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Dear #sindarin speaking fediverse

I don't speak Sindarin, but I found myself with an urgent need to know how one would say something like “Say meow and enter”, and some googling¹ and reading of web pages lead me to think it could be something like “Pedo muio a minno”, would it be correct?

Or maybe something like “Say, cat, and enter” would be better, and that, if I'm not mistaken, would be “Pedo muig a minno”?

If I understand correctly they are both neosindarin words, which makes me question Tolkien's priorities, but isn't necessarily an issue for my needs.

Did I get something horribly wrong? Would something else be better?


¹ on searx :D

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

  1. "Cava ni 'laivin a lest." (Say meow and enter)
  2. "Lle then 'nyeg a mae." (Say meow and pass)
  3. "Lau 'waew, ach neled." (Call meow and come in)

There is no direct translation for meow, so a fantasy word had to be used.

I don't speak Sindarin, this is the output of… with remarks translated to English.

Questa voce è stata modificata (9 mesi fa)
in reply to Martin Seeger

Output in German was:

  1. "Cava ni 'laivin a lest." (Wörtlich: "Sag Miau und tritt ein.")
  2. "Lle then 'nyeg a mae." (Wörtlich: "Sag Miau und passiere.")
  3. "Lau 'waew, ach neled." (Wörtlich: "Rufe Miau und komm herein.")

Es gibt keine direkte Übersetzung für "Miau" in Sindarin, da es sich um einen Laut handelt, den Katzen von sich geben, und Katzen nicht im Tolkien-Universum existieren. Daher müssen Phantasiewörter verwendet werden, die ähnliche Laute und Bedeutungen haben.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Hey there. My Sindarin knowledge is quite crusty by now but I'll throw in my two cents anyway.

I haven't been able to find a word for "meow" and I doubt it exists. The Sindarin for "cat" is indeed "muig", apparently. So "Pedo muig a minno" would seem correct.

However, in Sindarin there is the topic of lenition (softening) of consonants (see here:…) under certain circumstances. There doesn't seem to be a precise consensus on when this happens, though. A good article on this particular subject is this: (see section about the inscription on the doors of Moria) which seems plausible to me. It explains how "mellon" should actually have been lenited (to "vellon") but wasn't because it was, in fact, the password and needed to be spoken in its original form. This apparently threw Gandalf off track at first because he, of course, knew Sindarin perfectly well, as did the creators of the inscription.

Long story short: depending on the context you wish to use this in, "Pedo muig a minno" would be correct but if you wish to adhere to lenition rules it would become "Pedo vuig a minno".

I hope this is of help to you.

in reply to thedoctor

@thedoctor thanks! very helpful! (also in providing something that looks interesting to read even if I don't really need it for a silly project :) )

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