I find it disturbing that many articles claim "dark mode" saves battery on LCD displays. Uh, no. It doesn't. LCD display battery usage is tied to the backlight settings. Only active display tech like AMOLED, etc. save battery life in dark mode.
@Lauren Weinstein there is worse. there are websites that detect that you aren't actively looking at their page and turn it “off” by making it dark to save energy.
and then keep polling the website to detect whether the user had interacted with the page, thus preventing the device from doing actual power saving.
@Elias Mårtenson @Lauren Weinstein one of them is my bank website, bancaetica.it/ . which in theory is a decent enough bank, I can trust them to honestly believe that they are doing a good thing, they are just clueless on IT.
Another one is the institutional website of Regione Lombardia in Italy (and here I don't trust them not to do greenwashing) regione.lombardia.it
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Lauren Weinstein • •@Lauren Weinstein there is worse. there are websites that detect that you aren't actively looking at their page and turn it “off” by making it dark to save energy.
and then keep polling the website to detect whether the user had interacted with the page, thus preventing the device from doing actual power saving.
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clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
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Lauren Weinstein, James P. McQuoid, rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua, Cassandrich, Katja 「Amethyst」, Ben Clifford, Starry Dynamo, Lira :progresspride_flag:, Jernej Simončič � e i.grok reshared this.
Elias Mårtenson
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •@valhalla what? No. They're is no way. It's there? Please tell me you're joking. They're is no way I'll admit this is even possible.
For the sake of my sanity make this not be true.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Elias Mårtenson • •@Elias Mårtenson @Lauren Weinstein one of them is my bank website, bancaetica.it/ . which in theory is a decent enough bank, I can trust them to honestly believe that they are doing a good thing, they are just clueless on IT.
Another one is the institutional website of Regione Lombardia in Italy (and here I don't trust them not to do greenwashing) regione.lombardia.it
Elias Mårtenson
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elias Mårtenson
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Timothy Wolodzko
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Kent Borg
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Kent Borg • •Rob Michlowitz :clubtwit:
in reply to Lauren Weinstein • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛
in reply to Rob Michlowitz :clubtwit: • • •