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Show me you drop spindles?

I'm gathering infomation. What fibers do you spin, what spindle do you use? Commentary for a curious beginner? #knitting #yarn #FiberArts #spinning @fiberarts

in reply to Ash O'Kesta

I currently have a small Turkish spindle and a Daelgan spindle. In the pictures, I was spinning a blue faced Leicester and silk top. They are quite small, so they can only hold maybe 0.25 oz of fiber? So I don't use them that much (I have a spinning wheel). I want to get a support spindle to try out next.

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in reply to Ash O'Kesta

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in reply to Ash O'Kesta

wool, mostly. I use spindles for sampling and haven’t done large projects on them for many years. My favorite is a stick and toy wheel spindle, about 25 g. The shaft is pointed at both ends so it works either suspended or supported. I have many others, but have continued to use this one for decades.…

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in reply to Ash O'Kesta

@Ash O'Kesta

A couple of old pictures, because my spinning is currently temporarily on hold

I spin with a medieval-style spindle + friction fit whorl combination, mostly wool (I have a distaff dressed with hemp, but it's going *extremely slowly*), often wool that I've combed myself.

in reply to Ash O'Kesta

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in reply to Siem :aroace_middlefinger:

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