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Fedi-wide survey, boosts appreciated!

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in reply to ‏lol‏ ‏fedifriend (cat aspect)

It's interesting how the percentage of right-handed people is dropping as the post is reaching a wider audience. Does my account exist in a right-handed bubble? 😄
in reply to ClipHead

I also use my cutlery the logical way for a right-hander. Fork in right hand, knife in left; unless I'm just using a knife alone, then that's in the right hand. (as opposed to the "correct" way according to etiquette, which is fork in left, knife in right).
in reply to David de Groot 𓆉

when I was young I always had a hard time remembering which hand the knife was supposed to be used with (and I don't think there is a way that is really better than the other, it depends on the task!)
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

If I have to write on a vertical surface (chalk on blackboard at school) I can write LH, but on horizontal surfaces I'm RH.

And I have no problems using two "mouses" at the same time, without to modify the button position.
in reply to rag. Gustavino Bevilacqua

I do change the button position on my left hand side mice (at work I use a right hand side mouse), but I have a trackpad on the right at home too. I just wish I could have multiple mouse cursors and assign each pointing device to a separate screen.
in reply to David de Groot 𓆉

In Linux multipointer mode is native (even if not a lot of people knows this):

Here some other solutions:
in reply to David de Groot 𓆉

There are some apps to have multi pointer on Mac, but I don't know the system enough to give suggestions.

Look around and you'll find some.
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David de Groot 𓆉
oooh definitely, i can’t write with my left hand to save myself.

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