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Omg. How do I uninstall this and never ever ever let Starlink near my iphone? #Apple #nazis #help…

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in reply to LA Legault 🇨🇦 Feb.27th 🗳️

Apple is an *extremely* toxic company that abuses their users in many different ways, and in these times it's just going to get a lot worse.
in reply to highvoltage

eagerly awaiting your list of alternative smartphone manufacturers and mobile OS authors who consistently respect and protect their users and make widely-accessible, comparably-functional products.
in reply to jgys

You're not alone, phone's are a privacy nightmare. I use a de-googlified Android phone (and sync to my own server using Nextcloud). For technical/convenience reasons, obviously not a good solution for everyone. But that doesn't change the fact that Apple is about the worst of the worst when it comes to abusing copyright/IP, collecting data on their users, using data against their users, etc.
in reply to highvoltage

@highvoltage syncing to one’s own server (using nextcloud or anything else) might reduce avenues for corporate surveillance, but it creates a whole new set of attack surfaces that are now your responsibility. Maybe it’s the right choice for you, but to me it seems like getting out of the frying pan and into the fire.
in reply to jgys

Oh yeah as I alluded to before, it works great for me and I know how to maintain services, but I'm not pushing it or recommending it to anyone for exactly the reasons you mention.
in reply to jgys

@highvoltage as for Apple being “the worst,” I hope you don’t take this as sealioning, but can you point to your sources?

My impression has been that Apple has been (relative to the mainstream alternatives, anyway) fairly well-regarded in terms of privacy and security for their users, in part because of the walled garden thing, whatever its other downsides.

in reply to jgys

Heh, I used to have a very good YouTube playlist for this that contained some great videos on the topic (Louis Rossman famously covers many of Apple's biggest problems), but no, I don't see it as sealioning, I think more people should ask about it and talk about it because the issues are huge and severe. I think I'll go ahead and make a web page dedicated to this rather than rely on YouTube for a playlist and pass it on!
in reply to highvoltage

@highvoltage isn’t Louis Rossman’s main gripe about right to repair? Apple’s definitely a bad actor in this respect, but I don’t know if that makes using their devices a bad choice for a typical consumer.

I’d agree that protecting right to repair has good second-order effects for consumers, but I suspect that most consumers considering an iPhone would, in the event that it broke, either replace it or go to Apple for repairs, so maybe not a bad choice for them individually.

in reply to jgys

He was one of the people at the forefront of right to repair, so yes it's one of his main issues with Apple, but far from the only or even most important one. He also dives deep into quality issues (which doesn't make Apple evil per sé), but he also delves into how Apple screws over their service centers, employees and users. Also in particular he focusses on how they abuse IP rights to avoid importing of used parts.
in reply to highvoltage

For example, if you import a used Apple part (like a display) from China, this is considered counterfit the same way that you would import fake clothing to sell. Your goods will be seized and you can face criminal liability. But, that's just some of the things Louis covers, there's also a lot that he doesn't.
in reply to jgys

@jgys @highvoltage @LA Legault 🇨🇦 Feb.27th 🗳️ maybe fairphone? And I believe by default it runs a degooglified android that is a reasonable compromise.

Personally I use a pinephone with mobian and it works just fine for my needs. but that option isn't exactly ready for everybody.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Well yeah I'm a technical person so that's solved for me, but the problem is with that last part in that it's really not yet a solution for everybody. And if 95%+ people are mass surveilled, then effectively everyone is.
in reply to highvoltage

@highvoltage yeah, I think that for most people a degooglified fairphone is a significantly more reasonable compromise

and I thought that was enough to protect from at least some mass surveillance, is that false?

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