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Ho appena pubblicato un post: "Why I have many failures with blogging"
#UnoBlog #Blogging…
in reply to prealpinux

@prealpinux :activitypub: What *is* even a blogging failure? Just not posting for a while?

If somebody is blogging as part of their job of course they need to do it regularly for a number of monetary reasons, but if it's a hobby I don't see why there can't be times when somebody is blogging more and other times when somebody is blogging less or even not at all, and the blog still being a success in its aims.

And with rss there isn't even an algorithm that will stop showing new posts to subscribers if the posts aren't regular enough, at most readers will be (usually positively) surprised that there is a new post from somebody they haven't seen in a while.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@valhalla yep, I agree with you.
But sometimes you just don't feel the need to publish and think you're not committed anymore
in reply to prealpinux

@prealpinux :activitypub: oh, not feeling the need to publish anything is perfectly valid!

I just don't think it should be considered a failure of commitment or anything, just a sign that at that time you don't have anything to say (but you may have something to say in the future)

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