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saving throw failure against capitalism

I've failed a saving throw against “small items just before checkout, in the area where people are queuing”

and it's for something I already had at home (and I knew I had it)

but it was pink. and fluo.

contrary to what the name says, I've tested it on my arm and it doesn't scratch.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

fallimento di tiro salvezza contro il capitalismo

ho fallito miseramente un tiro salvezza contro “oggettini negli scaffali subito prima delle casse, dove si rimane in coda”

per qualcosa che avevo già a casa (e sapevo di avere)

ma questo era rosa. fluo.

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

saving throw failure against capitalism

btw, the picture has been taken with a pinephone camera, and it's a bit more red than the realitiy.

ah, la foto è stata fatta col pinofono ed è un po' più rossa della realtà

Oblomov reshared this.

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