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Turns out that Threads posts, while we can see them here in the fediverse, can’t see any of our replies to them.
in reply to Adam

@Adam yeah. The entire fediverse is shadow banned. You can swear all you like at them and they won’t see it.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@Alexandra Lanes @Adam Which, being on the BEST fediverse platform, we already have 😉
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@Alisdair Calder McGregor @Adam I guess, being charitable, we can follow news accounts or what have you.
Unknown parent

@A_C_McGregor sell threads to us.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown is this based on what they announced, or did you actually check?

I had half an idea to check, but that involved

a) interacting with a post coming from threads
b) enabling javascript from the threads server

and that's was more than I was willing to do :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

so, to recap,

  • the smartest people with accounts on threads (it's a bit of a contradiction)
  • from just 3 countries
  • that do opt in in their settings

can be followed by us, without reading our replies

i'm not impressed, i'll think about when some personal old uncle will succeed to find me the other way around

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in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Elena ``of Valhalla'' based on what they announced. However, if you go and look on the source website (you don’t need a threads account to do so), there are no replies showing from outside Threads.

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