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"Obviously, swords are male."

The swordmaster gave the student a tired look. "No."

"But sheaths must be fema-"

"Sheaths exist to protect swords from the world, and vice versa. Swords exist to kill and maim."

"Or be pretty," another student said.

"Indeed. And those roles aren't male or female."

#TootFic #MicroFiction #SmallStories

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in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

In french, sword is grammatically feminine and sheath masculine.
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Red Hot Chill Pépère



I gave true. Now you give squee.

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in reply to Micro SF/F by O. Westin

in Ukrainian, sword is male ("меч", "mech") and sheath ("піхви", "pikhvy") is PLURAL. But sabre ("сабля", "sablia") is female...
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Micro SF/F by O. Westin
@juliana None of my swords have gender, but a friend had a sword he called Gerda, and the name fitted her.

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