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I've just finished #sewing a quick pair of shorts to wear under summer skirts and
a) the sky has just darkened
b) I've realized that I should have taken pictures and published the pattern as #freeSoftWear
oh, well, if they fit well I'm going to make another pair in the same fabric, except *gasp* not-black, and they should be easier to photograph.
also, if they really work as an encouragement for rain, I'm up for making even more pairs :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
TFW you go in front of the mirror to try and level the hem of a skirt (pulling up from the waist, it's a 18th century under petticoat) and realize that even if you don't usually wear your glasses indoors you need them to see the marks on the yardstick at hem level.
Re: Can the Debian Project ever fall?
I would like to pay tribute to Arch Linux in this thread. When I have a problem, its solution is most often in the Arch wiki. Hats off, Arch !lists.debian.org
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And we had an hour or so of sun! So I dressed up and I'm ready for some serious percussive debugging on the analytical engine!
I have been vaguely thinking about making myself a black apron for potentially staining office jobs (*cough* ink), and on friday evening I stumbled on the instructions from Home dressmaking; a complete guide to household sewing by Myers, Annie E and decided it had to be done NOW.
The pattern was adapted quite a bit from the original to best use wide modern fabric, so it's not an accurate reproduction.
Source code for both the apron and the sleeve protectors will be published as soon as I finish writing them and editing the step-by-step pictures.
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The sleeve protectors btw are something I did years ago, and they are based on School sewing based on home problems
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
me: ok, this afternoon I can attach the pocket to the apron I've almost finished and then go outside to take a picture before the thunderstorm arrives
thunderstorm: think again
(it's still not here, but there is definitely not enough light for photos :D )
Whiteness Is A Death Cult likes this.
and it has arrived. and gone (at least, it's not raining anymore).
and I've finished finished the apron.
but it's still a bit too dark for photos, they will have to wait for tomorrow.
it. is. DONE!
Now @Diego Roversi has backpack that matches mine!
I believe I started working on this in 2019, did a bit, stopped for a long while, did another bit, stopped a very long while, etc. so getting rid of the WIP (and having the finished object to use) is a very nice feeling.
source code :) at sewing-patterns.trueelena.org/…
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ecco... uno sproposito
ho comprato i materiali quando ho fatto il mio, e tra una cosa e quell'altra credo di averci speso più di 200 euro. però buona parte era perché c'erano dei pezzi minimi di acquisto, e da quella cifra sono usciti i due zaini, e ho ancora quasi tutto il materiale (extra ci sarebbero da prendere webbing, cerniera e accessori) per farne potenzialmente un terzo, e di alcuni materiali (soprattutto 3d mesh e imbottitura) anche di più (in realtà il piano non è di farne un terzo uguale, che non mi servirebbe, ma accessori vari).
azz, praticamente 2 zaini + zainetto/sling/altro a poco meno del prezzo di uno
Allora ci credo quando il ragazzo di atdsupply.com dice che non poteva allinearsi ai prezzi esteri perché faceva tutto in Italia
ATD Supply - Made in Italy carry goods
ATD Supply - Made in Italy, high quality bags, backpacks, accessories and travel gearATD Supply
Beh, c'è da dire che un conto è comprare i materiali per un solo zaino (o 3) nel negozio sotto casa (ok, negozio che si trova in Germania, ma il principio è quello :) ), un conto è comprarli a pezze intere per la produzione di massa.
Non credo che per averli di qualità possano comunque materiali economici, ma sospetto che li paghino molto meno.
D'altra parte, loro devono anche pagare il tempo di chi li cuce (che spero sia decisamente più veloce di me, che ho impiegato una giornata solo per la penultima cucitura :D ), che invece nel mio caso conta come divertimento e si scala dal prezzo dei materiali :) .
ex_06 likes this.
beh, ma immagino che ne faranno qualche centinaio per volta, almeno?
comunque ordini di grandezza di distanza dai due estremi della produzione cinese venduta su aliexpress e di chi se ne fa uno in casa
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
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of course while following the instructions on The Cutters' Practical Guide to the Cutting of Ladies Garments I was having problems with the hips line, my hips measurement was too small.
Because, come on! you don't measure your real hips, you measure on top of a bustle cage! What kind of person would not wear a bustle, these days?!?
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And since I didn't have enough WIPs, I've just started #handSewing a 18th century underpetticoat in cotton double gauze.
It should be a pretty quick project, I think. maybe.
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* starts herringboning¹ 3 meters of hem…
¹ not historically accurate, but it helps with the elasticity of the fabric, which isn't historically accurate either
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Thinks like this are a reminder that humanity is able to dedicate effort and resources to… insult people? :D
CW: the link has scatological discourse and a representation of explicit anatomy, but it's more than a millennia old (closer to two), so it's sfw, right? :D
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later in the afternoon it worked a bit better. what is received on the serial pins goes to the bluetooth serial. As long as I compile with an older version of the esp support, because of github.com/espressif/arduino-e…
Also, I'm aaaaalmost at one ninth of the shawl.
la stagione delle freselle nel minestrone è meglio, ma devo ammettere che le freselle con olio e pomodorini sono uno dei pochi lati buoni dell'estate
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
So, I *miiiiight* have bought¹ a new board: olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/…
it arrived yesterday.
this morning I quickly followed the tutorial to check if it was working (it is, and the camera quality looks decent enough)
now the question is: what do I want to do with it?
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I'm trying to make some tea, and I've just put the leaves in the mugs instead of the filter in the pot.
I think I need to drink some tea to be able to make tea.
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oppoveriQuantoMiDispiace (per niente)
Gillette vuole superare la moda della barba
Cioè la causa principale della crisi che l'ha colpita negli ultimi anniIl Post
I've decided to post the pattern for the shawl I'm making on my website even if it hasn't been finished yet: it's easy enough that I'm pretty confident in it even after just a small sampler.
This is the current status:
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My yarn winder has arrived, and it works!
It's fast, it doesn't hurt my wrists (like using a stick does), it can do 100g cakes and it makes the idea of dealing with about 6 kg of mostly very thin yarn much less daunting than having to make balls by hand.
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imputati numero uno i #cinghiali
Animali o umani? brutto risveglio per il sacro Monte di Varese e i “vandalismi” sulla via Sacra
Sono stati scaraventati a terra dei bidoni dei rifiuti con tanto di rifiuti dentro, sparsi dappertutto all’altezza della tredicesima cappella: imputati numero uno i cinghiali.Stefania Radman (Vareseweb Srl)
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
TFW you wear your last pair of clean cotton thin¹ socks, and it breaks. and you don't have enough dirty clothing for a full washing machine load, and you should really go out and buy more, but UGH, no, I don't want to do that, I have lots of better things to do with my time!
so you spend a whole afternoon patching *one* pair of socks and finishing another pair that you sewed yourself from jersey fabric, that takes less time, right?
¹ as opposed to mid-thickness wool socks that I knit myself
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I guess this means I've choosen a side?
(picture of two round patches, on one there is a screenprinted bull's eye in blue and yellow, the other shows the pin sewn to the back)
By that time I would have *serious* doubts about the colours, really, but they are the #screenPrint paints (dekaprint 2000 in blue and yellow + deckweiß to print it on black fabric) I needed to test, and the alternatives wouldn't have worked :D
also, aligning two colour prints on small scraps of fabric is hard, even if you have a bit of a border on the lighter colour :D
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(picture of the top of a black cotton sock, cut and sewn to make a pouch, with a swirl made of paws screenprinted in pink)
And this is the speedball paint for dark fabric, in Raspberry. it's a bit less pink in real life, but not very much. It's pleasantly shiny, however.
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My #firstpatch to a #rust project 😁
fixes an issue found with git.sr.ht/~fabrixxm/git-list
e vabbé, se dobbiamo darci il #Buongiornissimo diamocelo :D
niente foto, troppo sbattito, però posso annunciare che sto riuscendo a preparare la colazione con qualcosa che sembrano 10 giri di cerotto attorno al gomito destro, e lo considero un traguardo personale :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
e non hai idea di quanto dia fastidio togliere il cerotto dalla zampa anteriore destra, dopo che il veterinario ti ha fatto un prelievo di sangue :D
(la saga della zecca prosegue)
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I may have bought *some* wool yarn on cones, and now I need to turn it into 100g hanks, wash them, make center-pull balls and then it can be knitted. And some of it is very fine yarn meant for machine knitting.
I have a swift, I've set it to make an hank that is about 1m long, calculated how many meters are there in 100g (easy, the shop provided the number of meters in the full 500g cone), and then I didn't want to count the turns, so I started looking around the house for a magnet (I knew where it was and easily found it) and an hall effect sensor (I still haven't found it) and some microcontroller board to setup some kind of device for counting passes of the magnet over the sensor.
And then my SO told me “why don't you just weight the empty swift?”
#knittingLife #arduino #overEngineeringThingsForFunAndProfit
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Yesterday I stumbled on handknittingcashmereyarn.com/c… (a pattern in Italian for the scarf made with triangles of which I don't remember the English name).
And I had plans for the afternoon! (ok, mostly it involved ironing a bit of backlog, and watching videos online while #knitting a sock).
Instead, I now have an urgent need to have one such scarf, except in a (the most simple) lace stitch, and I have one triangle already made.
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If anybody else is interested in #HistoricalSewing, today I stumbled on a couple of lists of period #patternDrafting and generally #sewing books, mostly biased towards the early 1900s
(and my collection of related PDFs has grown, and I really need to organize it somehow :D )
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btw, my own list of such books (the ones I've actually used, not just collected) is at
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Steinweiß (sie/sie) reshared this.
uh, interesting resources (and excellent choice to do that instead of doomscrolling :) )
I'll look at them tomorrow (here it's sleeping time)
bookandswordblog likes this.
I mean, I don't see how radium water can fail to cure grey hair, right? :D
(page 63, if the link doesn't point to it, and it's a 1920s ad for, well, radium water as a cure for grey hair)
A history of feminine fashion : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The metadata below describe the original scanning. Follow the All Files: HTTP link in the View the book box to the left to find XML files that contain more...Internet Archive
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
Branco di nerd, riconoscete questo posto? mettete CW alle risposte per non spoilerare agli altri, grazie
Do you nerds recognise this place? Please CW your answers to avoid spoilers
Foto scattata in una cittadina italiana, con un viale alberato in discesa e in fondo un palazzo a quattro piani con vetrine di negozi al pian terreno e un'altra strada più stretta che prosegue. Poche macchine (soprattutto parcheggiate), qualche pedone e bicicletta.
Picture taken in an italian town, with a tree-lined, downhill wide street; at the end there are a 4-stories building with shops and another street. Few cars (mostly parked), few pedestrians and bikes.
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Anyway, half of the time I read an introduction or something where somebody says they are a Victorian by brain goes “wait? how are they posting from the 19th century? did Friendica add support for the telegraph? oh, right, the Australian state” :D
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rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua reshared this.
I feel an irrestistible need to share with you all the good news that I've just finished the thread in the bobbin right at the end of a seam.
Not the last seam of the project, that would have been *too much*, but not the next to last seam of a project either.
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Delib reshared this.
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@Chiese Brutte Senna Comasco, Como
Tutto cemento, forma ad hangar, cortili in cemento con grate in metallo. E filo spinato.
Non era catechismo, era un'ora d'aria.
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •FreeSoftWear group reshared this.