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I'm reading a book on medieval relic thefts and relic trade, and it is hilariously entertaining.

I keep thinking how fun these stories would be as a #DnD adventure... With epic bluff checks for selling the acquired relics as genuine.
And convincing people the saint spoke to you in a dream and wanted to be stolen. 😄 👼…

#books #bookstodon #AmReading #histodons #medieval #ttrpg

in reply to Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág

@Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág I've always believed that saint Helen must be the patron saint of DnD characters, with her going to the Holy Land to have adventures, grab the loot and everything.

(I know, late antiquity and not middle ages, but still that's the beginning of the tradition :) )

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Whereas the patron saint of #ttrpg players is Saint Bernard, who once rolled 19 on 3d6.
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