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moxie said nobodys ever gonna run their own servers

that prompted a lot of pushback on fedi, just have to make it easy to do so

but also floated around this time was the idea of "community hosting"

and that stuck with me and is really resonating, i want to reexamine all my projects with that in mind,

- how to design towards federation
- it's good actually if you "don't scale" because you want to limit the size of each instance

who coined this?
in reply to program jiggler

I don't know if he coined it, but Darius Kazemi wrote this section in his "Run Your Own Social":

"I'd like to advance the notion that software does not have to scale, and in fact software can be better if it is not built to scale."
in reply to Your friendly 'net denizen

I did a research project a while back, and from interviews I I found that people from smaller servers had faster moderation experiences than people from larger servers.
in reply to program jiggler

I don't know who coined the term, but this is what our LUG has been doing and promoting for quite a long time, running this server on the fediverse and an xmpp one for chats.

Both servers are only open to members of the LUG, but since we're all a herd of nerds some of us are also running other servers for family and non-nerd friends.

And of course on our servers there are people who would never be able to run their own server, that's why we run it for them. And there are other people who don't have the time or skill to run a server, but are perfectly able to admin their own server on some service like
in reply to program jiggler

@p̸h̴o̸⁴c̵e̴ₓa̵ is working steadily to make hosting your personal website easy. Like really easy, like on your phone. Including Let's Encrypt setup.

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