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English in a comment.

Di solito, quando devo chiedere a chi è accanto a me, ma è in confcall, se va bene l'ora di pranzo prendo un foglietto usato poche volte di carta, una stilografica e scrivo la domanda in buon #corsivo.

Oggi mia madre, al telefono, mi ha passato un pezzo di carta e una penna a sfera per capire cosa stessi cercando di chiederle (era “devo andare avanti a mescolare il pranzo mentre tu sei al telefono?”), e mi sono accorta che mi son messa a scrivere in stampatello, facendo molta più fatica.

La soluzione: abolite le penne a sfera. :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Usually, when I have to ask somebody who is near me, but in a confcall, about the time they're free for lunch I grab a bit not-very-used paper, a fountain pen, and write the question in good #cursive.

Today my mother was on the phone and gave me a bit of paper and a ballpoint pen to write the question I was trying to ask her (it was “should I keep stirring the lunch while you're at the phone?”) and I realized I started to write print, and had a hard time doing it.

The solution: ban ballpoint pens :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

But why? Are you used to writing print letters with ballpoint pens?
Here nobody is writing printed letters by hand until they have a specific reason to, with any pen.
Questa voce è stata modificata (2 anni fa)
in reply to Marta 🌿🍃

@Marta 🌿🐸 good question: I rarely write with a ballpoint pen, and when I do it's usually just a signature.

With fountain pens usually I write cursive, unless I'm filling some form that requires print (most of them, but then most of the forms I fill are on PDF, so I'm not using a real pen, but a cheap drawing tablet, anyway).

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Yeah, forms with tiny rectangles are the only ones where I would write printed letters. I've filled one form just yesterday and no rectangles, so filled in cursive.
The pen they gave me was terrible though! The point would dip a little constantly :( And the one I had with me is heat erasable so not good for documents.

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