I want Firefox to succeed more than ever and I support Mozilla finding better revenue sources than search engine default sales, but I do not support a $7M salary for its CEO.
I canceled my recurring donation to Mozilla because I need that money more than Mozilla’s CEO needs that money.
If there is a direct funding option of developers working on Firefox, I will happily reallocate that money. Send me links.
Source: Form 990 stateof.mozilla.org/
Edit: Replaced commentary with direct source
The State of Mozilla: 2022 — 2023 Annual Report — Mozilla
Every year, in the spirit of openness upon which Mozilla was founded, we share publicly the ways we have protected, fought for and helped advance the internet in service of the people who rely on it every day.stateof.mozilla.org
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Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:
in reply to Jeremiah Lee • • •for comparison, the *entire* fundraising drive of the #FSF is 375,000 USD.
That single Mozilla CEO cops a whopping *18 times* more than the goal funding of the entire FSF for 2024!
Peter Motte
in reply to Klaus Zimmermann :unverified: • • •Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:
in reply to Peter Motte • • •@PeterMotte but isn't defending against monopoly some sort of ethical stance, too? :)
Come to think of it, I myself only use firefox because I like it, and I feel it's better. And that's it. I had never thought about the monopolization bit until only 5 years ago or something.
I like the browser - the product. Not the corporation that makes it.
Peter Motte
in reply to Klaus Zimmermann :unverified: • • •Virtue signal 💉💉💉🇺🇸 🇺🇦
in reply to Klaus Zimmermann :unverified: • • •Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to Klaus Zimmermann :unverified: • • •Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •@ebassi ok, you don't like the FSF. That's fair.
I still encourage you to go on and add up the target budgets of all the donation-driven open source software projects you can find doing fundraisers this year.
Then we can see how many entire projects' yearly budgets equal out the Mozilla CEO's salary, or just half of it if it's too difficult. Let's make it fair and discount the "bonuses" that were not part of the base salary.
Here's a starter: Framasoft - 200,000 EUR. Know of any other?
Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to Klaus Zimmermann :unverified: • • •@kzimmermann this is the compensation for the CEO of the Mozilla *Corporation* (who is also the chairman of the Foundation, but doesn't get compensation for that). You should not compare the CEO of MoCo with other no profit foundations, or small donation-driven software projects. Framasoft isn't getting 400mil USD per year out of deals with other companies.
That's why I said that the FSF doesn't do anything, compared to Mozilla.
Klaus Zimmermann :unverified:
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •kapsiR
in reply to Jeremiah Lee • • •Sören Hentzschel 🦊
in reply to kapsiR • • •kapsiR
in reply to Sören Hentzschel 🦊 • • •Sören Hentzschel 🦊
in reply to kapsiR • • •The State of Mozilla: 2022 — 2023 Annual Report — Mozilla
stateof.mozilla.orgSören Hentzschel 🦊
in reply to Sören Hentzschel 🦊 • • •@kapsiR And here are a few links for what you support with donations to the Mozilla FOUNDATION:
The money is not used at all to pay the development of Firefox, any other product of the Mozilla Corporation, or any salary*.
*) Thunderbird is a product from MZLA and 99 % of their income are donations. They pay the employees with donations. But MZLA is not the Mozilla Corporation, and you use a different form to donate for Thunderbird.
What we fund
Mozilla FoundationEmmanuele Bassi
in reply to Jeremiah Lee • • •first of all: never, ever read what drivel Lunduke vomits. He's scum, and if you're getting your information from him you're basically falling for a huckster.
Second: your donation goes to the Mozilla Foundation, but the CEO is paid by the Mozilla Corporation, and that money comes from the business deals that are, among other things, made by the CEO.
CEO are overpaid? Yes, that's absolutely true all across the industry; is the MoCo CEO paid by donations to the MoFo? No.
Jean-Shell au ʨrminal cha℔yant
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to Jean-Shell au ʨrminal cha℔yant • • •@nojhan that's for the board of MoCo/MoFo to decide, but if they keep her employed I think they are satisfied with her performance.
I am all for expressing dismay at the performance of Moz, and their lack of direction; I don't want to single out the MoCo CEO, when clearly the MoFo is behind her; and I don't really want to single out her pay, because adding 10 more engineers isn't going to make Firefox any better if there isn't anyone bringing in cash at year's end.
Emmanuele Bassi
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi • • •Vincent Degove
Unknown parent • • •@ebassi @dekkzz76 @nojhan @louis That seems a great idea for the future: electron apps are shit, but there is a high demand (from developers) to write "desktop apps" with web technology. If Mozilla can answer this demand better than Electron (and I'm sure there is room for improvement) it will be a massive success.
This train hasn't passed yet, still time to hop in
Emmanuele Bassi
Unknown parent • • •Emmanuele Bassi
Unknown parent • • •Emmanuele Bassi
Unknown parent • • •Steve F.
in reply to Vincent Degove • • •