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USpol, neighborhoods, cameras

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in reply to Anne Deschaine

USpol, smart assistants, surveillance

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in reply to Anne Deschaine

USpol, smart assistants, surveillance
Until my dad died two weeks ago, I was so on the fence about getting an Alexa or something similar, because he JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND how to use ANY device using his hands, no matter how I dressed it up with color coding and tactile buttons. I mean, a single-button toddler's walkie talkie confused him. Man I wish we had accessibility options for people who can't handle anything visual or tactile, that didn't constantly spy on you and send your data who knows where.
in reply to Cleo of Topless Topics

USpol, smart assistants, surveillance

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in reply to Cleo of Topless Topics

USpol, smart assistants, surveillance
@Cleo of Topless Topics @Anne Deschaine there was mycroft, but apparently the project has died or something, and it never reached a level where random non-nerd people could just use it, of course :(
in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

USpol, smart assistants, surveillance
That's the problem with non-capitalist tech ventures... No money for a user-friendly interface speciality department, so the only people seeing the tech are deep in the tech world and won't understand the limitations non-tech people face in trying to use it 🙃 (I can barely use mastodon, and certainly haven't found a concise and unintimidating way to explain how hashtags [don't] work, to convince other non-computer-programmers to join)
Unknown parent

Anne Deschaine
@marews I wish it wasn't such a depressing one!

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