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80s Cartoons - Five lions join together, and now they are the legendary defender… Voltron!

Real life - A cat jumps on my back, and now I’m a human with a cat on my back, and I can’t do anything.


Questa voce è stata modificata (1 mese fa)
in reply to Alex von Kitchen

@Dangerous_beans Like… if one of the other cats does it… I just don’t think it’s going to end well.
in reply to Tom Roberts

@Tom Roberts @Alex von Kitchen but it would still save the planet!

as long as the aliens are in the shape of a small rodent or bird, I guess?

in reply to Tom Roberts

a giant robot piloted by 4 cats and a metal head seems like a bad idea whoever is in charge 😛
in reply to Alex von Kitchen

@Dangerous_beans Obviously there’s a few issues to be worked through, but I’m retaining a positive outlook on this plan.

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