A couple of weeks ago I had a chance to get a small branch of bamboo, and of course I did.
Yesterday I found the 10 minutes to try to cut it into a couple of pens, following the instructions on static1.squarespace.com/static… : I think that the branch was probably thinner than what is usually recommended, but the pens seem to work just fine, in the picture there are a couple of lines written with the two pens, and they aren't significantly harder to use than regular metal nibs.
There is also a closeup of the points: I tried to make the cut more or less perpendicular, as they are going to be used for western-style calligraphy and I'm used to nibs with just a bit of slant.
And yes, the slit on one of the pens is definitely off center: I'll fix it when it will have worn down and I'll need to trim it.
Harald Eilertsen likes this.
the link to the thread is indeed that one, and it is linked from the date of the post, below the author.
Not very visible, I agree.
The same petition, in German:
The TooItalian;Didn'tRead is that the province of Bolzano has decided to stop paying to develop FUSS, a Debian based system¹ that has been used since 2005 in the italian language schools of the province and move towards a microsoft-based solution.
¹ not just a distribution, the project also includes tools for both classroom management and teaching.
We (my SO and me) made a first attempt at firing some #clay objects in a fireplace.
To reach the fireplace they had to be carried for a bit of a walk, so for the first attempt we only brought 3 different whorls, one tiny vase and a round sample bit; one of the whorls (the thickest one) broke near the beginning (and we could only find one piece), but the rest came out decently, even if we accidentally let the fire slow down earlier than planned (they remained at temperature for something like a hour and a half).
The mini-vase is currently sitting on my kitchen sink, half-full of water and at 5 °C less than its surroundings. Before the next summer I want to make one of those refrigerating flasks…
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whooops, you're right
(I still don't understand when friendica uses the iframe preview and when it uses the snippet of text from the description in the editing window, but it's not like I've ever made an effort to understand it).
it depends on what the site offer as data. It this case the oembed endpoint offer html code to use as embed which contains the iframe (see here). Note that the blockquote with title and link is also in oembed reply.
If the site don't support oembed, friendica tries other systems: opengraph meta tags, "description" meta and title tag. As a fallback, it tries to extract first lines of body text... (I'm describing this from memory.. I could be wrong)
github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/… ... in any case, homework for both deblanc.net and wp.libpf.com: install WP opengraph plugin
Fabio likes this.
uh, my edit didn't appear on mastodon? when I realized that the preview looked pretty empty I added a short description.
TFW you are on a commuter train between Varese (Italy) and Como (Italy) and an announcement warns you that you are now leaving the European Union!!1ONE!!! (and if you are carrying about a truckload of money or valuables you should leave the train at the next station to declare them)
(I knew I was going to leave Italy for part of the trip, I just didn't expect the EU bit)
tilo.ch/en/Collegamenti/Colleg… ---> this is the line, going through Switzerland.
Filed under: reality oversteampunking fiction.
Today I saw a flogo-pneumatic gun (wikipedia article in italian only, but it has a picture) built by Volta in 1776. The museum guidebook mentions that he commented “feel free to laugh, but don't be afraid of that word”. There is no mention whether the phrase continued with “you fools! BUAHAHAHAH”.
Oh, and it was inside the Volta Temple, which was designed to be a (small) museum, but it's in the shape of a temple, inspired by the Pantheon (so, if this was the discworld, there would now be a god called Volta)
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I think it is worth visiting, but you should either read up on Volta's activities (beyond the battery) in advance the visit or buy the guide when you get there and plan to have time to read it while you visit the museum.
It's full of interesting-looking devices, but the descriptions in the museum only give you their names, with very little hints on what they do. You can probably guess a lot (we did), but deeper explanations would be better.
Fabio likes this.
He does grow enough basil for all of our pesto needs
So the basic needs are covered, I would say...
We only grow the basil, we don't have the trees (pine and olive) nor the right weather to grow them. We're not growing the garlic either, but that we could probably do.
Plenty of things missing from the basic needs :D
For some reasons, when I saw this at the egyptian museum in Turin I thought about mastodon :D
It's the report of a strike by the (relatively elite) workers from Deir el-Medina who were building the current pharaoh's tomb, when they stopped receiving payments/food rations.
bad picture is bad, but this is the first result I found with a quick search and it has another picture and a lot of information dianabuja.wordpress.com/2012/0…
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Primo incontro Rizoma
tempo libero.
I partiti non ti attirano, parlano di problemi di 20 anni fa proponendo soluzioni di 50 anni
Se sommi tutto il tempo che passi sui social ( Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook ), a guardare,
leggere e scrivere cose che dimenticherai dopo tre giorni, e pensi che avresti potuto impiegarlo
meglio organizzando una rivoluzione, allora sei nelle vicinanze del Rizoma.
Il rizoma non è unico, ce ne sono molti ma sono difficili da trovare perché sono radici
sotterranee. Spesso pensi di non averne bisogno, hai cose più urgenti da fare. Per esempio
Oltre alla sopravvivenza, per chi può, c'è l'azione. Rizoma è una unità minima dell'azione, una
organizzazione senza struttura, in comunicazione con le altre organizzazioni in un ecosistema.
Hai dei desideri? A chi li affidi?
Nel Rizoma puoi attivarti per realizzarli assieme a con chi respira assieme a te. Usando la
tecnologia a tuo vantaggio, per produrre valore sociale nella comunità senza diventare una
appendice della macchina e una merce in vendita.
Andremo a formare una delle componenti dell'ecosistema di organizzazioni, una soluzione
frammentaria ai desideri di appartenenza a comunità aperte, accoglienti e solidali.
Le caratteristiche minime saranno l'assenza di delega, il confronto dialettico, l'apertura a
molteplici identità, l'interesse per le tematiche legate alla tecnologia e alla trasformazione
Ci vediamo a Spin Time Labs alle h 10:00 sala X - Domenica 13 ottobre 2019.
Via S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 55, Roma.
Domenica 13 Ottobre.
H 10:00 Benvenuto di Spin Time Labs - Introduzione a Rizoma
H 11:00 Discussione delle proposte costituenti.
H 12:00 Proposte di azione dai partecipanti.
H 13:30 Pranzo sociale 15€
H 14:30 Il social network federato come ambiente per l'ecosistema di organizzazioni.
H 16:00 Crowdfounding e bandi per finanziare le infrastrutture emancipative. La campagna
#facciamoluce come esempio di ecosistema.
H 18:00 Saluti - workshop social federati (Friendica e Matrix). Scambio contatti.
friendica.feneas.org/profile/r… rizoma@tuta.io
#fediverso #politica #roma #friendica #rizoma #facciamoluce #spintimelabs
!Rizoma !Gruppo Linux Como
Fabio likes this.
this. this. this.
A step in the wrong direction is "locking firmware", where a loadable firmware is made read-only by storing it to a ROM. (…) This is madness that needs to stop.
know likes this.
Back in 2012 Raspberry Pi announced that they were the first arm board with FLOSS GPU drivers, when they in fact only had a shim that called the real drivers from the proprietary GPU firmware. Since then their situation has afaik improved a lot.
I don't know if the FSF ever dealt with Raspberry Pi, but they have suggested multiple times that putting a proprietary firmware on a ROM would make it part of the hardware and thus not a/their problem; I know it has happened with the GTA04 and with wifi card.
IMHO this policy is horribly misguided, does not improve the practical freedom of the user and reduces their potential freedom.
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btw, the jar of course had some food products in it, the wick is made from used basting thread, the cork came from a bottle of wine and the foil is a leftover from a solar panel.
I guess that the only “new” thing is the tap water at the bottom :)
apparently, coming with superior numbers and conquering their cities is not something you're supposed to do to your SO.
I don't really understand why :D
Thank you, thank you for sharing this. There is so much I'd like to express about this...
But won't be able to state that clearly in a comment - this needs a proper post.
For now I just say this - I think we really need to keep the web more KISS, really. There is a lot of trendy stuff happening and it is dangerous when we start treating these trendy things as "best-practice" and copying them everywhere, when in fact they are counter-productive and even toxic at times. A great example of this is infinite scroll (diaspora's frontend has this same antipattern) - no way to link to a specific point in the list of items, no way to know what is the total number of them, and the back button is (usually) broken.
I'm trying to treat JS as an optional add-on with the stuff that I build, as much as I can. In one of my projects I did implement a page that would load parts of it via JS when the user selects an item in a list, but if the user did just visit the url directly, the server sends full HTML instead. I don't think this would be a performance difference, but rather a way to avoid full page reload when only part of it actually changes.
∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to ∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷ • •mostly yes: it is using an A20 SoC, for which support is almost complete: linux-sunxi.org/Linux_mainlini…
(it is missing e.g. HDMI audio, but HDMI video does work)
The ones I have around all run standard debian, from the official installer (not a precooked image), and that must be able to run from the upstream kernel.
∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷ reshared this.
∿ und̷e̷l̷ě̷t̷e̷d̷
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • •