@APOLLONIA SAINTCLAIR Could you please also add either a CW or the #nsfw tag to this kind of images (ideally both: I believe that people are actively searching the #nsfw tag and then using the CW to find things by subject/theme)?
Only marking the image as sensitive works on mastodon, but it doesn't propagate to every other platform on the fediverse, and e.g. on Friendica I saw this in my timeline with no advance warning (luckily I was home alone, so no harm done :) )
(Friendica is a software like mastodon that talks the same protocol, but has a different interface a bit more facebook than twitter)
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to APOLLONIA SAINTCLAIR • •@APOLLONIA SAINTCLAIR Could you please also add either a CW or the #nsfw tag to this kind of images (ideally both: I believe that people are actively searching the #nsfw tag and then using the CW to find things by subject/theme)?
Only marking the image as sensitive works on mastodon, but it doesn't propagate to every other platform on the fediverse, and e.g. on Friendica I saw this in my timeline with no advance warning (luckily I was home alone, so no harm done :) )
(Friendica is a software like mastodon that talks the same protocol, but has a different interface a bit more facebook than twitter)
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