now wearing: one pair of WET wool slippers and a pair of hiking sandals to protect the slippers from the floor
Sto indossando un paio di pantofole di lana BAGNATE e un paio di sandali da trekking per proteggere le pantofole dal pavimento
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
Unknown parent • •@Siem :brynn_ghost_asexual: felted slippers: they have been in the washing machine, and I was keeping them on the feet to block them to shape.
I've decided that they need a bit more felting however, so I'll have to do this again the next time I wash a load of the right colour, next week, and then I'll take pictures of the finished thing :)
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Elena ``of Valhalla''
Unknown parent • •like this
Siem, heliotrope, Alex, the Hearth Fire e Quezovercoatl quietly like this.
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