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Do you believe that most people who voted for Trump did so _despite_ the fact that he's a fascist or _because_ of the fact that he's a fascist? Or did they not believe that he's a fascist?

  • despite (11%, 7 votes)
  • because (31%, 19 votes)
  • didn't believe (57%, 35 votes)
61 voters. Poll end: 2 settimane fa

in reply to Frosch B

@b_age The fact that Trump won the popular vote makes it impossible for me to ignore the fact that the Dems' inability to understand those folks is how he won.
in reply to eribosot

@b_age The people who voted for that man are racists and there was nothing the Democrats could do about that.
in reply to LeslieNoon

I can't believe all of them are racists. Not because I think people are angels who would never harbor racist thoughts, but because in every other Western country, the racist vote hovers between 5%-35%. And arguably, immigrants in those other countries present more of a cultural divide than in the US.

I'd sooner believe that many Trump voters are desperate and have given up on any establishment politicians looking out for them. They voted Trump because he's chaos.

Questa voce è stata modificata (2 settimane fa)
in reply to eribosot

I don’t think most of them believed he’s a fascist, people who would have voted for trump in the last two elections most likely believed that the accusations of him being a fascist were just some far left tantrum and not the conclusion anyone would arrive at when critically examining his own statements and behaviour

tho of course, there were a handful of people who did know he’s a fascist and voted him because of that, tho I really have a hard time anyone believed he’s a fascist, didn’t like it, but then voted for him anyway despite that

in reply to Reid :ablobcatattention:

@Reiddragon But it wasn't just a far left tantrum. If what you say is right, then Trump's own top general Mark Milley calling him "fascist to the core" and Trump's own chief of staff John Kelly saying he fits the definition of a fascist should have moved the needle somewhat. As far as I can tell, it completely didn't.
in reply to eribosot

@eribosot @Reid :ablobcatattention: how many people who get their news from places like fox news or twitter/x heard about those declarations?

I'm sure that everybody who would have voted democratic anyway heard them and was pretty conscious of the fact, but that doesn't help that much.

(I'm sure that there are enough people that voted him *because* as to be a serious danger to society, but they don't have to be any kind of majority of the voters for it to be so)

in reply to eribosot

they know he's a fascist. There thinking is I'm not POC, lgbtqia, Muslim, or any other group that hatemonger targets, so I don't have a problem.

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