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It cannot be said with absolute certainty if he knows what hugs are, but he's pretty good at them.

Have been feeling a bit under the weather with a tension headache and being bored of resting, today, but at least I have company.


in reply to Andrew Pontious

@apontious He's very affectionate so sometimes I wonder if he himself decided he liked this type of cuddle, or if he figured out that I like it and thrives on the positive feedback. 😶
in reply to Sini Tuulia

We teach our cats many things through our unintentional feedback, many unwanted. 😂😂
in reply to Sini Tuulia

Aww, the little dear :) Hope you feel better soon.
in reply to Sini Tuulia

I have an orange cat that loves to LEAN on people while sitting on them. Enjoy the cuddles and hope you feel better soon..
in reply to Rj N

@Rjayne_n Orange cat solidarity! Mine is a fantastic little affectionate weirdo, but also sometimes will not leave me alone. 😂​ He probably thinks he's helping!
@Rj N

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