente la parte cazzeggio prima delle 21 è esclusa dalla
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Roberto Resoli likes this.
Roberto Resoli reshared this.
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did you know that the second @ in a fedi mention is pronounced "who art in"
at double oh dani who art in vulpine club
After the dotcom bust 20 years ago, there was a shift away from attempts to turn the Internet into a portal owned by a single company (AOL, Yahoo, etc) using incompatible and proprietary tech, in favor of open standards.
This spawned a heydey for things like self-hosted blogs, RSS and XMPP powered by Linux. People rejected lock-in and embraced the benefits and freedom open standards brought. Even Big Tech embraced these standards.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
More #mastoAdmin stuff. You can improve the accessibility of links on your instance with this custom CSS to enforce an underline. Colour alone can be problematic for some people.
Like my previous post about the Toot! button, this goes in System Settings -> Appearance -> Custom CSS.
a.status-link:not(.mention) {
text-decoration: underline;
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Yes! I provide this accommodation and others over at
I don’t have a VI, but prefer the underline. Posts loaded with # and @ can be a bit busy visually, but the tradeoff is worth it.
The Accessibility Social
A Mastodon community for all with a focus on accessibility, assistive technology, and the interests of the broader disability community.Mastodon hosted on
#mastoAdmin Do you miss the Toot button - put it back like this.
Put something like this in your Custom CSS.
Full credit to @Leadegroot
.compose-form__publish-button-wrapper button {
visibility: hidden;
.compose-form__publish-button-wrapper button:after {
visibility: visible;
content: 'Toot!';
display: block;
width: 100%;
padding: 8px;
border-radius: 3px;
background-color: #667547;
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The selector for #GlitchSoc is different.
I've also relocated the button to the original location.
Colour may need some tweaking for active v. nonselected modes:
/* It's TOOT, damnit! 2022-11-16 */<br><br>.button.primary {<br> visibility: hidden;<br>}<br><br>.button.primary::after {<br> visibility: visible;<br> content: 'Toot!';<br> display: block;<br> width: 100%;<br> padding: 8px;<br> border-radius: 3px;<br> background-color: <a href="" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>9baec8</span></a>;<br> margin-top: -30px;<br> margin-left: -10px;<br>}<br>
1) Do not eat any food offered to you. Should a single grape or morsel pass your lips, you may find the path behind you has vanished and around your throat, a collar of servitude, to be worked off over thousands of years in the Dream Mines.
2) Do not give your true name. A name has power. Only use your true name in a DM to me, the only one who can cast the wards required to protect you in this realm. Be sure to attach a lock of your hair, electronically.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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3) Hashtags: what are they? Nobody knows. They seem to grow here and can be safely consumed, but was them first to remove their powdery outer layer.
4) Do not fear the howling. It's just the "music of the night" and it's a regular feature. After a while, you won't even notice it .
5) Do not embrace any strange but attractive individuals who seem to be lounging near bodies of water. They have hollow backs, which is where they store souls.
elastane. aka the Bane of Humanity.
Mind you, I admit that elastane in knits is pretty useful, and it helps them do what it's in the nature of knits to do.
But wovens. wovens are supposed to be dimensionally stable, not elastic!
And who in their right mind has *ever* thought “this silk satin would be better if it had a bit of elastane in it”???
(I only had to cut a square, and I had to measure it something like 12 times)
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Maybe you can make the same for elastane.
the problem isn't that it shrinks or expands in a consistent way. the problem is that, being silk satin, it shifted and moved as if possessed. and when I tried to pull on it gently to try and get a straigth line, the elastane would stretch, and then shift even more when I released it.
And it's not like it's doing anything useful.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •one sleeve seam felled.
And a bit of hem, to do something easier for a change.
Now starting the second sleeve seam.
And note to self: if you're doing a flat felled seam with relatively thick fabric like flannel, use. wider. allowances.
#sewing #HistoricalSewing
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RandomYarning, Lita, Plaidalicious e Your friendly 'net denizen like this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •both sleeve seams felled!
and the hem on the back is almost done too, as well as one side seam.
#sewing #HistoricalSewing
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Also, probably yesterday / this week wasn't a great day to make buckram in the coldest room of the house: it's still not completely dry after more than a day.
I'm quite confident that tomorrow it will be dry enough for a second layer. I hope :D
#sewing #HistoricalSewing
Dr. Kelsey Power likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •4 buttonholes out of 5 done.
And I've discovered that one of the cuffs wasn't completely sewn, wooops
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Grounded Gryphon, lottelythje e Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] like this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •all 5 buttonholes done, all 6 buttons attached (there is an additional button in the center back of the collar for detached collars).
still missing: hemming and reinforcement patches.
chances of wearing it in the weekend: very high (but I hope I'm not jinxing it)
lottelythje likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •hem done!
And I've also added a button that was missing to the white linen shirt of the same pattern.
tomorrow I'll cut, press (that's going to be a hassle) and sew the reinforcement patches, and then it will be done!
And then on the pile I have the facing of the bathrobe and — cough — a couple of things that I really would love to have mended :D
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •reinforcement patches, done!
the shirt is complete!
I'll wear it (and take photos) in the weekend!
Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •the bathrobe facing have also been finished today!
*and* I've finished a pair of socks (that have been *almost finished* for weeks).
progress through the pile of WIPs is being made!
(no, I'm not going to get my card to buy the pattern for a new project for the list, why do you ask?)
#sewing #knitting
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(mapcar #'emacsomancer objs), Wynke, Your friendly 'net denizen, David de Groot, Tris Lawrence / tryslora, Plaidalicious, Mre. Dartigen [maker mode] e Alien_Sunset like this.