Meanwhile, in #LinenCyclingTrousers - I don't know if these will look like anything when done, but more importantly I also no longer care, I just want them done! It's even too dark to get any reasonable photos of it, because NEVER ENDING NIGHT OF WINTER and also capitalism refuses to sell me a lamp that's both pretty and effective but also costs less than 200€. 🙃
Anyway. I'm putting on the waistband, finally, after a million different intermediate steps. And hating the process.
Anyway. I'm putting on the waistband, finally, after a million different intermediate steps. And hating the process.
Sini Tuulia
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Well, the waistband is on.
I had to put the waist herringbone tape in since I forgot at first, then hand stitch it in place. And the button fly, from both sides, could be worse. I managed to just offset the bulkier bits, so it's not horrendously thick. And speaking of horrendously thick, look at all those gathers??
#Sewing #LinenCyclingTrousers
Sini Tuulia
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
Unknown parent • • •@jonobie I have a small but efficient work light right next to whatever I'm doing, and that works, but the radius of light is pretty small, and sometimes I have to scoot the lamp right next to what I'm looking at! It's okay for crafting but not for photos.
I had a wonderful large lamp with an immense lampshade, and it still fit on my windowsill and lit up the whole desk and half the room. Then the cats dropped it, and it's no longer sold... 😢
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Sini Tuulia • •@Sini Tuulia @Jonobie I'm lucky in that I'm surrounded by LED strips that appear out of nowhere and probably reproduce around the house. I'm sure that @Diego Roversi is not involved in buying them every time he sees a new type or anything like that.
some have been mounted in aluminum strips and they do make *a lot* of light.
(a few times I may have encouraged him. but usually he doesn't need any encouragement)
like this
Sini Tuulia e Jonobie like this.
Sini Tuulia
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •I am kind of missing the practically daylight levels of noon colour light at any hour I wanted, but damn were they also ugly and ate a lot of electricity.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •I use a light therapy lamp for when I need super bright lighting during evenings.
@valhalla @jonobie
Sini Tuulia
in reply to marius • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •same... I usually keep it hidden behind some books and use the reflected light of the wall. :D
@valhalla @jonobie
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Sini Tuulia • •@Sini Tuulia @marius @Jonobie yeah, also some of the led strips around here are just practical, others actually look *good*, but they do so in a very specific style that won't fit everywhere.
the ones we use for ambient light are somewhat easier to hide, but then they aren't the very bright, very high colour temperature ones that I use for work, those are more in plain view
three options, choose two, as usual :(
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