The thing about a cat that likes to sit on your back. Is that if the cat doesn't want to come off, there's very little you can do about it without getting incidentally clawed. Open for gif of a pleased little kitty backpack from the selfie angle, near eye contact.
@adriano Extremely helpful, I can tell! Honestly it's nice when they're very warm compared to the weather, but it's not very ergonomic to have a shoulder cat. 😄
@bergamlaimerin Well. I do sew all my house blouses with a double layer yoke precisely because old commercially made second hand shirts mysteriously have many small holes in the shoulder and upper back region... 😄 No reinforcement on the mid back, though!
Valencia does this to me. Occasionally, I can summon her over my shoulder, and then all her claws are facing the right way to slide her forwards under her armpits. Legpits.
Alternatively, I can lean back slowly in a chair or simply accept my fate.
@wokstation Sounds about right. 😆 Quite often Karvinen gets bored fast and I can politely indicate a convenient nearby surface to jump onto... But today he dug his claws into my shirt like "no thank you" and then settled when I leaned onto the desk!
oh no! This happened to me today, too! I was bent over, trying to fix a lamp that had come loose on my work desk (it's the type you clamp on), and suddenly, I acquired a warm, furry backpack! It was very inconvenient, but it did make the task more fun. Luckily, she got up before I got too achy.
@Annmie These things happen. 😁 Mine hops on when he feels like it, but he'll also go stand on top of the fridge and yell at me until I notice he wants to climb onto my shoulders. Sometimes it will be a shoulder ride, sometimes a kitty backpack, one can never know.
@WizardOfDocs My ex-wife always used to like to lay on her front and doomscroll before bed. Our cat used to like coming up and snuggling up on her butt. This would pin my ex to her front for fear of getting attacked. I was often employed to 'frighten' the cat off by throwing the covers off or something. Neither ever learned. 😂
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in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
in reply to Adriano • • •Adriano
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
in reply to Adriano • • •Berg Am Laimerin
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
in reply to Berg Am Laimerin • • •No reinforcement on the mid back, though!
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Valencia does this to me. Occasionally, I can summon her over my shoulder, and then all her claws are facing the right way to slide her forwards under her armpits. Legpits.
Alternatively, I can lean back slowly in a chair or simply accept my fate.
Sini Tuulia
in reply to WokStation • • •Sindarina, Edge Case Detective
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Sini Tuulia
in reply to Sindarina, Edge Case Detective • • •John McChesney-Young
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •Ann-Mi
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •It was very inconvenient, but it did make the task more fun. Luckily, she got up before I got too achy.
Sini Tuulia
in reply to Ann-Mi • • •dodothedev🦤💻
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •My ex-wife always used to like to lay on her front and doomscroll before bed. Our cat used to like coming up and snuggling up on her butt. This would pin my ex to her front for fear of getting attacked. I was often employed to 'frighten' the cat off by throwing the covers off or something. Neither ever learned. 😂
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to dodothedev🦤💻 • •like this
Sini Tuulia, dodothedev🦤💻 e Alex, the Hearth Fire like this.
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla'' • • •I cannot vouch for the cats intentions (she was a moody cat), but sure, why not?
Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
in reply to Sini Tuulia • • •