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in reply to stux⚡

with those ears back I would say it is a railroad strike
in reply to stux⚡

I watched Godzilla the other day and the first reaction this picture was - "Looks like Godzilla chilling out."
in reply to stux⚡

Correcting a spelling mistake, in this case it is: "furrther notice.
in reply to stux⚡

You will be miauwed when the trainblock is over.
in reply to stux⚡

Still looks more interesting than that last Jurassic World movie. 🤔
in reply to stux⚡

Props to the model builder. At first I thought this was a picture of a cat Photoshopped onto a picture of a railroad.
in reply to stux⚡

So sieht also eine "Verzögerung im Betriebsablauf" in Wirklichkeit aus!
Unknown parent


@🚜-antonio 🕊 @LaVi 🕊️📚🐈

fosse così non mi lamenterei. magari starei lontano dalla stazione, ma non mi lamenterei...

in reply to stux⚡

🤣🤣🤣Don't give British train services ideas???
in reply to stux⚡

I'd take it: it's not on my lap between my face and my book. 🤣🤣🤣
in reply to stux⚡

I'm used to hearing about the wrong type of snow on the track. What's this listed as?
in reply to stux⚡

yes, this cat is properly... trained.

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