I need a word. A verb, ideally a monosyllable, for the experience of being blocked or hindered by a 2-factor authentication system.
This is often ambiguously abbreviated to TFA but I prefer 2FA, but neither's easily _said_. If it was two _way_ authentication, TWA, I could say "hang on a second, I've just been TWAtted."
Something like that. Sounding like an Ango-Saxon obscenity a bonus.
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Gareth Halfacree
in reply to lproven • • •2FArked, pronounced "too farked." 's best I've got off the top of my head.
"I can't log in today, I'm 2FArked."
lproven reshared this.
in reply to Gareth Halfacree • • •@ghalfacree Ooh, that's good. I will try that out.
Bonus point for sounding like "futhark". You must give the runes of unbinding to free the path...
Ben Tasker
in reply to lproven • • •lproven reshared this.
Paolo Amoroso
in reply to lproven • • •lproven
in reply to Paolo Amoroso • • •Paolo Amoroso
in reply to lproven • • •Martin A. Brooks :verified:
in reply to lproven • • •lproven
in reply to Martin A. Brooks :verified: • • •Diego Roversi
in reply to lproven • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
in reply to Diego Roversi • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.