Using #vim is easy once you learn a few basic keybindings.
h and l - move left and right
j and k - move down and up
η and λ - move backwards and forwards through time
ξ and κ - translation through additional temporal dimension (if applicable)
ᚻ, ᛄ, ᚳ and ᛚ - moving left, down, up, and right through celestial spheres
𐤄 and 𐤋 - switch deity to pantheon member to left or right
𐤉 - supplicate to chosen deity
𐤊 - challenge chosen deity (dangerous)
:q - exit
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Charlie Stross
in reply to Ian Douglas Scott • • •like this
Elena ``of Valhalla'' e clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 like this.
Dak (D. A. Keldsen)
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Ferdinando Simonetti
in reply to Ian Douglas Scott • • •Elena ``of Valhalla'' likes this.
Elena ``of Valhalla''
in reply to Ferdinando Simonetti • •@Ferdinando Simonetti uooops, right, my instance only received a tiny fraction of it!