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in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Yeah so we just confirmed via bleeding edge Windows 11 update that Recall will “accidentally” get (re)enabled during the update.

Roommate: “Yeah Linux Desktop is sounding better and better!”

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Homer Simpson seems...dear lord I hate say this, but maybe a bit too self-aware and competent.

Microsoft seems to be behaving a bit more, ummm....

Questa voce è stata modificata (8 mesi fa)
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

with the well thought out security of Recall, I'm kinda expecting someone breaking the DB with sql injection while writing sql for something unrelated 😀
in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Definitely needs #AltText. Here, let me #Alt4You.

This will take 4 posts (fewer would cause awkward splits).

Homer Simpson on a skateboard careens down a rocky slope towards a ravine, lined with spectators on either side.

The momentum flings him out over the edge. In the air, he is nervous at first, but learns to enjoy the thrill as he sails towards the opposite clifftop.

in reply to Kevin Beaumont

Thank you, this made me laugh uncontrollably. It's just spot on!

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