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I finally got round to publishing a version 1.0 of my long-running hobby project: a bootable DOS live USB image with tools for writers, providing a distraction-free writing environment.

This is very rushed and the instructions are incomplete. Only FAT16 for now; FAT32 coming real soon now.

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in reply to lproven

why not just use a tty-only linux live environment?
in reply to Samuel

@samuel A big reason is that the available selection of console mode writing tools is awful, whereas there are lots of superb ones for DOS.

I personally wouldn't wish Vim or Emacs on anybody. I know they have many fans, but I detest them both. David Given's WordGrinder is about the only one.

in reply to lproven

fair enough.

I really like vim but as a developer I'm very biased.

in reply to Samuel

@samuel Yeah, pretty much all terminal based text editors on Linux were only ever made by and for developers. DOS has a healthy library of actual word processing software from when it was dominant.
in reply to Pendell

@pendell @samuel Exactly. As a former technical writer, who used the "docs as code" approach, some of them are very powerful... But they lack features for writers of text, while typically containing lots of useless stuff for us that's handy for writers for source code.
in reply to lproven

@lproven @Samuel my partner uses joe rather than vim like a normal person :D because it has almost the same keybindings as wordpress, which he was used to from turbo pascal under dos.

my fingers require vi-like keybindings, however, so I don't have personal experience :)

edit: I meant wordstar, of course

Unknown parent

@avuko Thanks! Please do let me know how you get on.
in reply to lproven


OK, in order:

1) You're completely insane!

2) Well not completely

3) I'm boosting this

in reply to lproven

Triggers memories of the rescue disk I developed over time, that lived in my shirt pocket for years, and dug many people out of trouble. Can see the pleasure of effective tool selection.
(May I suggest throwing Galaxy into the list - fairly distraction-free and very, very fast.)
in reply to Stevan

Jim Hall of the FreeDOS project tried it recently, and found importing the files into anything modern tricky.…

I had a _very_ quick look for a download and didn't find anything. Do you know of anywhere?

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in reply to lproven

> Protext is installed in the root directory, in C:\PROTEXT

Yassss! Protext remains the best

in reply to lproven

I had it on EPROM for my 464, then slowly went up through Amiga and PC versions

It's a shame that the good version of the manual was lost, and it only really lives via the Wayback Machine

in reply to lproven

I saw it yesterday and was so happy to try it on my laptop... that does not have BIOS :blobimfine:

Thanks a lot!

in reply to lproven

I've now added the promised FAT32 version, which has ended up considerably smaller.

The wiki now has one whole page -- count it! -- of documentation!

in reply to lproven

Depending on whether you are keeping space to a minimum, another 1.5M may be not be too bad to keep a copy of MS-Works for DOS. That, to my mind, was always severely under-rated. Had it had a spellchecker, it, and its Windows counterpart, would have met so many people's productivity requirements.
In your context for writers, speed and the little database might be handy, though I see you as AsEasyAs, so maybe the spreadsheet too.
in reply to Stevan

@withaveeay The thing is, Microsoft is very much alive and well... and highly litigious.

MS *gave away* Word 5.5 for DOS as a Y2K fix for all previous versions. It's freeware. But sadly Word 6 is not.

in reply to lproven

@foone What a lovely project! I'll definitely have to stick this on an old flash drive or better yet something weird like a FAT32-formatted DVD-RAM disc to ensure it breaks 🤣 which then makes me curious if adding external devices to save to is supported?

Cool as heck project!

in reply to Pendell

@pendell @foone Thanks!

I have experimented quite a bit since I started fiddling with this. I had the FOSS DR-DOS Enhancement Project disk images booting in VMs back then:…

So, yes. This disk image boots fine in a VM and it should run fine if copied to a primary partition on HDD or SSD. (You'll need to `FDISK /MBR` the whole drive, though.)

If it's presented with additional readable volumes, it will mount them as drives D:, E:, F: etc.

I haven't tried booting it from an optical disk, but it should do. Then it could access any FAT volumes.

The thing to beware of is this: the BIOS is doing the heavy lifting of translating USB devices for DOS. It *won't* be able to access additional USB drives on its own. If they're present for the BIOS to enumerate when DOS boots, _maybe..._ but I wouldn't count on it.

in reply to lproven

Curious if a UEFI bootable Linux with dosbox would get into newer hardware, although you might have to make a kernel without network support for it... Hmm
in reply to Thomas Dorr

@thomasdorr There's occasionally discussion about this on the FreeDOS mailing list.

I reckon it would be doable with a 386 memory manager on steroids, plus a copy of SeaBIOS. Mostly, though, the developers say no way. And they know much more than I do!

in reply to Thomas Dorr

@thomasdorr If on the other hand you were thinking of creating a lightweight Linux distribution just to run DOS apps, then go for it. I suggest taking a look at the way HP did it.…

Fabio reshared this.

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