Finding people who have already signed your key
To be sure not to waste time during a ksp to meet people with whom I have already exchanged fingerprints, I decided to do a quick check of the list.
I had already downloaded a recent wotsap db to ~/.wotsapdb;
$ wotsap $MY_KEY > signatures.txt
I've then edited the file, keeping just the signature sections:
This key is signed by, excluding cross-signatures:
This key is cross-signed with:
Keys signed by this key, excluding cross-signatures:
And then grepped the keys in the kps file in that list (maybe doing the reverse would have been better, whatever)
$ for K in `grep "^pub" ksp-dc15.txt | cut -c 15-22 ` ; do grep $K signatures.txt ; done
The first characters on each line tells you if it is a cross signature (X,X), if you have signed the key (-,X) or if they have signed your key (X,-), so that you can mark them on the ksp list as "ignore", "ask if there were problems with your fingerprint / ID", "ask whether they have received your signatures" as relevant.
I only had a few results, so the next step was done by hand.