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The self-induced problem with trying to post in both English and Italian is: do I think in English and then translate to Italian? vice versa? or write more or less the same thing, but thinking it natively in the language I'm writing, which will result in subtle differences in the text?

Il problema autoindotto nel cercare di postare sia in inglese che italiano è: pensare in inglese e traduco in italiano? viceversa? o scrivere più o meno la stessa cosa, ma pensandola nativamente nella lingua in cui sto scrivendo, col risultato di avere sottili differenze nel testo?

#meta #multiLang

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

write everything in a third, as semantically vague as possible language, like toki pona, then translate from that ^^
Unknown parent

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@Tobias my problem is: I do :D (notice the differences)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

It depends... Writing in german and english I sometimes translate and sometimes rethink it in the other language. For me it is easyer to rethink it than to translate, because my brain switches to the given language, making it harder to find words when I try to translate.

A text in two languages is never the same anyways. Language is not just words. It is concepts of thinking and feeling...

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

that is me, when they dub something where I speak both languages. My brain goes "but they didn't say that!"

It doesn't bother me, if the author writes it differently in two different languages. That's creative choices.
But you cannot. Absolutely not. Do it to someone elses text, imo.

in reply to Sibylle

@Sibylle @Tobias There is worse. There are subtitles *in the same language* which say a different thing. And it's not even something shorter, to make it fit in the limited subtitle space for some reason, sometimes it's even longer.

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