Labels are beacons, not fences.
It’s not whether you’re in or out, they’re just milestones by which you set your tent.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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Literal sword lesbians.
(Sword given to Maréchal Joseph Joffre, former commander-in-chief of the French military, in 1919; representing friendship between Provence and Catalonia. From le musée de l'Armée in Paris.)
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I bet my girlfriend that this picture of our cats could get 10 billion boosts on Mastodon.
She said she doesn't believe me. She said there's only 13 million accounts on Mastodon. She said there aren't even 10 billion people on Earth. She said it concerns her that I struggle so hard to comprehend large numbers.
Let's prove her wrong everyone. Boost away and show her just how awesome the Mastodon community is.
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@Low Quality Facts well, posts can be boosted multiple times, you only need every mastodon account to boost this once per day for about 3 years and it's done!
(disclaimer: I haven't had my breakfast yet, my calculation could be wrong)
(short scale, right?)
Low Quality Facts likes this.
Until the day he died, Jason enjoyed driving a cab. Now he waited at the graveyard. Presently a black carriage arrived, pulled by a terrible steed. The driver regarded him with empty sockets.
"You're death," Jason said.
"No, just the one who guides you to what lies beyond."
"A cabbie for the dead?"
"A psychopomp," the driver replied. "There are a lot of us. Even Death cannot tend to everyone."
Jason considered this.
"Are they hiring?"
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
#openHardware #OSHWA…
When Open Becomes Opaque: The Changing Face of Open-Source Hardware Companies
Over the last 15+ years, innovative electronics companies have designed and released thousands of open-source hardware designs, creating a flourishing industry. Open-source hardware companies colle…Adafruit Industries - Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!
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Today I've had an idea for a simple top, low waste, with an elastic drawstring neck that can be adjusted at different widths, including off-the-shoulders.
I've almost finished cutting a piece of fabric that I've had in my stash for a while, waiting for a suitable project (it has a non-uniform print that made it hard to decide a good pattern to make use of it).
It's most definitely a modern project.
So now the obvious thing to do is to sew everything by hand, right?
(I'm not sure whether this is to procrastinate cleaning the table with the sewing machine, or to be able to use tiny sewing allowances, since the fabric is very lightweight.)
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“‘Mastodon’ is a competitor to—“
Why do journalists always say this? This is some capitalist-brained mindset.
The only thing the Fediverse competes with is your sleep schedule.
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Oggi è il Prime Day, il giorno in cui Amazon cerca di convincerci con sconti più o meno fasulli a comprare cose che non ci servono.
Penso che sia un'ottima occasione per fermarsi a riflettere.
Non può esserci ambientalismo senza riduzione dei consumi. Le cagate che compriamo attraversano il mondo sulle navi e sono spesso frutto di lavoratorǝ sfruttatǝ.
Astenerci dal consumo inutile è un atto di resistenza.
Disinnescare i finti desideri impressi dal capitalismo è un atto di rinascita.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Pixels Chips likes this.
Problem: I only have one set and a half of vintage linen bedsheet.
Fact: I have about 7 m of vintage bedsheet-linen (~100 cm wide)
Obvious consequence: I now have to sew almost 3 m of a seam that should be extremely flat, plus two hems, on a deadline of “next sheet change”, during a heatwave.
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@LaVi 🕊️📚🐈 @Elikorokoros in realtà la foto (e la spiegazzatura) aiuta a nascondere un po', ma sì, posso essere soddisfatta del risultato.
LaVi likes this.
Consigli su Como ne abbiamo?
Continuo la traversata intorno alle Alpi (lavoro) e domani arriviamo lì, se avete idee per un posto dove mangiare o bere, consigli sono ben accetti!
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I love it when I wake up with a pretty low blood pressure, it's already starting to get hot, I have¹ to walk to the pharmacy, stuff happens and I don't manage to have breakfast before doing so.
at least it's a short walk, and there is also a convenient post box very close, so I also sent a postcard :)
¹ technically I could have asked my SO to go, instead we went together, but that meant that we had to go earlier
Adoro alzarmi con la pressione bassa, sta già iniziando a fare caldo, devo¹ andare in farmacia, succedono casini e non riesco neanche a fare colazione prima di andarci.
di buono c'è che è qui vicino, e c'è anche una comoda cassetta della posta quasi sul percorso, quindi ho anche spedito una cartolina :)
¹ tecnicamente avrei potuto chiedere al mio compagno di andarci, invece siamo andati assieme, ma la cosa dava più vincoli di tempo
Someone asked me if they could commission a sweater from me. And, honestly, I was flattered. But then I explained that:
1. It takes me approximately 50 or more hours across a month to knit,
2. The materials alone cost $60-$80, and
3. I knit because I find it meditative and relaxing, which would not be the case if it was paid work.
And even if I wanted to turn knitting into a paid gig, and even if I valued my labor at a really low price (say $5/hour), a simple sweater would cost over $350.
Handmade work is expensive. And so many people don't know what it takes to create something. Materials plus labor doesn't even capture the years of practice it takes to develop the skill to make the thing in the first place.
So when you do find folks taking commissions for hand crafted items, understand what it is you are paying for.
(Brought to you by someone who definitely does not take fiber arts commissions, but who just might make you something as a gift.)
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On the other hand, the calculation looks very different with my pottery. I can throw a dozen pots in any given session at the wheel. Now there's drying time, trimming, glazing 2 trips through kilns, but a lot of that time is unattended time.
I estimated once that it takes me on average about an hour of hands on work per piece.
Most of my pieces sell for under $50. My average price per piece is about $30. This pays for my materials, my equipment, electricity, and time.
I'm not a production potter and only make a small amount of work a year. I sell enough to make my hobby pay for itself with enough left over to continue to outfit my studio.
I'm interested in other creative folks' processes. Any #weavers #painters #metalsmithing #quilting (etc) folk who want to chime in?
I guess my takeaways include:
1. Not every creative outlet needs to be/should be monitized, and
2. Creative people who do choose to sell work should be paid for their time and expertise, and
3. Buying hand crafted work from the artist supports a person rather than some distant shareholders who more often than not, exploit those who make what stores sell.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Naomi P reshared this.
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Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed
Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed écrit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingénieur, écrivain de science-fiction, développeur de logiciels
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Reitero l'appello.
Ci sono 3 cabinati da videopoker IN REGALO a chi viene a prenderseli a Imperia.
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Bluesky: I follow 10% of my old friends who were able to get out of twitter in time and sometimes it works
Threads: I follow my friends but I can’t see them through the algorithm of businesses
Mastodon: oh look a beekeeper in the Netherlands
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
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I really did just follow a beekeeper, for the record.
More interesting than anything on Twitter, Threads or Bluesky.
My mother's washing machine is breaking down, and she lives close enough that I'm washing all of her laundry.
Now, I like being able to fill more loads and wash things more often, rather than have them accumulate until the laundry basket is overflowing, so I'm not encouraging her to buy a new machine (an attempt at repairing hers has already been done, and failed).
My real question is: should I do the proper #victorian thing and embroider my husband's initials on all of our household items? should I do a radical feminist thing and embroider my own initials¹? And what should I do with the bedsheet that already has my great-grandfather initials on it?
¹ or rather design. which has the advantage of having a form that is extremely easy and quick to embroider, and I already use on my conference t-shirts that are identical to @Diego Roversi 's ones :D
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@Fabio no, you were right at the margin of my field of vision, I wasn't looking at you!
but text only lesana can work with something like zbarcam through the shell, Collector would need some QR-code reading of its own :D
Thread di benvenuto all'ondata di nuovǝ utenti!
Ciao! Avete trovato Livello Segreto, un'istanza di Mastodon pensata per sfuggire alle logiche dei social commerciali e per creare una comunità più umana e felice.
Qui non ci sono influencer, non ci sono pubblicità, non ci sono brand, non c'è monetizzazione.
Qui l'algoritmo è cronologico, quindi i like e l'engagement non contano.
Qui parliamo per il gusto di farlo, senza gare di popolarità.
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queste istanze senza pubblicità e logiche commerciali ruberanno il lavoro a noi SMM.
Diciamolo ad alta voce: I luddisti avevano ragione! (cit)
[Si scherza😆 ]
Finally, the twitter shitstorm reached a point where I was personally affected and I had to do something. I just added a key combination to my keyboard map to easily get 🍿.
E alla fine, il casino di twitter mi ha coinvolta personalmente, dandomi cose da fare. Ho appena aggiunto una combinazione di tasti alla mia mappa tastiera per poter digitare rapidamente 🍿.
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@keverets org Self hosting is kindof a dealbreaker for most of my correspondents. I can and do host my own server, but I don't want to host everyone I talk to.
@0xDEADBEEF @snikket_im@fosstodon.
And I've just managed to refactor a long file with tons of #ifdef into a hierarchy of classes, in C++, a language I have vague notions about, through the establish industry practice of copying stuff from stackoverflow.
No, the code isn't anywhere where it can be seen.
Yes, if this fails somewhere the worst that can happen is that I have to get up from my chair to know whether the temperature is higher outside or inside.
And I really needed a project where I could give myself permission to do things that only work for me, rather than having to consider other possible usecases, and possibly even to do bad things, like this one.
Kermode likes this.…
December 2022, one month after the huge influx, me writing about why one huge instance is far worse for many reasons than lots of small instances, when we closed .art registrations in order to control our growth in a healthy way.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
I refer to this as “stallmanising”
Named after Richard Stallman, stallmanising is to be so obnoxious about your perfectly good and just cause, that you actively turn people against it.
Don’t stallmanise your causes.
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Your instance admins will appreciate content warnings on Russia-related posts, which will let people filter, make it possible for folks not to fixate on the topic, and frankly reduce the number of reports they need to handle about bad takes, racism and glorifying violence so they can go back to sleep.
Relatedly, I'm going back to sleep. Please do me this favor. I'm very tired and I need to cuddle my cat.
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filed under: palazzinari
“(passeggiando per Roma) scorgiamo in fiamme un isolato¹ di notevole altezza, a molti piani; già tutta la zona vicina bruciava in un incendio spaventoso. Allora uno degli accompagnatori di Giuliano disse «La proprietà urbana offre grandi proventi, ma i rischi sono enormi, senza confronto. Se si potesse trovare un rimedio contro gl'incendi di case tanto frequenti in Roma, giuro che avrei già venduto le mie campagne e comprato in città».”
(Aulo Gellio, trad. Giorgio Bernardi-Perini)
per carità, apprezziamo l'onestà e la mancanza di ipocrisia, but still…
¹ io avrei tradotto condominio o palazzina
LaVi likes this.
Parola filtrata: nsfw
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Oggi assieme alla nostra fantastica sessuologa Vittoria @d.ssavbottelli chiariremo alcuni punti sul vero significato della parola consenso e l'importanza di esercitarlo e rispettarlo. 🛍 Scopri il nostro sito: https://bit.MySecretCase | Invidious
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Una mia amica ha un laboratorio di artigianato a Lucca, non smette mai di voler imprare a fare cose nuove e ha recentemente iniziato a lavorare il legno. Mi ha regalato per il compleanno la prima penna di legno che ha costruito, regalo che ho adorato 💜
Se capitate a Lucca andatela a trovare, ha una fantasia e una manualità uniche! Il suo negozio si chiama Vibrisse 😉
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If your program constructs a configuration from one or more configuration files and maybe also built-in defaults, command line options, environment variables, or anything else, it is a good idea for the program to have a way to dump the actual, combined, configuration so that the user can see what it actually is.
This beats reading documentation and deducing what things should be. It helps with debugging configuration mistakes of all kinds.
Trust, but verify, sort of.
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Lars Wirzenius likes this.
view is an excellent example of this.54.24. pg_settings
54.24. pg_settings The view pg_settings provides access to run-time parameters of the server. It is essentially an alternative interface to the …PostgreSQL Documentation
Anyway, tonight I've dreamed that a *soccer player* from Torino FC (serie A italian league) had joined the fediverse.
Himself, not his PR staff or something.
And I received a boost of one of his posts, about his struggles with impostor syndrome.
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E stanotte mi son sognata che un *calciatore* del Torino si era iscritto sul fediverso.
Non il suo staff, proprio lui.
E mi era arrivato un boost di un suo post in cui parlava del fatto di soffrire sindrome dell'impostore.
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@Rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua pseudorisotto dietetico allo zafferano, uno yogurt, frutta :D
Direi che anche per i miei standard era una cena leggera :D
rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua likes this.
Mastodon•ART 🎨 Curator (
We're no longer blocked by, but I don't know if that's subject to change. Unfortunately, when an instance suspends another instance, all follow/follower relationships are immediately broken and aren't recovered by un-suspending, so you w…Mastodon.ART
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That is a lovely piece of art!
(Aah, can’t keep it in. Viking helmets didn’t have horns:) That looks like a Wagner opera:) But I don’t think it takes away from the image. It kinda makes me think of some management type game. Like a Settlers of the World type game.)
e niente, ci sono 27°C in casa, e sto facendo merenda con polenta e zucchero.
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Oblomov likes this.
Shawl Calculations
Posted on June 16, 2023
Update 2023-06-17: I had missed an N in the formulas, they have been updated, and since I was editing this I’ve added the haskell bit.
I’ve just realized that I’m not anywhere close to finishing the shawl I’m knitting, so I’ve done the perfectly logical and rational thing and started a new one.
This one is using some yarn from the stash, so its size is limited by the available yarn, and I wanted to estimate how long it may be, so I weighted the ball of yarn at the beginning and then again after knitting 10 and 20 rows.
It’s a top-down crescent, with 6 increases every two rows (but these calculations should work for any uniform top-down shawl with a regular number of increases), so each block of 10 rows should use an approximately fixed weight of yarn more than the previous block of 10 rows.
So, let w0 be the weight of the first block of rows, wr the (average) difference between two consecutive blocks and wT the total weight of the shawl. Then the weight used by block i should be wi = w0 + wr ⋅ i and the total weight of the shawl should be:
$$w_T = \sum_{i=0}^{N}w_i = N ⋅ w_0 + w_r ⋅ \frac{N ( N + 1)}{2}$$
where N is the number of blocks in the whole shawl.
This gives:
N2 + (1 + 2 ⋅ w0/wr) ⋅ N − 2 * wT/wr = 0
and the only positive solution will be:
$$N = - 1/2 - w_0/w_r + \sqrt(1/4 + w_0^2/w_r^2 - w_0/w_r + 2 ⋅ w_T/w_r)$$
or, in a few lines of python that can be easily copypasted (changing the values in ws
and w_T
, of course):
import math
import statistics
w_T = 200
ws = [2, 4, 6]
w_r = statistics.mean(map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(ws[1:], ws)))
-1/2 - ws[0] / w_r + math.sqrt(1/4 + ws[0]**2 / w_r**2 - ws[0]/w_r + 2 * w_T / w_r)
Or, in Haskell:
let ws = [2, 4, 6]
let w_T = 200
let w_0 = head ws
let w_r = ( sum (map (\(x,y) -> y-x) (zip ws (drop 1 ws))) ) / (fromIntegral (length ws - 1))
-1/2 - w_0 / w_r + sqrt (1/4 + (w_0/w_r)**2 - w_0/w_r + 2 * w_T / w_r)
Which right now (using the actual measured values) tells me I will have about 135 rows in my shawl, but I’d really want to do a few more blocks of 10 rows and have more datapoints before I trust the numbers I’ve put in.
Which means that this shawl will also take forever.
Ciao, stiamo tuttə bene ma il furgone di supporto ha il motore fuso e ci ha lasciato a piedi.
Il Camper Warpo è già in zona Napoli e con due treni possiamo risolvere lo spostamento.
Abbiamo però bisogno di unə o possibilmente più *volontariə* che ci diano supporto logistico. Persone con un'auto e un paio di ore da dedicarci. Girate pure questo messaggio ad amicə di cui vi fidate.
Boost graditissimi!
Contattare in dm!
Grazie ❤️
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Started cutting out the rectangles for my floaty skirts. (Just comfy, not fitted.) The first is cotton gauze, which is great for this kind of skirt, but it’s kind of a pain to work with. Because it’s a loose weave it tends to wiggle around and be hard to cut accurately.
There’s a trick to cutting a straight line across woven fabric, where you pull out a thread and then cut along the gap where it used to be.
I’m starting by straightening the ends. The photo of the cut end is the correct color
Elena ``of Valhalla'' reshared this.
Shawl Calculations
Posted on June 16, 2023
I’ve just realized that I’m not anywhere close to finishing the shawl I’m knitting, so I’ve done the perfectly logical and rational thing and started a new one.
This one is using some yarn from the stash, so its size is limited by the available yarn, and I wanted to estimate how long it may be, so I weighted the ball of yarn at the beginning and then again after knitting 10 and 20 rows.
It’s a top-down crescent, with 6 increases every two rows (but these calculations should work for any uniform top-down shawl with a regular number of increases), so each block of 10 rows should use an aproximately fixed weight of yarn more than the previous block of 10 rows.
So, let w0 be the weight of the first block of rows, wr the (average) difference between two consecutive blocks and wT the total weight of the shawl. Then the weight used by block i should be wi = w0 + wr ⋅ i and the total weight of the shawl should be:
$$w_T = \sum_{i=0}^{N}w_i = w_0 + w_r ⋅ \frac{N ( N + 1)}{2}$$
where N is the number of blocks in the whole shawl.
This gives:
N2 + N + 2/Wr ⋅ (w0 − wT)
and the only positive solution will be:
$$N = \frac{-1 - \sqrt(1 - \frac{8}{w_r} (w_0 - w_T))}{2}$$
or, in a few lines of python that can be easily copypasted (changing the values in ws
and w_T
, of course):
import math
import statistics
w_T = 200
ws = [2, 4, 6]
w_r = statistics.mean(map(lambda x: x[0] - x[1], zip(ws[1:], ws)))
(-1 + math.sqrt(1 - 8 / w_r * (ws[0] - w_T))) / 2
Which right now (using the actual measured values) tells me I will have about 140 rows in my shawl, but I’d really want to do a few more blocks of 10 rows and have more datapoints before I trust the numbers I’ve put in.
Which means that this shawl will also take forever.
also, lol, I see that the support for math in pandoc (which I use to generate my blog) is somewhat partial, and what gets here to friendica is even less.
But then, everybody who knits also reads LaTeX, right? :D
Yesterday evening we've put the mosquito net over the bed (sigh, the Season has started late, but it has started).
/me, just before going to sleep: should I also engrave Elbereth on the net, just to be safe?
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Ieri sera abbiamo messo la zanzariera sopra al letto (sigh, la Stagione è iniziata tardi, ma è iniziata)
io, subito prima di dormire> devo anche engravare Elbereth sulla zanzariera, tanto per andare sul sicuro?
(sì, lo stavo dicendo in italiano è ho proprio detto engravare. non mi pento di niente)
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Sophie Jane
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Erin Bee
in reply to Sophie Jane • • •Mitildide 🐱
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Erin Bee
in reply to Mitildide 🐱 • • •Aurora 🏳️⚧️
in reply to Erin Bee • • •*walking to a couple*
so, which one of you is Provence and which one Catalonia?
Erin Bee
in reply to Aurora 🏳️⚧️ • • •kianryan ☑️🐙🏳️🌈
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Alex the Artistic Autist
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Another Angry Woman
in reply to Erin Bee • • •what if we kissed on the sword 😳 and we were both semi-autonomous regions 👉👈
haha jk
unless.... 🥺
Lord Tacitus 🇮🇪 :dnd: 🎮
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Tammy Garrison, MLIS
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Erin Bee
in reply to Tammy Garrison, MLIS • • •Tammy Garrison, MLIS
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Stéphane Bortzmeyer
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Heather Rose Jones
in reply to Erin Bee • • •rose (escaped not sanitized)
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Vivian Schey 🏳️🌈 🇩🇪 <(FSM)<{
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Allan
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Daphne⭐ (v2.🦊)
in reply to Erin Bee • • •@erinbee
in reply to Erin Bee • • •oji
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Steve Gisselbrecht
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Erin Bee
Unknown parent • • •Jason.Myth-forgedGames
in reply to Erin Bee • • •EvrenLiliana
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Doctor Memory
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Ellie (batteries not included)
in reply to Erin Bee • • •Erin Bee
in reply to Ellie (batteries not included) • • •Ami Moregore🧈🧈🧈🧈
in reply to Erin Bee • • •