Them: "Let's start this meeting by telling everyone a fun fact about ourselves. Preston, you can go first."
Me: "Sometimes I eat a slice of cheese by holding it carefully with both hands and nibbling away at the corners until it's a perfect circle before spinning it around and around nibbling more of it."
Them: "O....K.... I think we've done enough of that, let's get on to the meeting now."
Me: "Sometimes I eat a slice of cheese by holding it carefully with both hands and nibbling away at the corners until it's a perfect circle before spinning it around and around nibbling more of it."
Them: "O....K.... I think we've done enough of that, let's get on to the meeting now."
Joel Michael
in reply to Preston von Gabbleduck • • •Preston von Gabbleduck
in reply to Joel Michael • • •Bill Hooker
in reply to Preston von Gabbleduck • • •thefathippy
in reply to Preston von Gabbleduck • • •Umm. Isn't that one of the correct ways to eat cheese slices?
The other, of course, being to tear the neatest, straightest, narrowest strip possible off the slice, and eating the strip *before* repeating the process. 🤷
in reply to Preston von Gabbleduck • • •Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Preston von Gabbleduck • •Preston von Gabbleduck likes this.