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Beer challenge 2025: pubs, especially craft beer bars - please declare allergens on your menu.

Yours, someone with stomach cramps from undeclared lactose in a beer (but determined to carry on and try and dilute it)

in reply to Feòrag

I realise nearly all beer includes gluten, so please celebrate , and sing to the heavens, about those beers you stock which are GF.
in reply to Feòrag

The pub I’m in now does have a special menu on the wall of 13 GF beers.
in reply to Feòrag

William Bros are switching most of their beers to gluten free, still ongoing though…
in reply to Feòrag

I took milk stout home from Dublin and didn't realize it contained ACTUAL MILK so couldn't share it with lactose-intolerant spouse.
in reply to Irina

@irina Yep, but at least it’s there on the label. The weird one is that Oyster Stout used to be a beer for drinking with oysters, but most modern brewers interpret it as a beer containing oysters.
in reply to Feòrag

That's weird indeed! (I don't like oysters but that's mostly the texture as well as the cringe at eating something alive, but I love stout)
in reply to Irina

@irina It was once a common working class food. Became posh much later.
in reply to Feòrag

Yeah. Still, I don't balk at killing something in order to eat it, but killing something *by* eating it goes a bit too far.
in reply to Irina

@irina I do balk at killing things to eat, but in the period concerned, protein options for working class folks were very limited.
in reply to Feòrag

And even if your beer is Gluten Free, list your malts somewhere mortals can find them while queuing at a bar.

It's not that hard - the rest of the food industry does it, the brewers do it on their bottled/canned beers, but for some reason most of them don't put the info on their websites.

If someone is wheat intolerant a Gluten Free label alone isn't much help. And sometimes the bottle/tin recipe is different to the draft recipe. I want to drink your beer! Just tell me what's in it!

in reply to Feòrag

@Feòrag milk.

in. a. beer.


I mean, I would expect them to have gluten and possibly wheat unless declared otherwise, but *lactose*?

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

Yeah, I once tried a stout with added lactose. It was really meh but as a craft beer is quite common I think.

It was clearly labeled as so tho

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