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So folks, don't forget to check if your Ikea chair is compatible with your screen. I'm not kidding. A thread 🧵.

I've had the problem with my new screen for several weeks now, that every now and then the screen goes black for a few seconds.

Today I had enough and wanted to investigate the problem. So I started changing all the cables, plugging the screen into a different socket, and and and. Nothing helped.

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird
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in reply to Felix Häcker

The only correlation I could find was that the screen only goes off when my Ikea office chair is somehow involved.

So I suspected a loose contact somewhere. But no. No matter how much I wiggled the table/cables, everything was fine.

The problem was only there when I sat down or stood up, although the chair didn't even touch the table.
in reply to Felix Häcker

That was the moment I had my doubts. So I got another chair and tested it with it. No problem, screen stays on.

Took the Ikea "MARKUS" chair again, sat down - screen went off again.

HUH?! My chair has a feature that automatically turns screens on/off? I guess nice privacy feature?
in reply to Felix Häcker

I started to lose faith and couldn't find a logical explanation. So I searched the internet for "ikea markus chair screen problems" 🤦‍♂️

WAIT! I am not the only one with this problem!? Found the following (German) forum post:
in reply to Felix Häcker

It turns out that the fabric seat cover, and/or the gas suspension creates such a strong electrostatic discharge (ESD) that my screen shuts off for a short time.

The solution? No idea yet, but it seems that insulating the chair with copper foil and connecting it to a socket (ground) might help. 🤦‍♂️

Welcome to 2023 - Your Ikea "MARKUS" chair is not compatible with your screen 👏

(Not my chair, the picture is from the forum post)

#ikea #chair #hardware #weird
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reshared this

in reply to Felix Häcker

Oh it's not just that model, lots of office chairs apparently have the problem.

Our old chairs at work (we just moved and got new ones) also had the issue.

Everyone was saying it must have something to do with loose contacts and the vibrations you cause when standing up or sitting down, but it seemed super weird to me as no amount of hitting or shaking my table would affect my monitor, whereas my co-worker 5 meters away getting up from his chair could make it go off for a second...

So I knew it had something to do with static electricity but it seemed unreal as it happens over such a long distance. (Compared to the millimeters of distance you need for a direct static discharge.)

When I googled "monitor goes off when getting up" I found some explanations. If I understand correctly, a strong ESD can essentially send out something like a small EMP, which is mind blowing. :ageblobcat:
in reply to Taylan

Here's a good 2020 article about it. Problem known to Dell engineers and observed with 1/3 office chairs with a gas lift. A Dell employee researched it all the way back in the 90s and published a paper on it in 1993, arguing for standards among furniture producers to address the issue, but no dice.
in reply to Felix Häcker

Even eevblog had the same problem:
in reply to Felix Häcker

Same problem with a completely different chair, which is already 20 Years old. I also suspect the fabric or plastic causing ESD charges. Any workaround?

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