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Reducing useless noise from irssi

Yesterday I missed a query from a friend (with the answer to a question *I* had asked in the first place) because it ended up in window 30-something and my statusbar was full of dim numbers from channels where people had just joined/left.

This morning I've set
activity_hide_level = JOINS PARTS QUITS
and my world is a much neater place :)

(I may have to add NICKS and possibly MODES, but they are rare enough and I'm still not sure I don't care about them, especially the latter.)

blog (x)

Rules For Living in a Simulation


Now if we, like those characters in recent movies, discovered specific clues in the world around us suggesting that we do in fact live in a simulation, we would of course consider those clues carefully to see what they say about how we should live our lives. --Robin Hanson Listen.

Also as podcast:


Now if we, like those characters in recent movies, discovered specific clues in the world around us suggesting that we do in fact live in a simulation, we would of course consider those clues carefully to see what they say about how we should live our lives.

Stampante 3D alla fiera dell'elettronica
Stampanti 3D
Se siete passati giovedì scorso in sede o sabato in fiera avrete notato una struttura in movimento circondata da piccoli oggetti di plastica colorata: una stampante 3D.



Stampante 3D alla fiera dell'elettronica

Stampanti 3D
Se siete passati giovedì scorso in sede o sabato in fiera avrete notato una struttura in movimento circondata da piccoli oggetti di plastica colorata: una stampante 3D.



Mediagoblin donation

I've eventually decided to donate to the current MediaGoblin crowdfunding campaign

I do hope that they will make it to the next unlock level (Aveyah), or at least that they get close enough (with the matching grant this looks feasible) that they decide to work on most of the features.

La fine di XP

232L’ otto aprile è terminato ufficialmente il supporto a Windows XP e Office 2003 da parte di Microsoft (e finalmente anche IE6 è morto.. l’agonia più lunga del mondo).

Questo significa che da quella data gli utenti non riceveranno più nuove funzionalità ma sopratutto aggiornamenti di sicurezza. Vi ricordate di quando il vostro PC con Windows si riavviava a caso grazie a un worm che sfruttava un baco di XP? E vi ricordate come la cosa si è sistemata dopo aver installato gli aggiornamenti? Dal nove aprile questo non succederà più (gli aggiornamenti, non i bachi). Certo, potete anche continuare a usare XP, ma è meglio se lo lasciate scollegato dal mondo: niente rete, niente wifi, niente chiavette USB…

Cosa fare, quindi?


Questa voce è stata modificata (11 anni fa)

Getting outraged at Facebook is a bit silly. Facebook is a crapshoot of groanworthy business models. It's like the slightly embarrassing uncle of social networks and it's a creepy NSA guy's wet dream. And continuing the relationship analogy there are just lots of other fish in the sea now. You don't have to be stuck in Stasiland. Facebook's only remaining asset is that there are still some folks on it.

Who's our next bad guy
Everywhere (and for "everywhere" I mean "on hacker news") I read news about the new Mozilla CEO, how he is evil, how bad he is and everything he touch, because once he spent his money to support California’s Proposition 8 (a ballot initiative against same-sex mariages) some years ago.
Some sites (starting with dating site OkCupid) showed a message to Firefox users asking them to change their browser because this.
And more and more I'm reading posts about "how I switched to chrome because of new Mozilla CEO".
Now, read this slowly:

Google is still into NSA mess. Chrome is Google's product.

(reread as needed)

I think all this noise is also bad for LGBT community: fight hate with hate? You're on the right way, sure...

Apr 28
Workshop di saldatura SMD
Lun 23:20 - 1:59

Serata pratica in cui si prova a saldare componenti SMD.…

Questa voce è stata modificata (11 anni fa)

Feb 27
Software Libero all'Ostello di Laveno
Gio 22:00 - 0:59

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