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My SO is sleeping (siesta time), so for about one hour his chair is free.

What I want to have done in this hour is to continue my inventory of fabric (using his chair as a convenient place to hold it).

What I want do *do* in this hour is playing flare.


in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

about half of the fabric I wanted to add to the inventory has been added.

And then my SO woke up, the chair had to be freed, and...

there may have been a bit of flare :D

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Bevilacqua Gustavino I use my own inventory thing software, lesana, which indexes the data in a xapian database for free text search (but doesn't work as well for more typical relational database searches)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

SELECT * FROM fabric WHERE color LIKE '%brown%' AND length > 120 AND width > 180
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Bevilacqua Gustavino

quello si può all'incirca fare: la query diventa qualcosa tipo ```colour:brown AND length > 120 AND width > 180```, purché si siano configurato i campi length e width come sortable (che non è il default perché avere troppi campi sortable influenza le prestazioni)

che io sappia non si può fare una query tipo ```lenght = null``` (di solito per quelli finisco per usare grep :D )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@Bevilacqua Gustavino uops, I didn't realize you wrote in en...

that can be done, the query becomes something like ```colour:brown AND length > 120 AND width > 180```, as long as the length and width have been configured as sortable (which is not the default because too many sortable fields influence performance).

afaik it isn't possible to have a query like ```length = null``` (usually when I need something like that I use grep :D )

in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

@Bevilacqua Gustavino I've found that for this kind of applications in most cases, having free text search with stemming is more useful than querying for none, so I think that the tradeoff is worth.

In theory, I could probably write an additional backend to index the data also in an sqlite database for that kind of queries, but I've never felt enough of a need for it to actually *do* it :D

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