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As a reminder for folks here talking about Trump, Musk, or other MAGA folk: Please don't use cute nicknames ("musky", "space karen", "cheeto", Drumpf, T***p, etc). There aren't algorithms to manipulate, and all the use of nicknames does is bypass individual people's filters who are trying to manage their own experience.

And speaking of, amusingly, my own filters are going to make this post invisible to me.


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@bojanland Yeah, I mean, I personally LIKE cheetos a lot. They're one of my guilty pleasure snacks. (If I ever have another mango cat, there's a strong possibility I would break my "gods and muses" naming rules.) I don't like it being associated with the next US president!
in reply to Jonobie

100% this.

Amusingly this didn't show up in my feed either (thanks filters!) but did show up in my notifications -- quite rightly since I want to see everything my BFF posts 😁

in reply to Jonobie

Another issue with this: it trivializes what such people do.

Call them like a state prosecutor would. By their real name. That's what they deserve.

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in reply to Jonobie

@valhalla I don’t like it. You are just saying: because computers are dumb we must adapt. to them. Lets improve the filters, not reducing the creativity.
in reply to cate

@cate @Jonobie there is a limit to how the filters can be improved to recognise that e.g. Space Karen refers to Space Dilbert refers to Elon Musk and still allow people to be creative in creating new nicknames.

Mentioning those people by name at least once in the post doesn't prevent one from using creative nicknames elsewhere, and easily solves the problem.

in reply to Elena ``of Valhalla''

@valhalla it is a philosophical problem: should we adapt to machines, to make them happier? We are here not to be under control of billionaires, but I’m not here to makes machines happy.

In any case there is not many alternate names, but I recommend to just mute users which go too much “political": im not here for that. Filter will fails: they are not the only one with such name (e.g. insects and plants).

Note: Here i start to get too much “you must do that”

in reply to cate

@cate Machines ARE dumb. Near as I can tell the only difference between our proposed solutions is who bears the burden -- I'm asking the speaker to do so; you're asking the listener.

The problem is, your solution doesn't solve my problem. It isn't that specific individuals are too political, because of course I can mute them. It's that at various times an issue flares up, *lots of people* briefly get political. And that floods my feed if the filters don't work.


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