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y'all I talked to somebody today who thinks a moka pot is super easy but thinks pour-overs are too finicky to bother with, I am having an out-of-body experience.
in reply to FS9-BS "Bad Survivor"

They're both so easy, though! We use a moka pot [caffettiera] every day here, and they're just... really simple. But it does take getting used to it, especially if it's not a common piece of equipment for your kitchen.

Seeing as I live with an Italian, it is a fairly common one there.
in reply to FS9-BS "Bad Survivor"

@FS9-BS "Bad Survivor" I mean, moka pots are extremely easy and all of the alternatives are hard if you've grown up watching everybody in your family making coffee with those, and only encountered any other way to make coffee at home as an adult :D

(yes, I'm Italian. and I can't even drink coffee anymore)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@valhalla I hadn't thought about that but that's a good point, this dude was here in the US and moka pots aren't very common here, but neither are pour overs people have absolutely been using both for decades, It's very possible he was a second or even third generation moka pot user. I didn't even think to ask, but my mom's mom used to use a chemex or something, which I guess probably does color how easy I perceive the V60 to be, because the one I use is basically just a slightly modified chemex lol
in reply to FS9-BS "Bad Survivor"

@FS9-BS "Bad Survivor" I don't know what these things are, I come from a percolator clan and everybody else where I grew up just used brewers with Melitta filters.

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